Explore the classification of “Ada” under GST as per the Kerala AAAR ruling, analyzing its similarity to Vermicelli and its tax implications.
Get insights into the GST Appellate Authority’s ruling on the classification of PP Leno Bags made by M/s. Ahmednagar District Goat Rearing and Processing Co-Op Federation Ltd.
In re Bharat Agro (GST AAAR Uttar Pradesh) We modify the Ruling given by AAAR, Uttar Pradesh as per their Order No.5 dated 21-05-2018 and hold that the Product in question i.e. ‘Canned Pineapple Slices dipped in sugar syrup’ is covered under the Tariff item No. 0811 FULL TEXT OF ORDER OF APPELLATE AUTHORITY OF […]
Get insights into the modified ruling by the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling regarding the tax liability on the supply of PV modules in solar power plant contracts.
Gain insights into the upheld ruling by the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling regarding the GST levied on rent paid for premises taken on lease by Tathagat Heart Care Centre.
In re M/s. R. Vidyasagar Rao Constructions (GST AAAR Telangana) Broad category of Goods Transport services are classified with a 4-digit Code as Heading 9965. Under the said classification, ‘Land Transport services’ is a sub-classification with 5-digit Code i.e, Group 99651. The said sub-classification is further divided into four categories of services, each with a six-digit Service Code (Tariff). […]
In re Fairmacs Ship Stores Private Limited (GST AAAR Andhra Pradesh) The Appellant raised a new issue at the appeal stage, and the case is remanded back to original authority. The applicant has raised a new issue for clarification, which was not placed before the Advance Ruling Authority, i.e. to decide whether the transactions are […]
Read about the appeal of M/s. National Plastics Industries Ltd. (GST AAAR Maharashtra) regarding the classification and GST rate applicable to PVC floor mats. The Appellate Authority affirms the ruling, specifying the applicable rate under certain conditions.
Discover the verdict of the Divisional Forest Officer (GST AAAR Uttarakhand) regarding the exigibility of Abhivahan Shulk to GST. Explore the detailed analysis and conclusions of the AAAR Uttarakhand in this case.
In the appeal of M/s. Aditya Birla Retail Ltd. (GST AAAR Maharashtra), the appellate authority clarifies the interpretation of ‘brand name’ regarding packaging and GST exemptions. Also, read about the GST AAR ruling on Aditya Birla’s cereal packs.