Facing issue regarding ITC details in GSTR 9 – Practical Question with Worksheet of Calculation
Due Date for filing GSTR-9 i.e. 30/06/2019 is approaching very soon. There is lot of confusion in the minds of Taxpayers & Tax Professionals about the following
1. Presentation of ITC in GSTR 9
2. Manner of utilisation of unclaimed ITC in GSTR 3B,
3. Mismatch of ITC as per books & GSTR 3B,
4. Not reporting of ITC in GSTR 2A,
5. Reporting of IGST as CGST – SGST in GSTR 3B,
6. Non Reporting of ITC in GSTR 3B as well as in GSTR 2A
7. Ineligible ITC in GSTR 2A
8. Wrong Reporting of ITC in GSTR 2A by vendor
9. Someone wrongly given our GSTN in invoice as per GSTR 2A
10. Unavailed ITC to be lapsed
11. ITC of FY 2017-18 , but taken in GSTR 3B of FY 2018-19
Most of these queries & similar confusions have analysed & practical Question – Solution oriented Worksheet have prepared. We have tried to cover all the possible issues being faced related to ITC & how the same need to be reported in GSTR 9. Viewer may download Practical Worksheet and take the benefit of the same. If still face the related issues, author may be contacted at casagargambhir@gmail.com