CAAR held that Electric Vehicle kits ,imported by Volvo in disassembled state & presented together as a kit classifiable under heading 8703
In re Rashi Peripherals Private Limited (CAAR Mumbai) M/s. Rashi Peripherals Private Limited filed 2 applications, specifically, application nos. 39 and application no. 40, on 23.05.2022 seeking advance rulings on the classification of handheld mobile computers, viz., touch computers and mobile computers, having the following model numbers: – S.No. Category of handheld mobile computer Model […]
CAAR rule that the products in this case viz. LUTA.CALPAN 98%, LUTA.E 50, LUTA. 0A/D3 1000/200 PLUS, LUTAVIT A 1000 PLUS, CHOLINC.LSG would merit classification under heading 2936 of the first schedule to the Customs Tariff Act,1975.
CAAR held that Luprosil salt is classifiable under heading 2915 and more specifically, under subheading 29155000 of the first schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975.
In re BAST India Limited (CAAR Mumbai) The applicant has submitted that the impugned product is commonly known in the trade as products for specific use in animal feeding i.e. to manufacture animal feed. The safety data sheet provided by the manufacturer mentions the use of these products as feed additives. The manufacturer on their […]
In re Aquila Solar Power Pvt Ltd (CAAR Mumbai) Whether the applicant, being a private undertaking and engaged in setting up of solar power plants is eligible to import goods at concessional rate? CAAR held that Applicant, being a private undertaking and engaged in setting up of solar power plants is eligible to import goods at concessional […]
In re BASF India Limited (CAAR Mumbai) CAAR held that the 3 products, i.e., Lucantin Red 10% NXT, Lucantin Yellow 10% NXT and Lucantin Pink are classifiable under heading 2309 and more specifically, under subheading 23099090 of the first schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. FULL TEXT OF THE ORDER OF CUSTOMS AUTHORITY OF […]
In the case of Scented & Flavoured and/or Sweetened supari, the question to be answered is whether the addition of special flavoring agents would render the betel nuts into preparations of betel nuts, classifiable under Chapter 21. In this regard, the judgment of the Honble Supreme Court of India in the case of M/s Crane Betel Nut Powder Works and of the CESTAT, Chennai in the case of M/s Azam Laminators Pvt. Ltd.
In re Toyota Tsusho India Pvt. Ltd (CAAR Mumbai) As per the explanatory notes to heading 8415, the heading excludes refrigeration units designed to maintain a fixed temperature well below 0°C in a closed chamber (e.g., lorry, trailer or container), and fitted with a heating system to raise the temperature in the chamber, within certain […]
In re GDPK Returnable Solutions India Private Limited (CAAR Mumbai) Temporary import/re-export of Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) as reusable packing containers and its eligibility to avail duty exemption (a) the laden/ unladen IBCs imported into India are eligible to avail the exemption under the Notification No. 104/94-Cus., dated 16.03.1994; (b) There is no requirement to […]