Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaj Cama Place, New Delhi -11006
No. HRD/3(2)2012/SPF/349 dated 01/07/2016
All Additional CPFCs,
All RPFCs,
Regional Offices, including RPFC (ASD), Head Office,
All Officers in-charge of SROs
Sub: Revised rate of interest – with regard to Staff Provident Fund in EPFO – regarding.
Please refer to the Resolution dated 02nd June, 2016 issued by Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) regarding decelaration of rate of interest of General Provident Fund (GPF) and other similar funds.
2. In this connection, it is announced for general information that during the year 2016-2017, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the Staff Provident Fund shall carry interest at the rate of 8.1% (Eight point one percent) per annum w.e.f. 01.04.2016 to 30.06.2016.
Encl: as above
Yours faithfully,
(Sanjay Bisht)
Regional P.F.Commissioner-I (HRD/HRM)
F. No. 5(1)-B(PD)/2016
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs
(Budget Division)
New Delhi. Dated the 2nd June, 2016.
It is announced for general information that during the year 2016-17, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8.1% (Eight point one per cent) w.e.f. 1st April, 2016 to 30th June, 2016. This rate will be in force w.e.f. 1st April, 2016. The funds concerned are:
1. The General Provident Fund (Central Services).
2. The Contributory Provident Fund (India).
3. The All India Services Provident Fund.
4. The State Railway Provident Fund.
5. The General Provident Fund (Defence Services).
6. The India Ordinance Department Provident Fund.
7. The Indian Ordinance Factories Workmen’s Provident Fund.
8. The Indian Naval Dockyard Workmen’s Provident Fund.
9. The Defence Services Officers Provident Fund.
10. The Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund.
2. Ordered that the Resolution be published in Gazette of India.
(H. K. Srivastav)
Director (Budget)