Recently, ITAT Amritsar in a decisions in case of Rohit Tandon ITA 345/2009 pronounced on 05-03-2015 had an occasion to deal with the issue of powers vested with ITAT regarding recall of its order, when it recalled its earlier order rendered against the assessee.
ITAT held in M/s F.C Sondhi & Co.(India) P Ltd Vs The DCIT that the premium paid on the keyman Insurance Policy would be allowed as a business expense because the same had been paid for the growth
ITAT Amritsar held In the case of M/s Aaren Exports vs. DCIT that a Keyman insurance policy is to enable business organizations to insure the life of a Keyman in order to protect the business against the financial loss which may occur in the likely eventuality of premature death.
ITAT Amritsar held In the case of M/s Dev Raj Hi-Tech Machines Ltd. vs. DCIT that it is apparent that assessee had made a surrender as additional income over and above the normal profits of the concern and since the income has been declared as business income
The ITAT Amritsar bench in case of Sh. Dushiant Kumar vs. ITO held that it is not the responsibility of the assessee to prove the source of funds in the hands of lender so long as he produce the lender before the AO who confirm the fact of lending money to assessee.
ITAT Amritsar held In the case of M/s. Pardeep Singh Wazir vs. The DCIT that Circular no. 1/2009, dated 27th March, 2009 issued by CBDT is effective from 01/04/2009 i.e. for the assessment year 2009-10 onwards.
In the case of Hoshiarpur Improvement Trust Vs The Income Tax Officer Ward 1, Hoshiarpur , the assessee being a trust was registered under the Punjab Towns Improvement Trusts Act, 1922. It was providing services under the control and supervision of State Government for development of cities and towns.
In this case assessee, was doing embroidery work on job work basis. The embroidery activity, according to the Tribunal, also results in production of a new article having a different market of its own and there are various stages involved in embroidery activity, as follows: i) Creating a digitalized embroidery design file
In the case of Suri Sons vs. ACIT – ITAT Amritsar has held that that once life insurance policy has been sold as a life insurance policy on the keyman to the business, as long as it is in the nature of life insurance policy
Once the registration u/s 12AA granted to trust and the activities of the trust are genuine and as per object of the trust, CIT or any other authority empowered in this behalf cannot cancel registration on ground of involvement of trust in any activity other than charitable purpose.