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CESTAT Bangalore

No duty leviable if raw material is destroyed within the unit after intimation to Customs authorities

December 10, 2021 2658 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 52 ibid as amended by Notification Nos. 30 and 34 ibid clearly prescribe vide new Condition No.8 which is extracted elsewhere in this order that no duty shall be leviable if raw material is destroyed within the unit after intimation to the Customs authorities.

Quashing of demand of service tax as inclusion of T/o of manufacturing unit for quantification of amount for reversal of CENVAT Credit was appropriate

December 10, 2021 876 Views 0 comment Print

Service Tax demand was quashed as inclusion of turnover of Manufacturing unit for quantification of amount for reversal of CENVAT Credit was appropriate since for the entire remaining activities of the Puducherry manufacturing unit, the centralized service tax registration at Bangalore was applicable, which was as a SERVICE PROVIDER as well as an INPUT SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR.

Interpretation favouring Taxpayer should be adopted in case of multiple Interpretation

November 28, 2021 2754 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT allowed the refund of 4% of Special Additional Duty. Further, held that if two reasonable constructions of a taxing provision are possible then that construction which favours the assessee must be adopted.

Cenvat credit of education & SHE cess to GST not permitted

November 28, 2021 2724 Views 0 comment Print

Suvikram Plastex Pvt Ltd Vs CCT (CESTAT Bengalore) Transition of unutilised Input Tax Credit could be allowed only in respect of taxes and duties which were subsumed in the new GST Law. Admittedly, the three types of Cess involved before us, namely Education Cess, Secondary and Higher Education (SHE) Cess and Krishi Kalyan Cess were […]

CESTAT allows use of Cenvat Credit to pay Excise Duty on Supplementary Invoices

November 28, 2021 870 Views 0 comment Print

Traco Cable Company Ltd. Vs Commissioner of Respondent Central Excise (CESTAT Bangalore) The first question as to whether the supplementary invoices relate to the date of original clearance or the date on which the supplementary invoice was raised has been decided by the Supreme Court in Steel Authority of India. Accordingly, interest under Section 11AB […]

Customs: Not providing option to pay fine in lieu of confiscation U/s. 125 not sustainable

November 4, 2021 3015 Views 0 comment Print

Sherly Sany Vs C.C, Cochin (CESTAT Bangalore) It is arbitrary not to give option to pay fine in lieu of confiscation to the person in possession of Gold While quashing an order of the customs authorities, CESTAT, Bangalore held that the order of confiscation without offering an option to pay fine to the person in […]

Gold hidden in foot band worn for medical purpose cannot be treated as ‘personal effects’

November 4, 2021 540 Views 0 comment Print

Nizar Moulavi Abdul Khader Vs Commissioner of Customs Mangalore (CESTAT Bangalore) Order-in-Original records a finding that gold was found in the foot band worn for medical purpose on both the feet of the appellant, well hidden/covered with black socks, shoes put over them. This is claimed as having been found on the ‘person of the […]

Limitation period for granting refund not applicable to refund of Custom duty paid in excess

October 21, 2021 3504 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT held that when the customs duty is paid in excess, the department is liable to refund the same and the limitation provided under Section 27 of the Customs Act, 1962 will not be applicable.

Service Tax Refund Claim: CA certificate cannot be considered as conclusive proof

October 14, 2021 7935 Views 0 comment Print

Explore the CESTAT Bangalore judgment in Apnacar.Com Pvt. Ltd. Vs Commissioner, addressing refund claim on excess taxes paid, evidentiary requirements, and time limits.

No condition under Export of Service Rules, 2005 that services performed in India would not qualify as export of service

September 22, 2021 1743 Views 0 comment Print

IBM India Private Limited Vs C.C.E. & S.T.-Bangalore-ltu (CESTAT Bangalore) Admittedly the appellants are providing the services to their foreign company situated outside India and their parent company does not have any commercial or industrial establishment or any office in India and the services by appellant are provided in relation to provision of service recipient […]

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