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Income Tax : IT Dept scrutinizes political donations ₹5L+ for tax fraud. Learn about Section 80GGC/80GGB, penalties, and steps to ensure comp...
Income Tax : Why does tax evasion still thrive despite all the efforts to stop it? And more importantly, what can be done to fix it? This blog ...
Income Tax : Through tax laws on Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs) like cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), India has initiated the pr...
Income Tax : Explore evolution of tax laws from ancient times to the modern era, highlighting key changes, global trends, and challenges shapin...
Income Tax : Received an IT notice on political donations? Understand why, what to do, and avoid penalties. Expert advice to respond effective...
Income Tax : Comprehensive list of 30 banks available at the e-Filing Portal's e-Pay Tax service. Find out the new and migrated banks, along wi...
Income Tax : Learn about advance tax, who needs to pay it, due dates, payment methods, penalties, and exceptions. Understand advance tax instal...
Income Tax : The Institute of Cost Accountants of India seeks inclusion of Cost Accountants in the definition of "Accountant" under Section 515...
Income Tax : Explore the Finance Bill 2025 highlights, including revised tax rates, TDS/TCS amendments, ULIP taxation, and updated rules for sa...
Income Tax : ICMAI addresses the non-inclusion of 'Cost Accountant' in the Income Tax Bill 2025. The Council is engaging with policymakers to e...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune remands the appeal of Mula Parisar Serva Seva Sangh regarding TDS refund claim for 2018-19, citing past precedents....
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai sets aside CIT(E)’s rejection of 80G registration for SKNNSM Society, citing inadequate time for response. Case sen...
Income Tax : ITAT directed AO to verify Factory Premises rental income and compute taxability under section 57, allowing proportionate expense...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court directs NFAC to expedite pending appeals, expressing concern over prolonged delays in taxpayer cases, including a...
Income Tax : Delhi ITAT rules Section 56(2)(viib) of the IT Act does not apply to transactions between holding and subsidiary companies, quashi...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk transaction case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA p...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk CRIU/VRU case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA port...
Income Tax : Learn about suspected benami, undisclosed foreign assets, and TDS compliance cases assigned under Risk Management Strategy via the...
Income Tax : The IT Dept. has flagged high-risk non-filers for AY 2019-22 on the Insight Portal under RMS Cycle 5. Assessing Officers can revie...
Income Tax : Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board receives tax exemption on cess, fees, and interest income under Sectio...
This article deals with section 206AB of The Income Tax Act, 1961 which is going to be effective from 1st July, 2021. The practice of putting some other date instead of first day of the financial year from which the amendment could apply seems to be unexplainable and such provisions coming into effect from such date (not from the first day of financial year) also do not caution the taxpayers clearly in advance on smooth application of the provisions.
Three upcoming provisions of the Income Tax Act, which will come into effect from 1st July 2021, has tremendously increased complexity for all Accountants and Professionals. Where Section 194Q deals with TDS on Sale of Goods, Section 206AB & 206CCA is inserted to penalise the person who was liable but did not file their Income Tax Return.
Issues on New ITD Portal – listed down – members can add other issues in comment section so that all issues can be compiled. 1. DSC not getting registered or updated 2. New Incorporated companies or Firms are not able to register themselves on ITD Portal 3. Forget password option not working 4. IT Returns […]
Form 10BD statement & Certificate of Donation: As we are aware, section 80G of the income tax act,1961 provides for deduction on payment of donations. Until the last financial year there was no way to counter check the accuracy of the donations paid. The income tax department allowed deduction based on the claim made by […]
Mostly we use term profession in association with business and try to find it’s colour from the company it keeps. Most of the times it is not necessary to differentiate business from profession, since most provisions dealing with business and profession are same, but for some purposes distinction has to be established. Section 2(36) says […]
दिनांक 1 जुलाई 2021 से ‘माल’ की खरीद पर एक टीडीएस का नया प्रावधान लागू हो रहा है जिसके तहत माल के क्रेता को अपने विक्रेता से माल की खरीद पर एक निश्चित प्रतिशत से टीडीएस की कटौती करनी है. आपको याद होगा कि पिछले वर्ष माल की बिक्री पर टीसीएस के प्रावधान धारा 206(C)(1H) के द्वारा आये थे और 194 Q के टीडीएस के प्रावधान इन्ही टीसीएस के प्रावधानों से बहुत कुछ मिलते जुलते भी हैं.
TDS on Specified Persons under section 206AB of Income Tax Act, 1961 Section 206AB of the Income Tax Act is recently introduced vide the Finance Act, 2021. Section 206AB mandates the person to deduct TDS on ‘Specified person’. And it’s applicable from 01.07.2021. Provision of Section 206AB of the Income Tax Act– The person paying any sum to the specified […]
Revenue has to give due regard to the orders of the higher appellate authorities which are binding on them Utmost regard should be paid by the adjudicating authorities and the appellate authorities to the requirements of judicial discipline and the need for giving effect to the orders of the higher appellate authorities which are binding […]
The Budget 2020 introduces a new regime under section 115BAC giving an option to individuals and HUFs to pay income tax at lower rates. From FY 2020-21, the assessee can choose to pay income tax under an optional new tax regime. The new tax regime is available for individuals and HUFs with lower tax rates […]
1. Introduction This amendment/insertion is sure to set the cat among the pigeons! I attempt some new insights . IN order to really understand a tax amendment,I firmly believe that the associated memorandum must be looked into.I proceed to recap relevant parts thereof. 2. Memorandum: Memorandum to the Finance Bill 2021, explaining new re assessment […]