(Ministry of Labour & Employment Govt of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Deihi —110 066.
No. C-I/MISC./Pandemic Relief/2021/Vol-I/ | Date: 31.08.21
All ACC in charge of Zones,
All RPFCs in-charge of ROs,
All OICs of District Offices
Subject: Relief to establishments covered under EPF & MP Act, 1952 from levy of penal damages for delay in deposit of dues / filing of ECR for wage month May, 2021 in r/o EPF members due to non- seeding of Aadhaar in the UANs
Sir / Madam,
The Field Offices are advised that delay in filing of ECRs for wage month of May, 2021 statutorily due on or before 15.06.2021 only in respect of EPF members due to non-seeding of Aadhaar in the UANs should not be presumed as employer’s default and to appreciate each case in its own facts under Section 14B 9f the EPF & MP Act, 1952.
(This issues with the approval of the Central PF Commissioner)
Yours faithfully,
End: As above
(Jag Mohan)
Addl. CPFC (HQRS.) (Compliance, Legal & Recovery)