Jackpot Exim Private Limited Vs Union of India (Allahabad High Court) In none of the paragraphs the petitioner states that no order of imposing tax or penalty has yet been passed. However, the provisional attachment order survives only for a period of one year in view of Section 83(2) of the Act of 2017, which reads […]
It is true that the concept of natural justice is not very clear and therefore, it is not possible to define it; yet the principles of natural justice are accepted and enforced.
Samsung India Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Vs Union of India (Allahabad High Court) Allahabad High Court has held that there is no specification under Excise Rule 18 that for the purpose of rebate, goods need to be manufactured inside country. The Court held that the rule talks about any goods, which includes both manufactured inside the […]
Rajeev Traders Vs State Of U. P. (Allahabad High Court) Allahabad High Court held that once it was admitted that assessee had not recorded goods found stored at his disclosed place of business, in his books of account, a presumption of goods having been ‘secreted’ as per CGST Section 67 did arise. Upholding seizure of […]
In the absence of any material to establish that the affiliated colleges/centres were rendering services of professional or technical nature in the matter of conducting the University’s examination, we are of the opinion that the Tribunal has not committed any error of law in holding that the tax was not deductable on such reimbursement under Section 194J(b) of the Act.
The contention of the petitioner that no FIR report can be lodged under the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure for offences punishable under the IPC, as proceeding could only be drawn against him under the U.P. GST Act, 2017, is rejected.
Govind Enterprises Vs State of U.P. (Allahabad High Court) Thrust of the allegations made in the impugned FIR is that the dealer fraudulently, with a dishonest intention, by submitting false documents, with an intention to evade taxes, obtained registration, thereafter, took inward supply and passed on the goods to end users, without generating outward supply […]
Demand of tax on advertisement from the petitioners after 1.7.2017 is held to be illegal and without jurisdiction. Notices of demand impugned in the petition are quashed and the amount, if any, of the advertisement tax deposited by the petitioners for the period 1.7.2017 onwards is directed to be refunded to the petitioners.
Oudh Bar Asso. Vs U.O.I. (Allahabad High Court) In the present case, the legislation, namely, GST Act, 2017 has been enacted and has come into force with effect from 01.07.2017. Under the said enactment, various authorities have to be set up, namely, GST Council, and the GST Council was authorised to make recommendations to the […]
CIT (TDS) Vs Jaypee Sports International Ltd. (Allahabad High Court) Word ‘rent’ means any payment by whatever name called under any lease, sub-lease, tenancy or any other agreement or arrangement for the use of any land and came to the conclusion that lease money or annual rent is rent within the meaning of section 194-I […]