F. No. 1-2/2014-15 Reminders/Inspection/2016-17
Dated: 16.01.2017
All The Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA)
Sub:- Large Pendency of Inspection Reports due in the Directorate of Income Tax (IT) – reg.
In accordance with CBDT’s Instruction 16 of 2008, inspections have to be carried out in various charges and inspection Reports sent to the Directorate of Income Tax (IT) by the stipulated date.
2. Status of Inspection Reports due in the Directorate of Income Tax (IT) was recently reviewed. It was observed that the prescribed number of Inspections are not being carried out by the field authorities. This is borne out by the fact that as against 2349 Reports of the Inspections to be carried out during 2015-16 for the work done in 2014-15 that were due to be sent to the Directorate of IT by 15.04.2016, only 599 reports were received till 10.01.2017. While, apart from Kochi (62.3%); Ahmadabad (58.9%); and Guwahati (57.4%) regions, no other region has even sent 50% of the reports due, the performance of Bhubaneswar (0%); Mumbai (10.3%); Bengaluru (10.5%); Chandigarh (12.8%); Delhi (12.9%) and Nagpur (13.1%)has been the worst.
3. Further, only 131 reports have been received for the Inspections done during 2016-17 even though the instructions provide that Inspection of one office should be carried out in every quarter and three quarters already having elapsed, 1763 Reports are due for the Inspections done during this fiscal.
4. Pr CCIT charge wise details of Inspection Reports due and received for the Inspections done in 2015-16 and 2016-17 is enclosed as Annex I and II.
5. The existing large pendency of Inspection Reports poses a serious concern to the efficacy and efficiency of the entire process of inspection. This area of work has remained neglected despite a series of reminders (including one by this office on 7.11.2016) already having been issued in the past. It is reiterated that that inspections are an important part of preventive vigilance and periodical inspections of the work of a subordinate can give timely alerts about any wrong doing by officers. All the Pr CCsIT are accordingly requested to give this area of work their immediate and personal attention and ensure that the concerned officers in their respective regions send all the pending inspection reports without any further delay to the Directorate of Income Tax (IT). The regions of Bhubaneswar; Mumbai; Bengaluru; Chandigarh; Delhi and Nagpur, whose performance in this regard is the lowest particularly need to take concerted action to ensure that all the pendency is ameliorated immediately.
(Rajendra Kumar)
Member (IT)
Enclosed: As above.
i. Chairman, CBDT- For kind information.
ii. Members, CBDT – With the request that steps may be initiated to ensure that the pendency in their respective zones is removed immediately.
Annex I
Latest position of Inspection Reports received from different CCIT’s Region.
S. No. |
CCIT Charge | Inspection Reports Due |
Inspection Reports Received |
% of Inspection Reports
Received |
1 | Ahmedabad | 209 | 123 | 58.85 |
2 | Bangaluru | 124 | 13 | 10.48 |
3 | Bhopal | 91 | 40 | 43.95 |
4 | Bhubaneswar | 31 | 0 | 0 |
5 | Chandigarh | 180 | 23 | 12.77 |
6 | Chennai | 195 | 34 | 17.43 |
7 | Delhi | 194 | 25 | 12.88 |
8 | Guwahati | 47 | 27 | 57.44 |
9 | Hyderabad | 120 | 45 | 37.05 |
10 | Jaipur | 103 | 37 | 35.92 |
11 | Kanpur | 102 | 23 | 22.54 |
12 | Kochi | 61 | 38 | 62.29 |
13 | Kolkata | 257 | 45 | 17.05 |
14 | Lucknow | 77 | 26 | 33.76 |
15 | Mumbai | 300 | 31 | 10.33 |
16 | Nagpur | 38 | 5 | 13.15 |
17 | Patna | 81 | 19 | 23.45 |
18 | Pune | 139 | 45 | 32.37 |
Total | 2349 | 599 |
Annex II
Latest position of Inspection Reports received from different CCIT’s Region F.Y. 2015-16
S. No. |
CCIT Charge | Inspection Reports Due |
Inspection Reports Received |
% of Inspection Reports
Received |
1 | Ahmedabad | 209 | 37 | 17.70 |
2 | Bangaluru | 124 | 0 | 0 |
3 | Bhopal | 91 | 3 | 3.29 |
4 | Bhubaneswar | 31 | 0 | 0 |
5 | Chandigarh | 180 | 3 | 1.66 |
6 | Chennai | 195 | 16 | 8.20 |
7 | Pelhi | 194 | 5 | 2.57 |
8 | Guwahati | 47 | 0 | 0 |
9 | Hyderabad | 120 | 4 | 3.33 |
10 | Jaipur | 103 | 2 | 1.94 |
11 | Kanpur | 102 | 7 | 6.86 |
12 | Kochi | 61 | 0 | 0 |
13 | Knikata | 257 | 26 | 10.11 |
14 | Luck now | 77 | 5 | 6.49 |
15 | Murnbai | 300 | 0 | 0 |
16 | Nagpur | 38 | 0 | 0 |
17 | Patna | 81 | 18 | 22.22 |
18 | Pune | 139 | 5 | 3.59 |
Total | 2349 | 131 |