DGFT introduced online facility for exporters to request appointments for virtual meetings or personal hearings. This initiative aims to provide proactive support and assistance to exporters and enhance trade facilitation. Exporters can apply for the virtual meeting facility through the DGFT website, and the concerned officers at DGFT Regional Authorities will provide suitable timings and virtual hearing links through the online platform. Detailed guidance and help manuals are available on the DGFT website for reference.
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Vanijya Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice No. 06/2023-24 Dated: 31.05.2023
1. All Exporters/Members of Trade
2. DGFT Regional Authorities
3. Export Promotion Councils/ Commodity Boards
Sub: Introduction of Online facility of requesting appointment for virtual meeting/personal hearing to the exporters from offices of DGFT w.e.f. 01.06.2023 -reg.
With the objective of Trade Facilitation and to extend proactive hand-holding and support to the exporting community, it is informed that an online facility of requesting appointment for virtual meeting/personal hearing to the exporters is being introduced w.e.f. 01.06.2023.
2. The exporters through this facility will be able to request for online personal hearing and the concerned officers at Regional Authorities (RAs) of DGFT shall provide suitable time as well as link for the virtual hearing through the online facility.
3. The exporters may apply for VC facility for their online hearing on the DGFT website, on which support is required, using the following steps –
- Navigate to the DGFT Website (https://dgft.gov.in) -> Services — > Request for video
4. Exporting Community may also refer to the Help manuals for suitable guidance on the DGFT Website ->Learn ->Application Help &FAQs’.
5. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Deepak Jhalani)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
Email: ddg1egov-dgft@gov.in
(Issued from File No. 01/02/08/AM24/EG&TF)