Home Secretary
Government of India
North Block
New Delhi
26th March, 2021
No. 40-34/2020-DM-I(A)
Dear Chief Secretary,
Kindly refer to my D.O. letter of even number dated 19th March, 2021 and guidelines for effective control of COVID-19 issued by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on 23.03.2021.
2. As you are aware, the country is passing through a critical juncture, as number of COVID-19 cases and deaths have been on the rise in many States and UTs in the recent past. After assessing the situation, guidelines for effective control of COVID-19 have been issued by MHA on 23.03.2021 wherein it has been emphasized that States/ UTs should strictly enforce test-track-treat protocol, COVID-19 appropriate behaviour and prescribed SOPs on various activities, such as opening of schools, higher education institutions, hotels and restaurants, shopping malls, multiplexes, entertainment parks, gymnasiums, exhibitions etc. Further, States and UTs, based on their assessment of the situation, may impose local restrictions at district/sub-district and cities/ward level.
3. In view of the upcoming festivals such as Holi, Shab-e-Barat, harvesting festivals, Easter, Eid-ul-Fitr, , State Governments/UT Administrations should take necessary measures to regulate crowds during these festivals by ensuring strict observance of COVID appropriate behaviour, such as wearing of mask and maintaining social distancing, as mandated in aforesaid guidelines and in the National Directives for COVID-19 Management. In this regard, a D.O. letter has also been issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on 24.03.2021 (copy enclosed).
4. I would urge you to issue necessary instructions to the district administrations and police authorities to scrupulously enforce COVID appropriate behaviour and SoPs in all public gatherings during the upcoming festivals. Further, IEC campaign should also be intensified for creating public awareness. As has been emphasized time and again by the health experts, strict adherence to COVID appropriate behaviour in public places and gatherings will help in breaking the chain of transmission and reduce the incidence of COVID cases in the country.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Encl. as above
(Ajay Bhalla)
Chief Secretaries of all States
Copy to: DGPs of all States