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CESTAT Allahabad

Commissioner (Appeals) cannot condone delay beyond 30 days: CESTAT Allahabad

December 7, 2023 3840 Views 0 comment Print

In this analysis of Tehsildar Koil Vs Commissioner of Central Excise, CESTAT Allahabad rules on time-barred appeals, emphasizing the 30-day limit for filing

Indian exporter not receiving services from foreign bank not liable to pay services tax under reverse charge

November 23, 2023 1362 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Allahabad held that in case of foreign export proceeds, the Indian Exporters are not the recipient of services from the Foreign Bank/ intermediary bank. Accordingly, demand of service tax as service recipient on bank charges thereon unjustified.

SAD not leviable on goods cleared as sample by availing exemption from payment of sales tax/ VAT

November 18, 2023 594 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Allahabad held that SAD (Special Additional Duty) is not leviable on the goods cleared in DTA as samples from EOU by availing of exemption from payment of Sales Tax/ VAT.

CESTAT cannot Condone Delay Beyond 30 Days in Filing before First Appellate Authority

November 12, 2023 3525 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Allahabad dismisses appeal due to delay in filing beyond 30 days, citing statutory limitations. Detailed analysis of the ruling’s implications.

Penalty under Rule 26 for Clandestine Removal justified if sufficient evidences exist

November 6, 2023 468 Views 0 comment Print

Penalty under Rule 26 was justified on the proof that there were sufficient evidences adduced to allege clandestine removal and appellant had in his statement recorded under section 14 while giving the details of working of the unit had admitted that he was actively involved in the working of the unit.

Confiscation of gold unsustainable as ownership and acquisition of gold proved via documentary evidence

November 6, 2023 1182 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Allahabad held that legal ownership and acquisition of gold proved via documentary evidence on the other hand, the Department has not been able to provide any iota of evidence to show that the seized gold bar was smuggled. Thus confiscation under Section 121 Customs Act is unsustainable

Extended period without willful suppression of facts with an intent to evade tax not invocable

October 16, 2023 651 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Allahabad held that invocation of extended period of limitation under proviso to section 73(1) of the Finance Act unjustified in absence of any willful suppression of facts with an intent to evade the payment of tax.

Granting adjournment beyond three times unjustified hence appeal dismissed for non-prosecution

October 14, 2023 1275 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Allahabad held that as per provisions of section 35C(1A) of the Central Excise Act, 1944 granting of adjournment beyond three times is unjustifiable. Appeal dismissed for non-prosecution in terms of Rule 20 of CESTAT Procedure Rules, 1982

Service tax leviable on teaching yoga & meditation under ‘Health & Fitness Services’

October 12, 2023 1323 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Allahabad held that service tax is leviable on services relating to health & fitness by way of teaching yoga and meditation under the category of ‘Health and Fitness Services’.

Charge of clandestine removal cannot be imputed without independent investigation

October 10, 2023 1086 Views 0 comment Print

CESTAT Allahabad held that charge of clandestine removal cannot be imputed in absence of any evidence or in absence of an independent investigation. Accordingly, demand unjustified.

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