Circular No. 352/68/97-Central Excise
dated 11/11/97
F.No. 260/75/97-CX-8
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs, New Delhi
Subject: Issue of Pre-authenticated CT-3 form to EOUs by Central Excise Authorities – regarding.
Your attention is invited to Board”s Circular No. 24/91-CX-8 dated 1st July, 1991 which prescribes issuance of pre-authenticated CT-3 form booklet to 100% EOU”s for obtaining raw material free of duty as and when required without seeking permission from the Central Excise Authorities every time. It has been brought to the notice of the Board in spite of these instructions the facility of pre-authenticated CT-3 forms is generally denied to the EOU”s.
I am directed to reiterate the aforesaid instructions of the Board as well as request you to ensure that the said instructions are implemented in letter and spirit in your jurisdiction. It may also be ensured that cases of unnecessary delay and harassment in issuance of this booklet should be strictly dealt with.