Case Law Details
Case Name : Sh. Santha Sivaram Vs Virgo Properties Pvt. Ltd. (National Anti-Profiteering Authority)
Related Assessment Year :
Courts :
National Anti-Profiteering Authority
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Sh. Santha Sivaram Vs Virgo Properties Pvt. Ltd. (National Anti-Profiteering Authority)
We have carefully considered all the submissions filed by the Applicant No. 1, the Respondent and the other material placed on record and find that the Applicant No. 1, vide his complaint dated 05.04.2018 had alleged that the Respondent was not passing on the benefit of ITC to him in spite of the fact that he was availing ITC on the purchase of the inputs at higher rates of GST which had resulted in benefit of additional ITC to him and wa
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