Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Foreigners Division (FCRA Wing)
1st Floor, NDCC-II Building,
Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001
Dated the 12th May, 2017
SUBJECT : Online uploading of Annual Returns from 2010-11 to 2014-15 under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 and rules made there under without payment of penalty.
It has been brought to the notice of the Ministry of Home Affairs that associations/organizations are not filing the Annual Returns which are to be filed mandatorily every year under Rule 17 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011 (hereinafter referred as FCRR, 2011). As per our records, Annual Reports for financial year (FY) 2010-11 to FY 2014-15 in respect of the organizations/associations given in Annexure are not available.
2. It has been decided by the Government to give one final opportunity to all such associations/organizations to upload their missing Annual Returns along with the requisite documents within a period of 30 days starting from 15th May, 2017 to 14th June, 2017. The Government has further decided that no compounding fee will be imposed on associations/organizations for late filing of Annual Returns during the period from 15th May, 2017 to 14th June, 2017, as mandated vide Notification dated 16th June, 2016 [S.O. 2133(E)]. This exemption is one time measure and available to those associations who upload their missing Annual Returns from FY 2010-11 to FY 2014-15 within the above said period of 30 days.
3. This relaxation is not available for uploading Annual Return for FY 2015-16 onwards, as online filing of Annual Returns for FY 2015-16 was made mandatory vide Ministry of Home Affairs Public Notice dated 22.07.2016.
4. It may be noted that filing of Annual Return is mandatory as given in Rule 17 of the FCRR, 2011 and after 14th June, 2017 non-filing / uploading of Annual Returns for the FY 2010-11 to 2014-15 will be considered as violation of the FCRA, 2010 and Rules made there under and may lead to penal action including cancellation of the registration and review of the renewal already granted.
5. In case of any technical support in uploading of the Annual Return, e-mail may be sent to fcrenewal-mha@gov.in. Please note that no fee is being levied for the said uploading of the Annual Returns for the FY 2010-11 to 2014-15 during 15th May, 2017 to 14th June, 2017.
6. It is advised not to believe or fall in trap of any unscrupulous elements. In case any person asks for any facilitation fee/other charges, please report the matter to the Joint Secretary (Foreigners) at his email (jsf@nic.in).
(Santosh Sharma)
Director (FC&MU)