Madras High Court dismisses ABT Ltd.’s writ petition, affirming GST audit’s role in detecting tax discrepancies under CGST Act, emphasizing legal compliance.
Madras High Court settles dispute over auctioned property rights, directing bank to relinquish claims after dues settlement.
Read the detailed analysis of CPF (India) Private Limited Vs ACIT case where Madras High Court annulled assessment proceedings due to violation of Sec 144B procedure.
Read about case of Thiruvanmiyur Milk Consumer’s Co-operative Society Limited challenging assessment orders due to incorrect PAN categorization. High Court quashed orders and directed society to file returns electronically with corrected PAN.
Madras High Court quashes rejection of refund claim by Flow Link Systems Pvt. Ltd. Detailed analysis on the court’s decision and its implications.
Madras High Court held that if a discount offered on a supply is also directly linked to subsidy by a 3rd party, the value of such subsidy will be includible in the “transaction value” of the supply. In other words, a discount linked to the subsidy alone can form part of the “transaction value”.
Explore the Madras High Courts decision in Isithore v. Senior Intelligence Officer, granting bail to a Chartered Accountant on condition of depositing a specified amount with GST Authorities.
Explore the Madras High Court judgment on Plus Max Duty Free (Madurai) Pvt. Ltd. vs Principal Chief Commissioner of GST & Central Excise. Learn about IGST implications, refund claims, and the impact on Duty Free Shops.
Explore the Madras High Court’s judgment in TVL. Cleon Optobiz Pvt Ltd vs Assistant Commissioner (ST) regarding Input Tax Credit (ITC) reversal due to retrospective cancellation of supplier GST registration. Learn about the court’s analysis and implications.
Madras High Court held that that electricity captively generated is an input, accordingly, CENVAT Credit admissible on import of coal used for generation of electricity.