Circular No. 03/2013-Customs, Dated: January 1, 2013
Subject: Installation of Close Circuit Television Systems (CCTV) – regarding
Attention is invited to para 5(1)(i)(n) of the ‘Handling of Cargo in Customs Areas Regulations, 2009’ which stipulates that Customs Cargo Service Provider (CCSP) or the applicant shall provide security and access control to prohibit unauthorised access to the premises.
2. Security of imported and export goods in Customs area is of utmost importance and any unauthorised access / entry should be prohibited at any cost. One methodology is to use video Cameras and CCTVs Systems. CVC has also emphasised the utility of video cameras and CCTVs Systems from the view point of preventive vigilance. It has however been noticed that Video Cameras and CCTVs Systems are not installed by many custodians / CCSPs.
3. Accordingly, Board has decided that Commissioner of Customs, at the time of notification/Order under Section 8 of the Customs Act, 1962 for specifying Customs area for loading and unloading of imported or export goods and appointment of Custodian under Section 45 of the Customs Act, 1962, should ensure that video cameras and CCTVs Systems are installed in the Customs Area for security and to prohibit unauhtorised access to the premises. The video footage should be available to Customs, which shall regularly monitor the same. This should be ensured by the Custodians / CCSPs within one month of issue of the Circular.
4. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all the concerned immediately through appropriate public notice / Standing Orders.
S C Ganger
US (Customs III)