Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Dated: 15.11.2017
TRADE NOTICE No: 20 (2015-2020)
1. All RA’s of DGFT
2. All Customs and Commissionarates
3. Members of Trade
Subject: Import of raw sugar under TRQ at 25% customs duty
Reference is invited to the Notification No. 27/2015-2020 dated 7.9.2017 and subsequent Minutes of the meeting held on 13.9.2017, 26.9.2017 and 3.1 0.2017 on the subject mentioned above. The Customs vide Notification No. 74/2017-Customs dated 7.9.2017 had in their notification noted that import of raw sugar under this scheme was to be completed within 60 days from the date of issue of TRQ allocation certificate or the license by DGFT to the importer.
2. It is brought to the notice of the trade that 60 days under this Notification comes into effect either from the date of original license in case the same has not been amended or the date of the amended license subsequent to the allocation of additional quantity in pursuance of the minutes of the meeting dated 26.9.2017 and 3.10.2017.
(S.P. Roy)
Joint Director of Foreign Trade