PFRDA/17/01/10/0005/2017-SUP-CRA-Part (4)
Date: September 16, 2021
All NPS Stake Holders,
Subject: Profile of Central Record keeping Agencies (CRA) & the benefits/features offered by them
As per Section 21(1) of PFRDA Act 2013, PFRDA had appointed multiple Central Record Keeping Agencies (CRAs) in the public interest and in order to provide the choice to its stake holders for catering to their specific requirements. CRAs which are appointed by PFRDA are mentioned below in the alphabetical order,
i. Computer Age Management Services Ltd. (CAMS)
ii. KFin Technologies Pvt. Ltd
iii. NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Ltd
CRAs are responsible to build, maintain and operate the NPS infrastructure. They act as operational interface for intermediaries by setting up the Information Technology(IT) infrastructure. CRA’s IT framework is to be scaled up as per evolving needs and adaptive for the record keeping / administrative facility for future changes. CRAs develop new functionalities or utilities, establish new processes, continue with enhancements and develop modules to address the aspirational requirements of various stakeholders.
The profile of each CRA and the features and benefits offered by them is provided at the Annexure under the relevant titles in order to enable and facilitate the stakeholders to make an informed choice while opting for one or more CRA.
i. Name of the Company
ii. Profile of the Company
iii. Year of operationalization as a CRA
iv. Geographical spread/Network of branches
v. Services being provided to NPS subscribers
vi. Services being provided to NPS intermediaries
vii. CRA charges for various services
viii. Technology support being provided to subscribers for ease of service
ix. Technology support being provided to intermediaries for ease of operation
x. Exclusive Service offerings to Subscribers
xi. Exclusive Service offerings to intermediaries
xii. Use of New Age Technologies for Service delivery and their brief
xiii. Contact details of compliance officer
xiv. Any other information
For more details/additional information, the website of the respective CRAs can be visited or the compliance officer of the CRA can be contacted. This communication is placed in the CRA section of intermediaries and also under the Circular sub section of Regulatory framework section of PFRDA website.
(K Mohan Gandhi)
Chief General Manager
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