From the record, it appears that originally, the dispute was between Accountant and Judicial Members of the Tribunal and it was not functioning. So, adjournment was sought by the petitioner, but the same was refused. However, on 06.03.2013, the case of the petitioner was decided in favour of the assessee in his presence.
By considering the totality of the facts and circumstances of the case, we find no reason to interfere with the impugned order passed by the Tribunal specifically when both the appellate authorities have given concurrent findings. The same is hereby sustained along with the reasons mentioned therein.
The penalty under section 272B cannot be imposed merely because it is lawful to do so. It can be imposed for failure to perform statutory obligation. The imposition of penalty for failure to perform a statutory obligation is a matter of discretion of the authority to be exercised judicially
We are of the view that whenever objection is taken or claim is made before AO, that the value adopted or assessed or assessabe by the Stamp Valuation Authority under sub-section (1) of Section 50-C exceeds the fair market value of the property on the date of transfer
The difference between the ‘short-term capital’ asset and ‘long-term capital asset’ is the period over which the property has been held by the assessee and not the nature of tittle over the property. The lessee of the property has rights as owner of the property subject to covenants of the lease
The CIT (A) considered the question of addition of Rs.41,08,724/- by AO under Section 68 of the Act and have recorded findings that if in the previous years the agricultural income from the same land on which agricultural crops were produced by the appellant was accepted
Honorable Allahabad High Court approves the special bench judgment in the case of Merilyn Shipping and Transport Ltd. and held that disallowance u/s. 40(a)(ia) applies only to amounts ‘payable’ as of 31st March and not to amounts already ‘paid’ during the year.
Assessee as an honest citizen not only made a complaint to the registering authority that the sale deed has been registered at a value much below the amount, which he has actually received, he deposited the entire amount in the bank and voluntarily filed return.
The income tax authorities are required to administer the Act. The right to administer, cannot obviously include the right to mal-administer. Thus, we find no words to express anguish as what kind of governance it had been.
The partnership is governed under the provisions the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. Section-4 defines partnership as “Partnership is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all”. Section-5 provides that the relation of the partnership may be reduced in writing through a contract between them while Section-7 provides that where there is no written contract, the partnership be treated as partnership at will.