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ITAT Jaipur

Bogus share capital: Reassessment on mere investigation wing report is invalid

January 30, 2019 1809 Views 0 comment Print

M/s Balaji Health Care Pvt. Ltd. Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) Conclusion: Reopening of assessment by AO on basis of report of Investigation Wing that assessee was beneficiary  of accommodation entries in the form of share capital/premium/loan during the financial year was not justified as AO had not carried out any further examination and analysis in […]

Fees U/s. 234E leviable on all TDS return filed late after 01.06.2015

January 23, 2019 3177 Views 1 comment Print

Irrespective of the period to which the quarterly return pertains, where the return is filed after 1.6.2015, the AO can levy fee under section 234E of the Act.

Issue & Service of Notice U/s. 148 is to be complied mandatorily: ITAT

January 22, 2019 14538 Views 0 comment Print

Charan Singh Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) (i) Under Section 148 of the Act, the issue of notice to the Assessee and service of such notice upon the Assessee are jurisdictional requirements that must be mandatorily complied with. They are not mere procedural requirements. (ii) For the AO to exercise jurisdiction to reopen an assessment, notice […]

Addition for cash deposit in Bank cannot be made if Assessee duly explained source

January 16, 2019 4119 Views 0 comment Print

As assessee had duly proved source of cash deposit in her bank account to be opening cash balance and gift from her parents, no addition could be made under section 68.

Section 56(2)(vii)(b) applies to rural agricultural land acquired below stamp value

January 7, 2019 22005 Views 1 comment Print

The limited point of dispute is the nature of immovable property which has been purchased by the assessee. The assessee’s contention is that which he has purchased are three plots of agricultural land and the same doesn’t fall in the definition of capital asset as per the provisions of Section 2(14) of the Act and provisions of section 56(2)(vii)(b) cannot be invoked.

LTC: TDS deductible on reimbursement to staff for foreign travel leg

January 7, 2019 5016 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT held that order of the ld CIT(A) is hereby affirmed where he has held the assessee bank to be assessee in default for short-deduction of TDS on LFC/LTC claim relating to foreign leg of the travel of its employees being not eligible for exemption under section 10(5) r/w Rule 2B.

No disallowance U/s. 14A for interest to partners as per partnership deed

December 31, 2018 4167 Views 0 comment Print

M/s. ASK Partners Vs ACIT (ITAT Jaipur) The interest paid by the firm and claimed as deduction is simultaneously susceptible to tax in the hands of its respective partners in the same manner. In the same vain, the firm is merely a compendium of its partners and its partners do not have separate legal personalities under […]

Penalty Not Leviable U/S 271C if Reasonable Cause Shown for Non-Deduction of TDS

December 31, 2018 8184 Views 0 comment Print

Since assessee had a reasonable cause for non-deduction of TDS, penalty u/s 271C not leviable in terms of section 273B.

TDS on payment to retailers on Sale of SIM & Mobile Recharge Coupons

December 20, 2018 8601 Views 0 comment Print

Shri Rahul Singhal Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) This appeal by the assessee is directed against the order dated 02/07/2018 of ld. CIT (A)-3, Jaipur for the A.Y. 2014-14. The assessee has raised following grounds of appeal: “1. The impugned additions and disallowances made in the order U/s 143(3) of the Act dated 29/12/2016 are bad […]

Notice u/s 142(1) not become invalid on mere mention of section 153A unnecessarily

December 20, 2018 3726 Views 0 comment Print

Once assessee had undisputedly not filed the return of income U/s 139(1) then AO was well within his powers and jurisdiction to issue a notice U/s 142(1) requiring assessee to furnish return of income in the prescribed form and verified in prescribed manner, therefore, the notice issued u/s 142(1) was well within the framework of procedure for assessment provided under Chapter (xiv) and and notice could not be held to be invalid on account of mere mentioning of an unnecessary section therein, i.e., section 153A..

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