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CESTAT Bangalore

Activities of implementing ERP software are in the field of engineering & not in the field of management

June 28, 2012 855 Views 1 comment Print

The appellants are actually implementing applications software like SAP, Oracle, people soft. They are also into upgradation of application software from existing release level to higher version. They are also specifically into running of electronic data processing centre, business of data processing, word processing etc. Even if there is any advisory role, the same appears to be limited only to the field of Engineering and the services would fall under the category of consulting engineers only.

SCN u/s. 73 to recover service tax from recipient of clearing & forwarding agent’s service for 16-7-1997 to 31-8-1999 not maintainable

June 28, 2012 648 Views 0 comment Print

Appellant has been issued with a show cause notice on 19.05.2004 for the demand of Service Tax liability for the period 16.11.1997 to 2.6.1998 on the ground that the appellant has received the services of goods transport agency/operator which is liable to pay service tax as per the retrospective amendment and has not filed returns and discharged Service Tax. On perusal of the show cause notice, we find that the show cause notice has been issued under section 73 of the Act for demand of service tax and consequent for the penalties and interest.

Appellate Authority must quantify service tax liability in an appeal seeking upward revision of taxes

June 28, 2012 942 Views 0 comment Print

When the department wanted the tax liability of the assessee to be revised, it was incumbent on the appellate authority to record a clear finding and to spell out in quantitative terms what should be the correct tax liability of the assessee.

If Value of material supplied included in gross value of construction service, benefit of abatement must be given

June 25, 2012 843 Views 0 comment Print

Adjudicating authority seeks to include the value of free supplied materials received by the appellant in the gross value of the services rendered by the appellant. It is seen that after inclusion of gross value, the adjudicating authority has not given the benefit of Notification No. 15/2004, dated 10/09/2004 in the form of abatement of 67%.

CENVAT credit not available on GTA service used for transportation of final product from place of removal

May 29, 2012 6541 Views 0 comment Print

Appellant is not entitled to claim CENVAT credit on the GTA service used by them for transportation of their final product from the place of removal for any period after 31/3/2008:

If past decisions were in favour of Assesee till contrary decision failure on the part of the assessee acceptable as a bona fide error and cannot be attributed to be wilful intention to evade tax

April 6, 2012 771 Views 0 comment Print

It was held that till the decision in the case of ITC Ltd., all the decisions were in favour of the respondents and therefore invoking suppression or mis-declaration etc. for confirmation of demand is not in order. Further, I also take note of the submission made by the ld. Counsel that even the original adjudicating authority has taken a view that the failure on the part of the assessee is acceptable as a bona fide error and cannot be attributed to be wilful intention to evade tax. In view of the above discussion, appeal fails on the ground of limitation alone and I am not going into merits since appeal can be rejected only on this ground. Appeal filed by the Revenue as well as the Cross-objection filed by the respondent get disposed of.

Applicability of Service Tax on collection of passenger service fee by airlines on behalf of AAI

March 26, 2012 776 Views 0 comment Print

On a perusal of the definition of ‘Business Auxiliary Service’ as it stood during the material period, we are of the prima facie view that the appellant was functioning as a commission agent for AAI by collecting PSF for AAI and remitting the collections to them. It is not in dispute that the collection charges at the rate of 2.5% on PSF

Service Tax refund can be refused on the ground of unjust enrichment

March 16, 2012 2764 Views 0 comment Print

The appellant/assessee herein filed a refund application with the authorities on the ground that the service tax paid by them should not have been paid. The adjudicating authority after following the Principles of natural justice, rejected the refund claim on various grounds, including the ground of unjust enrichment.

If the contract is a works contract, then the service tax liability will only arise from 01/06/2007

January 16, 2012 1988 Views 0 comment Print

Issue before us involved in the current case is regarding the contract of supply, erection, installation and commissioning of fire, hydraulic systems and the issue before us in the case of the appellants own case in Final Order dt. 22/7/2010 was for supply, erection, installation and commissioning of power systems and distribution systems.

Asessee Eligible for CENVAT credit on outdoor catering service used for serving food without recovery to employees

January 6, 2012 2086 Views 0 comment Print

The short question to be considered in this appeal filed by the department is whether the view taken by the lower appellate authority that the respondent is eligible for CENVAT credit on outdoor catering service used for serving food to their employees during the period of dispute (July to December 2007) is correct or not. After hearing both sides, the learned Deputy Commissioner (AR) representing the appellant submits that the benefit is not admissible to the respondent unless they prove that no part of the cost of providing the service was recovered from their employees.

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