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Madras High Court

Merely because commission is paid to the employees, they do not cease to be employees under the PF Act

September 5, 2011 5472 Views 0 comment Print

Writ Petition preferred under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying for the issue of a writ of Certiorarified mandamus, calling for the records from the second respondent Tribunal relating to its order in ATA No. 380 (13) of 2006 dated 12.4.2010, quash the same that approves the order of the third respondent dated 29.3.2004 bearing Ref. No. CC.1(7)/TN/CBE/56709/ENF/2004 and consequently forbear EPF organisation form applying the notification of Government of India in Ministry of Labour and Employment No.GSR 346 dated 7.3.62 with effect from 23.12.2002 under the Schedule “trading and commercial” as the same is contrary to EPF Act 1952, run counter to Section 1(3) (a) and (b) of EPF Act,1952.

Interest income on trade advance given by a credit institution towards purchase of machinery for which the delivery is delayed, is not covered under the definition of ‘interest’ as defined u/s 2(5A)

September 4, 2011 4568 Views 0 comment Print

CIT Vs M/s Integrated Finance Co. Ltd. (Madras High Court)- The assessee is a credit institution. As a finance company engaged in hire purchase and leasing transaction, the assessee also does not deny that its activities in respect of financing, falls for consideration under sub clause (iv). The Assessing Officer has assessed the transactions relating to hire purchase financing.

Allowance cannot be made merely because future payments were made out of the funds said to be kept in the suspense account

September 4, 2011 408 Views 0 comment Print

APPEAL under Section 260A of the Income Tax Act against the order dated 9.9.2003 made in ITA No.1297/Mds/96 on the file of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Madras ‘B’ Bench, for the assessment year 1991- 92.

In case of loss making company valuing goodwill at 10% of the total consideration, without any material on record not sustainable

September 4, 2011 3187 Views 0 comment Print

Prayer: Appeal filed against the order of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal “C” Bench, dated 31.12.2002, made in I.T.A No. 1890/Mds/96, under Section 260 A of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Compensation received for the mere loss of profits will be a revenue receipt, while the compensation received for the loss of a source of income would be capital receipt

September 4, 2011 3789 Views 0 comment Print

CIT, Tiruchy Vs P L Chemical Limited (Madras High Court)- The contract entered into led to the loss of source of income in the ordinary course of business. As rightly pointed out by the Tribunal, the assessee’s business hitherto till 1995 to market its products and its brand name, thus no longer available in toto, the non-compete fee thus received by the assessee, assumes the character of capital, which cannot be assessed under the provisions of the Act.

Provident Fund (EPF) contribution on certain allowances – Applicability?

August 23, 2011 24115 Views 0 comment Print

Madras High Court ruling on the applicability of Provident Fund (PF) contribution on certain allowances. Reynolds Pens India Pvt. Ltd. Vs Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (Madras High Court)- The Madras High Court in aforesaid case has held that certain allowances such as conveyance, educational allowances, food concession, medical allowance, special holidays, night shift incentive, city compensatory allowances etc. should be treated as part of basic wages under the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (‘EPF Act’.) and accordingly, provident fund contributions should be remitted on such allowances.

Reassessment after four years on change of opinion not valid

August 21, 2011 1162 Views 0 comment Print

CIT, Chennai Vs M/s Simpson & Co. (Madras High Court)- There must be a nexus between the material at the hands of the Officer and formation of belief that there was escapement of wealth from assessment on account of the failure of the assessee to disclose fully and truly, all material facts. In the absence of any nexus or any one of the requirements, the reassessment proceedings could not be upheld as one falling under Section 17 of the Wealth Tax Act.

When the assessee carries out jobwork as a sub-contract to make article marketable, it is entitled to claim Sec 80HH benefits

August 15, 2011 1710 Views 0 comment Print

M/s Sundaram Fasteners Ltd Vs CIT (Madras High Court)- As far as placing reliance on the decision of the Apex Court in the case of Pandian Chemicals Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Income Tax) reported in [2003] 262 ITR 278 is concerned, we do not find, the said decision, in any manner, goes against the case of the assessee. The Unit at Krishnapuram is stated to be the only unit having hot forging machine. It is stated that the assessee, based at Krishnapuram, received bolts and nuts from Padi, manufactured using cold forging. The Krishnapuram unit completes hot forging and after the process comes to Padi where there is further value addition and after assembling nuts and bolts, they are marketed.

Depreciation of the windmills purchased in the same year, prior to the date of search, should be granted in the regular assessment

August 15, 2011 1082 Views 0 comment Print

CIT, Chennai Vs A R Mercantile Pvt. Ltd. (Madras High Court)- The Tribunal accepted the case of the assessee based on the letter issued by the Assistant Executive Engineer of the Tamilnadu Electricity Board, that the windmill was commissioned on 30.09.1995.

Even if assessee admits different sums of undisclosed income on two different days, and then retracts one of its statements, no addition can be sustained for having recorded wrong disclosure statements during the search

August 11, 2011 1090 Views 0 comment Print

M/s M Narayanan & Bros Vs ACIT (Madras High Court)- In the decision reported in (2006) 287 ITR 209 (P.R. Metrani Vs Commissioner of Income-Tax), dealing with the scope of Section 132(4A), the Supreme Court considered the conclusive character of the statement made in a search operation.

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