Explore CAAR Mumbai’s ruling on classifying nylon, polyester, and satin rolls as labels under Heading 5807 of the Customs Tariff Act, aligning with IGST regulations.
CAAR Mumbai rules that glucometers like Accu-Chek are classifiable under HS Code 9018 19 90 as electro-medical apparatus, with duty rates subject to CBIC notifications.
CAAR Delhi ruled Grindsted PGE 55-M, a food emulsifier, is classifiable under Tariff Item 3404 90 39. Analysis of its composition, properties, and classification process.
In re Danisco India Pvt. Ltd. (CAAR Delhi) Customs Authority for Advance Rulings (CAAR), Delhi, analyzed the classification of “Grindsted SSL P 70 Veg,” a food emulsifying agent primarily composed of Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate. The product is manufactured through a chemical reaction involving stearic acid and lactic acid, resulting in a waxy material widely used […]
Detailed analysis of GRINDSTED PGMS 86 used in food as an emulsifier. Examines classification under CTH 3404 based on chemical and physical properties.
Detailed ruling by CAAR Delhi on the classification of Grindsted PS 101-M, a food emulsifier under CTSH 1516 20 91. Analysis includes composition and tariff notes.
Detailed analysis of the Customs Authority for Advance Rulings’ decision on Teachmint’s Interactive Flat Panels under Customs Tariff Act, 1975.
Classification of Small Form Factor Pluggable Transceivers under Customs Tariff, along with duty eligibility under Notification No. 57/2017-Cus, is discussed.
Bundy India Ltd seeks advance ruling on the classification of fuel pump parts used in vehicles under the Customs Tariff Act, 1975.
CAAR Delhi ruled that Samsung’s Galaxy Ring and Sizing Kit are correctly classified under HSN 90318000 for measuring or checking instruments under Customs Tariff Act