A. Information Required For RUN (Name Approval Form)
1. Proposed Names (Maximum 2 Names)
2. Significant of Proposed Name
3. Object (Proposed Business) of LLP
4. Trademark/ NOC if any to use name.
B. Information Required For Preparation of Incorporation Documents
I. General Information:
5. Total No. of Designated Partner.
6. Total No. of Partners
7. Total Capital Contribution of LLP.
8. Complete Objects of LLP
9. Complete Registered Office Address
10. Proof of Registered Office Address (Utility Bill) (not older than 2 Month)
II. Information for Designated Partners
11. DIN of Designated Partner, if any.
12. Email Id of Designated Partners
13. Mobile No. of Designated Partners
14. Occupation
15. DSC of Any one Designated Partner
16. Number of company(s) in which he/ she is a director
17. Self Attested copy of PAN Card
18. Self Attested copy of Passport/ Voter Card/ Aadhar
III. Information for Partners
19. Name of Partners
20. DIN of Partner, if any.
21. Email Id of Partners
22. Mobile No. of Partners
23. Proposed monetary value of Partners Contribution in Capital
24. Occupation
25. Number of company(s) in which he/ she is a director
26. Self Attested copy of PAN Card
27. Self Attested copy of Passport/ Voter Card/ Aadhar
(Author – CS Divesh Goyal, GOYAL DIVESH & ASSOCIATES Company Secretary in Practice from Delhi and can be contacted at csdiveshgoyal@gmail.com).