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ITAT Cuttack

No Penalty U/s. 271E on cash refund of advance from customers under Bonafide Belief

August 23, 2018 5880 Views 0 comment Print

 M/s. Orison Transport Vs DCIT (ITAT Cuttack) Belief of the assessee that return of advance from customers is not prohibited by section 269T was a bonafide belief. Therefore, the levy of penalty u/s.271E of the Act of Rs.21,49,943/- cannot be sustained. FULL TEXT OF THE ITAT JUDGMENT This is an appeal filed by the assessee against […]

Trust cannot be denied exemption for mere receipt of income by way of training and consultancy fee

July 27, 2018 3438 Views 0 comment Print

Xavier Institute of Management Vs ITO (ITAT Cuttack) The Cuttack bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that the income received by a charitable institution imparting education shall not be charged for receiving training and consultancy fee from corporates as the same cannot be treated as a ‘commercial activity’ for denying tax […]

Exemption U/s.11 cannot be denied for Mere surplus from Micro Finance activity

April 29, 2018 2004 Views 0 comment Print

ITO Vs Adhikar (ITAT Cuttack) In the instant case, it is not in dispute that the assessee is engaged in the activity of Micro Finance. The Assessing Officer considered the same as non-charitable activity within the meaning of section 2(15) of the Act on the ground that the activities were carried out on commercial lines. […]

S. 271B No penalty for non-furnishing of audit report within due date if same was obtained before due date

April 17, 2018 12960 Views 0 comment Print

We find that the audit report was obtained within section 139(1) time limit is not in dispute. It is also not in dispute that the copy of audit report was furnished to the Assessing Officer as and when the Assessing Officer called for the same.

Leasehold Rights not eligible for Depreciation

March 19, 2018 16881 Views 0 comment Print

Lease hold rights are not eligible for depreciation u/s.32(1)(ii) of the Act considering it as intangible asset and, hence, dismiss this ground of appeal of the assessee.

Reopening based on mere Tax Audit report Filed during Scrutiny Proceedings is Invalid

March 19, 2018 2385 Views 0 comment Print

Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. Vs. ACIT, (ITAT Cuttack) In the present case found that thee Assessing Officer has initiated reassessment proceedings on the same facts which were available before him at the time of making assessment u/s.143(3) of the Act and no new tangible material has come on the basis of which it could be said […]

Section 40A(3) provisions not intended to restrict business activities

March 8, 2018 3384 Views 0 comment Print

The provisions of section 40A(3) are not intended to restrict the business activities but to caution that payments exceeding Rs.20,000/- are made in cheque/draft. The provisions of section 40A(3) of the Act are to be in consonance with business expediency trade practice and other genuine relevant factors

CIT may consider an order of AO erroneous if it is a stereo typed order

March 5, 2018 1446 Views 0 comment Print

CIT may consider an order of the AO to be erroneous not only it contains some apparent error of reasoning or of law or of fact on the face of it but also because it is a stereo typed order which simply accepts what the assessee has stated in his return and fails to make enquirers which are called for in the circumstances of the case.

Penalty Notice without Application of Mind by AO is Invalid

February 28, 2018 1845 Views 0 comment Print

Assessing Officer has issued notice under section 274 r.w.s. 271(1)(c) of the Act dated 27.03.2015 without striking off the irrelevant words, the penalty proceedings show a non-application of mind by the Assessing Officer and is, thus, unsustainable.

Interest on bank deposits when project is being setup is a capital receipt: POSCO India case

February 15, 2018 1503 Views 0 comment Print

Taxability of income earned by an assessee during the period when the project was not complete and business had not commenced has remained a debatable point in many cases.

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