What is PAN?
PAN stands for Permanent Account Number. It is a unique 10 digit alphanumeric number, the first five being alphabets followed by four numbers and ending with one alphabet allotted by the Income Tax Department of India.
Know your 10 Digit PAN Card Number Details
The first three letters of the ten-digit are random alphabetic series running from AAA to ZZZ; the fourth letter represents the category under which the taxpayer is categorized. For instance, the letter P is allocated to individual taxpayers, F to firms, C to companies, and H to HUF. Further, the fifth letter is the first letter of the applicant’s surname. Then sixth to ninth letters are the sequential numbers from 0001 to 9999 and the last letter is the check digit.
Documents Required for PAN Card
For individuals and HUF (Being Citizens of India):-
1. Address Proof
2. Identity Proof
3. Date of Birth Proof
For individuals and HUF (Not being a citizen of India):-
1. Address Proof
2. Identity Proof
For Company, Partnership firm, LLP, Trust, AOP, BOI, Local authority or Artificial Judicial Person:
1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Registration as issued by the appropriate authority.
2. Identity and Address proof of applicant.
How to apply PAN online using DSC?
The application for PAN has to be filed in form 49A. It can be filed online with DSC by following the below-mentioned steps:
1. Visit https://www.pan.utiitsl.com/PAN/newA.html.
2. Click on ‘Apply for new PAN card (Form 49A)’.
3. The Applicant will be redirected to Form 49A.
4. Select ‘Digital Mode’ of application. By selecting such an option, the applicant is not required to submit any physical copy and the form will be signed using Aadhaar based e-sign or DSC mode.
5. Then select ‘DSC Mode’ through which the application would be signed using Class II/ Class III DSC.
6. Choose the appropriate category from the drop-down menu by clicking on ‘Select Status of Application’.
7. Choose the appropriate option for PAN Card mode.
8. If both physical PAN card (dispatched on the applicant’s communication address) and e-PAN are required then select on ‘Both physical PAN Card and e-PAN’ option. Or, if only e-PAN is required (received on applicant’s email id) then select on ‘e-PAN only, no physical PAN card will be dispatched’.
9. After selecting the required PAN mode, click on ‘Submit’.
10. A 12-digit reference number would be generated that may be used for future reference till the application number is generated.
11. Form 49A would be displayed which is divided into 6 parts.
12. Fill out the requisite and mandatory details.
13. Verify the application by selecting the capacity and mention the name and place whose DSC would be attached.
14. While entering the name for verification of application please note to mention the name exactly as reflecting on the DSC and in the same format. If on DSC name appears in the format of ‘Last name, First name, Middle Name’ then enter the name exactly in the same format in the PAN application.
For example, if the applicant’s name is Raj (first name) Kumar (middle name) Sharma (last name) and the name that appears while affixing DSC is Sharma (last name) Raj (first name) Kumar (middle name), then in the PAN application the name at the time of verification should be mentioned as Sharma Raj Kumar.
15. Upload the required documents in the last part and submit the application.
16. After submitting, a 10-digit Application No./Coupon No. would be generated which may be used for future references.
17. Click on ‘Make Payment’ and pay the required fees.
18. On successful payment of fees, PAN application acknowledgment receipt would be generated.
19. Click on ‘Download the PAN form for DSC’.
20. Affix the applicant’s DSC on the form and then upload the signed PAN form.
21. After uploading the signed form, a message would be displayed ‘Success:Signedcopyuploaded’.
22. The applicant can download or print the signed form for his reference.
23. While filing the details if the PAN application is left incomplete in between then the same can be regenerated by clicking on https://www.myutiitsl.com/panonline_ipg/forms/pan.html/reGeneration.
Enter the Application No. or Reference No. (generated in point no. 10), D.O.B., and captcha, and then click on submit to regenerate the PAN application form.
24. To track the status of the PAN card applied click on https://www.trackpan.utiitsl.com/PANONLINE/#forward.
Enter the Application/Coupon No. and captcha and then click on submit to track the status of PAN card applied.
please help me out, I am always getting this error
Error :: Digital Signature Certificate name is not matching with applicant name
» Please upload correct signed file
I tried everything but cant find a solution.
Make sure you mention the name in the field authorised signatory in application in the same order as mentioned in DSC. For example, if in DSC name is mentioned in the order: last name first name middle name, then in application also mention the name accordingly in the same order. If suppose name is Sharma Ram Kumar in DSC then mention the name in the same order that is, Sharma Ram Kumar in authorised signatory.
Can we create a digital signature by ourself on Adobe Reader, or, we are required to purchase one from any authorised website (like E-mudra) ??
You are required to have a valid DSC in USB token purchased from the website.
After downloadins the PAN form for DSC, I am unable to affix the DSC. How to affix the DSC. Please guide
Dear Sir
I applied pan card DSC mode but i don’t know how to affix DSC on downloded pan form and how to uploiad pls. explain with images
1. Open your document in Adobe Acrobat.
2. Click the Tools tab and scroll down to the Forms and Certificates section. Select Open from the Certificates dropdown menu.
3. Click on Digitally Sign from the new options bar.
4. Select the digital signature you want to use and click Continue. If you have not yet added a digital signature certificate to Adobe Acrobat, select Configure New Digital ID and follow the on-screen prompts.
5. Configure the appearance of the signature and select Sign.
6. Sign on the bottom right corner of the application in the space provided.
The above article covers the PAN application in form 49A.
While applying for form 49AA, after confirming the application the form is to be submitted online using DSC and no such form is required to be uploaded.
DSC based PAN pan application total time waste. Even though DSC based they will ask all physical documents.
If DSC based PAN application is applied from the website of UTIITSL (or by visiting the link https://www.pan.utiitsl.com/PAN/newA.html), then no physical documents are required to be submitted.
Where to upload the signed the form in point no 20?
I was applying for form 49AA
The above article covers the PAN application in form 49A.
While applying for form 49AA, after confirming the application the form is to be submitted online using DSC and no such form is required to be uploaded.
Where to upload that signed form. Nor getting Pop Up to sign within website nor getting option to upload document. “Click for Signing PAN Form” link is not working