Circular No. 102/2003-CUS.
8th December, 2003
(Amendment to Circular No.12/2003 dated 25.2.2003)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Subject : Attempt to avail drawback by fictitious/non-existent companies-regarding.
Kind attention is invited to Department of Revenue Circular No.12/2003, dated 25th February, 2003 under which names of various fictitious/non-existent companies reported by Commissioner of Customs(Preventive), New Delhi were circulated reporting that these companies were trying to avail duty drawback by showing export. Names of 27 companies which had come to adverse notice of Commissioner of Customs( Preventive), New Delhi had also been enclosed with the circular.
2. Commissioner of Customs (Preventive), New Delhi has now reported that the exporter namely M/s. Gama Exims mentioned at S.No.26 of the said list is genuine. The name of “M/s. Gama Exims , 51, Banshi Pura , S.K. Road, Meerut (UP)” may therefore be deleted from the said list.
3. This fact may be brought to the notice of Customs field officers under your charge.
4. Receipt of this circular may kindly be acknowledged.
R.K . Talajia
Officer on Special Duty (Drawback)