Assignment of trademark and the IPR were amounted to permanent transfer and no service tax was applicable on permanent transfer of IP Rights by Foster’s to assessee.
Scribetech India Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Vs Commissioner of Central Tax (CESTAT Bangalore) The Bangalore CESTAT ordered for the interest for a delayed refund on the expiry of period of three months from the date of receipt of application, following the decission Supreme Court in the case of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. Section 56 of the CGST […]
Goldman Sachs Services Vs Commissioner Of Central Tax (CESTAT Bangalore) Facts- Employees of overseas group companies have come on secondment to the assessee. The assessee has entered into separate employment contract with the seconded personnel and employer-employee relationship exists between the assessee and the seconded personnel. It is alleged that the activity falls under Business […]
The issue under consideration is whether the assessee banks are eligible for cenvat credit of service tax availed on insurance service received by the banks from the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation?
Metlife India Insurance Company Limited Vs Commissioner of Central Excise (CESTAT Bangalore) CESTAT Bengaluru has held that Cenvat credit of service tax paid under reverse charge mechanism for availing services of insurance agents was available in a case when a portion of the premium amount (consideration towards output service), in case of ULIP policies, was […]
Bio Gen Extracts Pvt Ltd Vs Commissioner of Customs (CESTAT Bangalore) We find that the appellant initially exported Phycocyanin and a part quantity of the same was rejected for quality reasons which was re-imported by him without payment of duty in terms of Notification No. 158/95-Cus dated 14.11.1995 on executing Bond with Bank Guarantee. We […]
The issue under consideration is whether the dredger is covered as a foreign flag vessel and liable for payment of custom duty?
The issue under consideration is whether service tax is applicable on the fee income earned from the students under the category of “Commercial Training or Coaching Services”?
The issue under consideration is whether ITC attributable to taxable output included in formula of determining ITC of exempted goods or services?
No service tax can be demanded on construction services prior to introduction of „Works Contract Service” in June 2007 wherein there is a supply of goods and service.