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POLICY CIRCULAR NO. 26 (RE-2003)/2002-2007

Dated: 9.2.2004


All Licensing Authorities

All Commissioners of Customs

Subject : Reference is invited to the Department of Commerce Notification No. 34 dated 9th February , 2004 regarding import of vehicles, the list of International accredited agencies for issuance of Type Approval Certificate / COP is given below :

S. No. ECE Symbol Country

Test Agency

1. E1 Germany Kraftahrt-Bundesamt

D-24932 Flensburg

Tel: (+ 49.461 )316-0

Fax: (+49.461)316-1650


2. E2 France Ministere de I’equipement, des transports et du tourisme

Direction de la Securite et de la Cirulation routiere

Sous-Direction de la Regiementation technique des vehicules

L’Arche de la defense, Paroi Sud

F-92055 Paris La Defense Cadex 04


3. E3 Italy Ministero dei Transporti e della Navigazione

Departimento dei Transporti Terrestri

Unita di Gestione Motorizzazione e Sicurezza

dei Transporti Terrestri

Tel: (+39.06)41581


4. E4 Netherlands RDW Centrum voor voertuigtechniek

en informatie

Europaweg 205


Postbus 777

NL-2700 AT Zoetermeer

Tel: (+31.79)3458100

Fax: (+31.79)3458021


5. E5 Sweden Vagverket

(Swedish National Road Administration )

Vehicle Standards Division

S-781 87 Borlange

Tel: (+46.243)75000

Fax: (+46.243)75089


6. E6 Belgium Service public federal (SPF)

Mobilite et transports

Service circulation routiere-Direction technique

Residence Place, Bloc C, 5eme etage

Rue de la Loi, 155

B-1040 Bruxelles

Tel: (+32.2)287 31 11

Fax: (+32.2) 287 44 80


7. E7 Hungary Kozelekedesi Fofelugyelet

(General Inspectorate of Transport )

VI. Terez Korut 38

H-1066 Budapest

Tel: (+36.1) 210 1770

Fax: (+36.1) 2101788


8. E8 Czech Republic Ministerstvo dopravy Ceske republiky

(Ministry of Transport of the Czech Repubic)

Nabrezi Ludvika Svobody 12

CZ-110 51 Prague 1

Tel: (+420)251 431 111

Fax: (+420)266 097 259


Homepage: http//www.mdcr.cz


9. E9 Spain Subdireccion General de Calldad y Seguridad Industrial Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia

Paseo de la Castellana, 180

E-28071 Madrid

Tel: (+34.91) 349 4135

Fax: (34.91) 349-4300


10. E10 Yugoslavia Federal Administration for Standardization

(Savezni zavod za Standardizaciju)

Kneza Milosa 20/1

YU-11 000 Beograd


11. E11 United Kingdom Vehicle Certification Agency

1 Eastgate Office Centre,

Eastgate Road


BS5 6 XX United Kingdom

Tel: (+44.117) 952 4110

Fax: (+44.117) 952 4163


12. E12 Austria Bundesministerrium fur Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie

Radetzkystrasse 2

A-1031 Vienna


13. E13 Luxembourg (a) Ministere des transports

19-21 Boulevard Royal

L-2910 Luxembourg

(b) Societe nationale de certification et

d’homologation (SNCH) s.a.r.l.

11, route de Luxembourg

L-5230 Sandweiler


14. E14 Switzerland Office federal des routes

Division ciurculation routiere

Homologation des vehicules

(Section of vehicle homologation)

CH-3003 Berne


15. E16 Norway Vegdirektoratet

Trafikant-og kjÆretÆyavelingen

Postboks 8142, Dep.

N-0033 Oslo


16. E17 Finland Ajoneuvohallintokeskus

(Vehicle Administration Centre )

P.O. Box 120

FIN-00101 Helisinki

Visiting address:

Fabianinkatu 32

Tel: (+358)96185 3515

Fax: (+358) 961853600




17. E18 Denmark Road Safety and Transport Agency

Type Approval

Adelgade 13

P.O.Box 9039

DK-1304 Copenhagen K

Tel: (+45.33) 929-100

Fax: (+45.33) 932-292


18. E19 Romania Ministerul Transporturilor

Deictia generala a Transporturilor Rutiere

Directia Reglementation

(Division Reglementation)

Bd.Dinicu Golescu nr.38

RO-77113 Bucuresti

Tel: (+40.1)3139954

Fax: (+40.1) 3139954


19 E20 Poland Ministerstwo Infrastruktury

(Ministry of Infrastructure)

ul. Chalubinskiego 4/6

Pl-00-928 Warszawa


20. E21 Portugal Direccao Geral de Viacao


Avenida da Republica,No.16

P-1050 Lisboa

Tel: (+351.1) 3122-100

Fax: (+351.1) 3555-097


21 E22 Russian Federation Komitet Rossijskoj Federatsii po standartizatsii, metrologii i sertifikatsii ( Gossstandart Rossil )

( Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification)

Leninsky prospekt 9

RUS-117049 Moscow


22. E23 Greece Ministry of Transport and Communications

General Directorate for Transport

Vehicles Technology Directorate

2, Anasstasseos & Tsigante Street

P.C. 101 91

Athens ,Greece

Tel :(+30.1) 650 8440

Fax: (+30.1) 650 8425




23 E25 Croatia State Office for Standardization

And Metrology (DZNM)

Unlca grade Vukovara 78

HR-41000 Zagreb


Fax:(385.41) 536-688


24. E26 Slovenia Ministrstvo za promet-Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste

(Ministry of Transport-Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Roads )

Vehicle Department

Trzaska 19

SLO- 1535 Ljubljana

Tel: (+386.1) 478-8432

Fax: (+386.1) 478-8417


25. E27 Slovakia The Ministry of Transport,

Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic

Nam. Slobody 6

SK-810 05 Bratislava

Tel : (+421.2 ) 594 94111

Fax : (+421.2) 594 94794


26. E28 Belarus Committee on Standardization Methodology and Certification


Starovilenskii Trakt 93

SU 22053 Minsk


27. E29 Estonia Estonian National Motor Vehicle Registration Centre

19 Maepealse Street

EE 12618 Tallinn

Tel : (37.2) 6201-200

Fax: (37.2) 6397-606


28. E31 Bosnia and Herzegovina Institute for Standardization, Metrology and Patents of Bosnia and Herzegovina

( Zavod za standardizaciju, meritelstvo

I patente Bosne i Hercegovine )

Hamdije Cemerlica 2 ( Energoinvest bldg. )

BIH-71000 Sarajevo

Tel: (+ 387.33) 652 765, 652 781 818

Fax: (+ 387.33) 652 757


29. E32 Latvia Road Traffic Safety Directorate

25, Miera Str,

LV-1001 Riga

Tel: (+371) 702-5750

Fax: ( 371) 782-8301


30. E36 Lithuania (A)State Road Transport Inspectorate

Str. Svitrigailos 42/31

LT-2600 Vilnius

Tel: (+370.5)278-5602

Fax: (+370.5) 213-2270

E-mail: vkti@vkti.lt


31. E37 Turkey Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanligi

Sanayi Genel Mudurlugu

Eskisehir Yolu 7.km.

06520 TR-Ankara

Tel : (+90.312) 285-3223

Fax : (+90.312) 285-3144


32. E40 F.Y.R. of Macedonia Service of Standardization and Metology

(Ministry of Economy)

Samoilova 10

1000 Skopje

Tel : (+389.2) 298-115


33. E43 Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

2-1-3,Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku

Tokyo 100-8918 Japan

Tel: (+81-3) 5253-8591

Fax : (+81-3 ) 5253-1639


34. E46 Ukraine a) Ministry of Transport

Schors Str., 7/9

UA-03680, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tel : ( +380.44) 269-3543

Fax : (+380.44 ) 268-1041


State Road Transport Research Institute

( Executive Body of the Ministry of Transport)

Peremohy Ave., 57

UA-03113, kyiv, Ukraine

Tel : (+ 380.44) 455-6778

Fax : (+ 380.44 ) 455-6791”


This issues with the approval of the DGFT.

(Dr.Pratima Dikshit)

Joint Director General of Foreign Trade


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