In re Purewal Stone Crusher (GST AAAR Uttarakhand) Taxability of Abhivahan Shulk and Khanij Sampada Shulk – Abhivahan Shulk is paid to TVPV only by the license holders and in lieu of this fee, the govt, agency is ensuring the right of passage as well as continued maintenance of supplies. Similarly, Khanij Sampada Shulk is […]
AAAR held taht applicant is not entitled to take input credit of services utilized for maintenance of Guest House, Transit House and Trainee Hostel?
In re M/s. Toshniwal Brothers (SR) Private Limited (GST AAAR Karnataka) In the instant case there is no dispute that the Agency contract in question involves two taxable supplies of services i.e promotion and marketing service and after-sales support service. However in order for the supply to be termed as a ‘composite supply’, what is required […]
In re M/s. Shree Construction (GST AAAR Maharashtra) The Advance Ruling Authority upheld the order passed by the Advance Ruling Authority, by observing that the any works contract pertaining to the railways, carried out by the main contractor or its sub-contractors are eligible for the concessional rate of 12% GST in terms of the provisions […]
In re M/s. Sapthagiri Hospitality Private Limited (GST AAAR Gujarat) Gujarat Appellate Authority confirms the Advance Ruling given by Gujarat advance ruling authority and rejects the appeal filed by the appellant. The supplies made by applicant, a SEZ co-developer from non-processing zone of SEZ to client located in SEZ for authorized operation will be treated […]
In re Ms. Omnisoft Technologies Private Limited (GST AAAR Gujarat) Gujarat Appellate Authority confirms the Advance Ruling given by Gujarat advance ruling authority and rejects the appeal filed by M/S Omnisoft Technology Pvt ltd. The activity provided by UCMAS using abacus does not qualify for exemption from the payment of goods and services tax. Also […]
In re Shrimad Rajchandra Adhyatmik Satsang Sadhana Kendra (GST AAAR Maharashtra) Appellant has contended that it is a public charitable trust with the main object of advancement of religious and spiritual teaching and is not engaged in any trade, commerce, manufacture, profession, vocation, wager or in other similar activities. Also, it is put forth by […]
In re Ms Geojit Financial Services Ltd. (GST AAAR Kerala) The Computers, Laptops etc. used for providing output service would not qualify as inputs, though they are physically available as on 30th June, 2017, for the purpose of availing transitional ITC input tax credit of the VAT paid during the pre-GST period, under Section 140 […]
In re M/s Abbott Health Care Private Ltd. (GST AAAR Kerala) Placement of specified medical instruments to unrelated customers like hospitals, labs etc. for their use without any consideration, against an agreement containing minimum purchase obligation of products like reagents, calibrators, disposals etc. for a specific period constitute a composite supply, the principal supply being […]
The supply of medicines and allied items to the outpatients through the pharmacy attached to the hospital run by the appellant is taxable under GST.