ACIT Vs Parag Fans & Cooling System Pvt. Ltd (ITAT Indore) Disallowance was made for the alleged non deduction of tax at source on the alleged amount of interest of Rs.25,95,609/-. We find that the assessee has not shown expenditure of Rs.25,95,609/- in its Profit &Loss account. Since no such expenditure has been claimed by […]
Provisions of section 263 could be invoked when twin conditions i.e. the assessment order was erroneous and prejudicial to the interest of Revenue were satisfied. Revision under section 263 could not be invoked if assessment order was not prejudicial to the Revenue.
Ajit Singh Melhotra Vs ACIT (ITAT Indore) We find that the addition was made on the basis of admission of assessee’s son during the course of search. It was contended before us, that all these documents were properly recorded in the regular books of accounts of the persons to which these documents actually pertained. However, […]
The issue under consideration is whether the Payment towards placement services is covered under technical service and TDS u/s 195 is applicable on the same?
Jitendra Sharma Vs JCIT (Intl Taxation) (ITAT Indore) ITAT Indore held that no penalty under Section 271C to be levied for deduction of tax under Section 194IA @1% instead of Section 195 @ 20.6% on purchase of property from Non Resident. FULL TEXT OF THE ITAT JUDGEMENT The above captioned appeals filed at the instances […]
Jain Shwetamber Murtipujak Sukrat Fund Kaoda Committee Vs. CIT (ITAT Indore) On perusal of the record we find that the assessee trust was incorporated in the year 1945 and even in the Permanent Account Number (PAN) allotted by the Income Tax Department the date of incorporation of the trust is 16.4.1945. The assessee has claimed […]
ACIT Vs Shiv Offset India Pvt. Ltd. (ITAT Indore) In the instant case the Ld. A.O had passed the original assessment taking into consideration of all the documents and facts of the case and again he had reopened the case without bringing out any fresh material on record and thus there was a mere change […]
The issue under consideration is whether the Section 50C need to be complied at the time of computation of exemption u/s 54 or 54F?
whether assessee can be held liable u/s 271B of the Act for not getting the books audited during the years when the advances were received from customers under percentage completion method?
whether the disallowance u/s 40A(3) of the Act for the alleged payment in cash in excess of the limit prescribed u/s 40A(3) of the Act for making payment for purchase of land is justified in law?