AIC Iron Industries Private Limited Vs Commissioner of CGST & CX (CESTAT Kolkata) The first issue involved in this case is whether the Appellant had availed irregular CENVAT Credit as arrived by the Department holding that it was paper transaction without receipt of raw materials. Second issue is whether under the circumstances and the facts […]
ITC Sonar (A Unit of ITC Limited) Vs Commissioner of CGST & CX (CESTAT Kolkata) The only issue to be decided in this Appeal is whether the 3rd Proviso of Rule 4(1) of CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 as introduced w.e.f. 01.09.2014, has got retrospective effect. I find that the said proviso was introduced w.e.f. 01.09.2014 […]
TDK India Private Limited Vs Commissioner of CGST & Excise (CESTAT Kolkata) Regarding Works Contract Service, it has been observed in the impugned order that w.e.f 01.07.2012, vide Notification No. 30/2012-ST, the reverse charge mechanism for Works Contract Service was introduced. I find that this Notification is applicable to individual/partnership firm and Hindu Undivided Family […]
CESTAT Kolkata held that as waste and scrap are not manufactured goods the legislature have consciously not made any provisions for reversal of any credit taken on duty paid inputs in case of clearance of waste and scrap
Duty could not be demanded on the ground that there was absence of corroborative evidence on allegation of clandestine manufacture and removal of finished goods as ,the allegation of clandestine manufacture and removal of finished goods by the Appellant made in the Show Cause Notice, was merely on assumption and presumption, without sufficient material evidence corroborating the said allegations.
CESTAT Kolkata held that Cenvat Credit cannot be denied alleging non-existence of seller as the Appellant being a bonafide purchaser of goods for a price which included the duty element and payment made by cheque and availed CENVAT Credit based on Cenvatable documents.
Emami Paper Mills Limited Vs Commissioner of CGST & CX (CESTAT Kolkata) CESTAT held that mere statement in the Order-In-Original dated 08.06.2016 that the appellant had suppressed material facts from the Department and that the purported contravention had been detected only during audit was insufficient justification for invoking the extended period of limitation. the evidences […]
Nurture Marketing Pvt. Ltd Vs Commr. of CGST & CX (CESTAT Kolkata) Appellant submitted that the commission in respect of volume purchase by the Second Level of distributor for the periods of 2006-07 to 2010-11 earned by the appellant is to the tune of Rs.1,22,46,991/- and the Service Tax on the same was Rs.13,94,933/- and […]
CESTAT held that in respect of utilisation of Cenvat credit there is no requirement of one to one correlation and cross utilisation of credit is permissible.
Principle of ‘user test’ also need to be considered while deciding the entitlement of assessee to avail CENVAT Credit as laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of CCE Vs. Rajasthan Spinning & Weaving Mills Limited 2010 (255) ELT 481 (SC).