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ITAT Chennai

Block of residential unit cannot be construed to be separate project for the purposes of section 80-IB

October 13, 2008 745 Views 0 comment Print

section 80IA of the Act was restructured into two new distinct sections namely, 80IA and 80IB. The amended provisions extended the benefits to certain sectors. Under section 80IA of the Act profits of approved housing projects where development and construction commenced after 1-10-1998 and completed before 31-3-2001 were fully deductible.

Tribunal, in no circumstances whatsoever, can be led to take a different view on same facts and law on which Jurisdictional High Court has already taken a view

September 19, 2008 499 Views 0 comment Print

n this decision, vide order dated 15.9.2008, the Hon’ble Apex Court had held that even a decision of Apex Court or Jurisdictional High Court rendered subsequent to the Tribunal decision can render the said Tribunal decision liable of rectification of mistake apparent from record. In view of the aforesaid discussion and precedent, we are inclined to dismiss this appeal by the Revenue on account of tax effect, when on similar facts Hon’ble Jurisdictional High Court has dismissed the Revenue’s case on tax effect.

Assessment of Firm if Change in constitution

July 18, 2008 4990 Views 0 comment Print

5. Chapter-XVI of the Income-tax Act provides for special provisions applicable to firms. Section 184 provides that a firm shall be assessed as a firm for the purposes of this Act if the partnership is evidenced by an instrument and the individual shares of the partners are specified in that instrument. It is also necessary to be assessed as a firm as per sub-section (2) that the certified copy of the instrument of partnership

To claim deduction under section 80P the status of the co-operative society shall be a primary society

June 30, 2008 2830 Views 0 comment Print

8. As seen in section 80P(2)(b), the deduction in respect of income of co-operative societies has been dealt in under different parts. In respect of the sums referred in clause (a) of sub-section (2), the assessee needs to be a co-operative society engaged in various activities specified therein. In the case of sums referred to in clauses(c) and (d) of sub-section (2), again it is sufficient that the assessees be co-operative societies

Allowability of deduction under section 80-IA of IT Act, 1961 claimed by a works contractor

June 13, 2008 3820 Views 0 comment Print

7. In the facts of the present case we find that the assessee undertook work on contract basis. The assessee took contract work of insitu cement lining for water supply project of the Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board (Gujarat Government Undertaking). 8. Vide Finance Act, 2007 an Explanation was inserted with retrospective effect from 1-4-2000 after sub-section (13) of section 80IA, which reads as under:

Treatment To Be Given To Income From Warehousing Business

April 25, 2008 1057 Views 0 comment Print

“In our view, the High Court was right in holding that the assessee was carrying on an adventure or concern in the nature of trade. The assessee not only constructed vaults of special design and special doors and electric fitting, but it also rendered other services to the vault-holders. It installed fire alarm and was incurring expenditure for the maintenance of fire alarm by paying charges to the municipality

Part Performance of Transaction fall within ambit of section 2(47) of IT Act

March 7, 2008 1481 Views 0 comment Print

11. Keeping in view the nature of the transaction between the Assessee and the so called Developer, coupled with the transfer and the possession of the immovable properties, we find that the transaction amounts to conveyance in favour of the purchaser of the properties and the transfer was completed on the date when the purchases were executed and possession was handed over.

Provisions of Section 43B of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 held as not applicable to service tax

December 31, 2007 25478 Views 0 comment Print

The rigour of sec.43B may be applicable in the case of Sales-tax or Excise Duty but the same cannot be said to be the position in case of Service-tax because of two reasons. Firstly, the Assessee is never allowed deduction on account of service tax which is collected on behalf of the Govt., and paid to the Govt. accordingly. Therefore, a service provider is merely acting as an agent of the Govt., and is not entitled to claim deduction on account of service tax. Hence, on this account alone addition under sec.43B could not be made

No Penalty for cash loan accepted out of business exigencies

April 25, 2006 1478 Views 0 comment Print

Explore a landmark Income Tax Appellate Tribunal case from Chennai where a penalty under Section 271D of the Income-tax Act was successfully deleted. The tribunal found that the undisclosed income, as declared in the block return, remained the assessed income. Discover the rationale behind the tribunal’s decision, emphasizing the genuine nature of credits, the agricultural background of creditors, and the firm’s non-professional management. Learn how the tribunal concluded that the acceptance of cash loans was due to business exigencies, establishing a reasonable cause for the exemption from penalties. #IncomeTax #LegalCase #ChennaiTribunal

Corporate Veil can be lifted if attempt is to ‘evade’ taxes

December 23, 2005 567 Views 0 comment Print

the Tribunal was right in holding that a sum of Rs.1,25,00,000/- representing the value of technical know-how is liable to tax under the head Long Term Capital Gain the context of Section 45 read with Section 55 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

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