Navin Agicha
Many time people faced difficulties while e-verifying their income tax returns. We all need to keep in mind that, E-verification of return place very crucial role in Return filing process because how valid your return is or validity of your Income tax return, etc everything will be possible only if your return is E-verified within prescribe time i.e. 120 days from date of return filing. Now how to do that is the concern which I will address today through my article.
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How to E-verify Income Tax Return filed online?
It can be verified using Electronic Verification Code or Aadhaar OTP or DSC. The details are as under:
Option 1: Electronic verification code
Electronic verification code can be generated using the following options.
- Login to e-Filing through NetBanking:
Option of Login to eFiling portal is also available through net banking platform of various banks in India. Taxpayer having accounts with those banks (with their PAN attached with the bank account and the PAN is registered in eFiling portal) can login to eFiling portal through their Net banking (Please verify the link to eFiling option in net banking platform with the respective banks). After login to eFiling portal through net banking, Taxpayer can submit any of the listed items and it will be automatically e-Verified, (EVC will be generated and attached to the item automatically). Currently this option is available for specific banks
- Pre-validated Bank Account
Taxpayer can generate an EVC using Pre-validated bank account details and the EVC can be used for e-Verifcation. Taxpayer must have linked their bank account with eFiling account. Option to link the same is available under Profile Settings ⇒ Prevalidate Bank Account after login to eFiling portal. Currently this option is available for specific banks – Currently this option is available for specific banks
- Pre-validated Demat Account Details
Taxpayer can generate an EVC using Pre-validated DEMAT account details and the EVC can be used for e-Verifcation. Taxpayer must have linked their DEMAT account with eFiling account. Option to link the same is available under Profile Settings ⇒ Prevalidate DEMAT Account after login to eFiling portal. National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd (CDSL) provided the option to pre-validate the Demat account
- EVC through Bank ATM
Taxpayer can generate an EVC through ATM and the EVC can be used to verify the listed items. “PIN FOR INCOME TAX FILING” option can be used in the ATM to generate the EVC. Taxpayer must have linked their PAN with the respective bank account and the PAN should be registered with eFiling for the same. Upon using the option, Taxpayer will get the EVC on the registered mobile number (Primary mobile number registered with specific Bank). EVC generated using this option is valid for 72 Hours. – Currently this option is available for specific banks. Taxpayer can also generate EVC using Netbanking Login or Pre-validated Bank Account or Pre-validated DEMAT account under My Account ⇒ Generate EVC option after login to eFiling portal and it is valid for 72 Hours from the time of generation of the code.
Option 2: Aadhaar OTP
To generate an EVC through Aadhaar is done in two stages.
- Firstly, the taxpayer has to link PAN with Aadhaar through the e-filing portal. The taxpayer’s PAN credentials such as Name, Date of Birth and Gender will be matched with the Aadhaar credentials. On matching, the PAN will be linked to Aadhaar.
- Secondly, taxpayer has to opt for Aadhaar EVC. A One Time Password (OTP) will be generated by the Aadhaar authorities and sent to the Aadhaar registered mobile of the taxpayer. Using this OTP, the taxpayer would be able to verify the uploaded return.
Option 3: Digital Signature Certificate
Perform the following steps to register the DSC to generate a signature file in e-Filing:
Steps | Particulars |
Step 1 | Logon to ‘e-Filing’ Portal |
Step 2 | Go to the ‘Profile Setting’ menu located at the upper-right side of the page ⇒ Click ‘Register Digital Signature Certificate’ ⇒ Click ‘Click here to download the DSC Utility’ |
Step 3 | Extract the downloaded DSC Utility ⇒ Open the Executable Jar File (DSC Utility) ⇒ Read the instructions carefully. |
Step 4 | In the DSC Management Utility, go to ‘Register/Reset Password using DSC’ tab ⇒ Enter ‘Enter e-Filing User ID*’, ‘Enter PAN of the DSC*’ ⇒ Select the type of ‘Digital Signature Certificate’ (DSC) |
Step 5 | DSC using .pfx file:
DSC using USB token:
(Author can be reached at
Click here to Read Other Article of Navin Agicha
(Republished with Amendments by Team Taxguru)
under which section / rule it is stated 120 days for e verification of return
i have uploaded the return and selected option 3 i.e. everify through aadhar(i already linked aadhar with PAN) but when i tried to generate OTP a mail came to me from ITD quoting that no mobile number has been registered in UIDAI (Aadhar). Now how can i verify my return as it is not showing the 4th option now i.e. by speed post mode.???? As i have refund so only EVC through net banking option is available & not by mobile no. & email id. What can i do now?
I had uploaded the return. Showing staus as. Return uploaded and pending for itr v / everification
I have the ITR form submitted on the IT Department website , when I check the status of my ITR form it shows “Return Uploaded” , but I dont get the e-verify link. Kindly help now how can I e-verify my ITR
I have accounts in 2 different banks – one salary a/c in ICICI and another savings a/c in IDBI bank. I have registered with IT dept. the IDBI savings bank account. Somehow my login credentials with IDBI are locked and wont be generated before 31st August which is last date for tax filing.
I have two questions-
1. Can I use the other salary account ICICI bank net banking login to e-verify my tax return ? OR does it have to be the IDBI bank that have registered with IT dept. ?
2. Is e-verification’s last date same as e-filing date of 31st August ? Do I have an option to e-verify only before 31st August 2015 or can I do that later as well ?
Thanks and looking forward to get inputs.
I have aadhar and I have uploaded but aadhar link and IT link not metched then what to do ?
2ndly i have tried to generate EVC through net banking there is a problem & the message displays that “you are not authorised to view this page because either your bank details or your PAN & profile details are incorrect or these details have not been passed onto e-filling. please contact the owner of the information for details. ” what can I do ? Who is the owner of the infomation?
Option 2 differes in most of the cases. Many times in option 2 only one choice is given “to verify thriugh net banking” only and “verify throygh registered mobile & registered email id is missing”. Is there any specific reason for this??
There are only 3 options shown in the efiling site. The second one is not there . How to generate OTP.
I have aadhar and I have uploaded but aadhar link and IT link not metched then what to do ?
e- varification of itr is not working in the case of refund and we believe that this should be done through net banking only. Kindly clarify that because out of 3 mathods addhar otp may not work as the name differs in most of the cases and another after evc generation also the msg comes that complete this through net banking only.
Sir For Refund taxpayers evc generation is possible through mobile or e-mail id
Does e-verification relevant only for returns below Rs.5 lakhs and no refund?