Notification: S.O.3084
Section(s) Referred: 35 ,35(2A)
Date of Issue: 13/7/1978
It is hereby notified for general information that the following scientific research programme has been approved for the period specified below for the purposes of sub-section (2A) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, by the Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi :—
Name of the Scientific Research Programme ” Strockes in Young ” — a clinico pathological, bio- chemical, radiological Study.
To be undertaken by : Sir Hurkishondas Nurrotamdas Hospital Medical Research Society, Bombay.
Duration of project : 3 years from 2nd May, 1978.
Estimated Expenditure : Rs. 7,33,000 (Rs. Seven lakhs thirty-three thousands only).
The approval for the above project will be subject to the following conditions :—
(1) That the institution will maintain a separate account of the amounts received and expenditure incurred for this research project as distinct from the other expenditure of Sir Hurkishondas Nurrotamdas Hospital Medical Research Society, Bombay.
(2) That the institution will furnish annual returns of this scientific research project to the Council for each financial year by 15th May each year the latest in such form as may be laid down and intimated to them for this purpose.
This notification will be effective for a period of 3 years from 2nd May, 1978.
[No. 2401/F. No. 203/42/78–ITA–III