Instruction No. 05/2023-Customs
F.No. 401/66/2022-Cus-Ill
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs)
Room No. 229 A, North Block
New Delhi, dated the 8th February, 2023
All Principal Chief Commissioner/ Chief Commissioner of Customs/ Customs
(Preventive)/ Customs & Central Tax
All Principal Chief Commissioner of Customs/ Customs (Preventive)
Pr. Director /Director Generals under CBIC
Subject: Import of High risk food products at specific ports – reg.
Reference is drawn to Board’s Instruction No. 31/2022 dated 14.11.2022 relating to the restriction on the entry of Food Items only through specific ports, based on a reference from FSSAI order dated 17.10.2022 w.e.f.01.02.2023.
2. Further, FSSAI vide order dated 11.01.2023 and subsequent clarification (copy enclosed), has modified above said order to permit the import of below specified high-risk products only through designated 79 ports as per attached annexure (copy attached) and to implement the same from 1st March, 2023. The list of such high-risk food products is as specified below:-
(i) Milk and Milk Products;
(ii) Egg powder.
(iii) Meat and Meat Products including Poultry, Fish and their products.
(iv) Food for Infant nutrition / Infant Foods.
(v) Health supplements, Food for Dietary uses. Probiotic and prebiotic foods. Foods for Special Medical Purpose.
3. The Board Instruction No. 31/2022 dated 14.11.2022 is modified to the above extent. It is requested to sensitize the officers and trade under your jurisdiction on the above orders of FSSAI by way of issue of suitable public notice/ standing order. Advance arrangements should be made for seamless implementation of the modified orders of FSSAI.
4. The difficulties, if any, in the implementation of this Instruction may be brought to the notice of the Board.
5. Hindi version follows.
Encl: as above
Your faithfully,
(Manish Kumar Choudhary)
Tele: 011 23094012
F. No : TIC-B05/5/2022-IMPORTS-FSSAI
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(A Statutory Authority established under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006)
(Trade and International Cooperation Division-TICD)
FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi— 110002
Dated … January, 2023
Sub: Import of High risk food products at specific ports-reg
Reference is drawn to the FSSAI order dated 17th October, 2022 regarding invitation of comments/suggestions from stakeholders on entry of food items under specific ports. Considering the comments from stakeholders in order to envisage a robust import control system in India and ensuring efficient monitoring and traceability of High risk products, it has been decided and approved by the Food Authority that import of these products as specified below shall be permitted through designated ports as per the enclosed list and not through any other port/channel:
i. Milk and Milk products,
ii. Egg powder,
iii. Meat and Meat products including poultry, fish and their products,
iv. Foods for Infant nutrition/ Infant Foods,
v. Nutraceuticals, Health supplements, Foods for Dietary uses, Probiotic and prebiotic foods, Foods for Special Medical Purposes,
This shall be effective from 01st ….., 2023
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority
(Dr. Amit Sharma)
Director (TICD)
Encl: List of ports