Shivagopal Vs State of U.P (Allahabad High Court) (i) A government employee is not entitled to death cum retiral gratuity unless the conclusion of the departmental proceedings or the enquiry by the Administrative Tribunal or judicial proceedings which includes both civil and criminal. (ii) The law as laid down in Jai Prakash (Supra) is the […]
M/s LG Electronics (India) Pvt Ltd Vs. State of U.P. (Allahabad High Court) The Sale Tax regime came to an end on 13th May, 1994. Thereafter, Trade Tax regime came into force by U.P. Act No. 31 of 1995 with effect from 14.5.1994 but, the scheme of the erstwhile that continued without any change in […]
As per Rule 140, in case the owner of the goods furnishes the security in the form of bank guarantee equivalent to amount of applicable tax, interest and penalty payable, the authorities can consider the release of goods and vehicle.
Points that emerge for adjudication are whether the search and seizure under GST was carried out by observing the ‘substantive due process’ as well as the ‘procedural due process.’
CIT Vs Ms. Mustang Leather Pvt. Ltd. (Allahabad High Court) A deemed dividend could only have been assessed in the hands of a person who is shareholder of the lender company and not in the hands of the borrowing concern in which such shareholder is a member or partner having substantial interest. Admittedly, in the […]
The writ petition is directed against the order passed under Section 73 (9) of the U.P. GST Act, 2017 dated 21.1.2015 by the Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Tax, NOIDA and the consequential order of penalty and interest thereof. The aforesaid order is appellable under Section 107 of the U.P. GST Act.
Allahabad High Court directs GST council to address petitioner’s issue with filing GST Tran-1, allowing manual submission if portal issues persist.
Since Department had correct address of assessee and sending notice for reassessment at incorrect address drawing a presumption of service of notice was rendered assessment proceedings as invalid.
M/s Shanti Eat Udyog Surir Kala Tehsil Mant District Mathura Vs State of U.P. (Allahabad High Court) Admittedly, the period of limitation to file a first appeal under Section 107 of the U.P. Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 is three months and the period for which the delay may be condoned is thirty days […]
Reassessment order passed by Assessing Officer without disposing of objections raised by assessee to issuance of notice under section 148 of Income Tax Act, 1961 by a separate order, was not valid and thus, was liable to be quashed.