What is the nature and source of grievances received in EPFO?
Grievances generally arise out of:
i) Settlement of PF/Pension/Insurance Claims.
ii) Transfer of PF accounts.
iii) Non enrolment of employees.
iv) difficulty arising out of old PF accounts on the CPGRAMS portal.
v) difficulties relating to Universal Accounts Number (UAN).
Grievances are raised by employers or employees directly. In addition grievances are also referred to by the office of
Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment, Cabinet Secretariat, MPs, MLAs, other VIPs and Department of Personnel and Grievances (DPG)
How is Grievance redressal monitored?
Grievance redressal occupies the centrestage in EPFO’s functioning and comprehensive policy guidelines have
been issued prescribing strict timelines and to ensure that qualitative improvements in grievance redressal is undertaken. Monitoring is done on a continuous basis and pending grievances are escalated to higher levels depending upon the periodicity of pendency.
How are grievances registered?
Any grievance received from any source and through any mode (by e-mail/post/reference from any source) are registered by the office in EPFiGMS (Employees Provident Fund Internet Grievance Management System).
What is EPFiGMS?
EPFiGMS is a self contained internet based grievance redressal system used by EPFO. Using this anybody with a grievance can register his grievance in the system 24×7. Once registered a unique number is allotted to help keep track of the progress of the grievance redressal. Every grievance entered into the EPFiGMS system is monitored on a daily basis, both at the Head office level and the Field office level.
What is CPGRAMS?
Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) is a facility made available by the Central
Government for any person to register his or her grievance. A PF member can also register his or her grievance on the CPGRAMS portal.
What is Short Code SMS service?
A short code SMS service has also been launched for the benefit of EPF members. Using this service, the member who has activated his UAN can send an SMS in the prescribed format from his registered mobile number to 7738299899 to access details of his PF account. The format of the SMS is EPFOHO<UAN>LAN. LAN denotes the first three character of the preferred language in which the member desires to get the details. This facility is available in 10 different major Indian languages including English and Hindi. A mobile app is also available in Android, downloading which will help EPF members in accessing all their PF related details.
How to trace out old inoperative EPF account?
For tracing out such accounts, an online helpdesk is available at EPFO website. Any member desirous of tracing out
his old inoperative account in respect of which he does not have full details, can access the helpdesk at www.epfindia.gov.in>>Home >>For employees>> inoperative account helpdesk. The member can register himself
on the helpdesk and giving the bare minimum details, he can locate his inoperative account so that he can either get
it settled or transfer the same.
What is UAN Helpdesk?
UAN helpdesk is a online helpdesk available at EPFO’s website to take care of any query or difficulty regarding Universal Account Number. This can be accessed by any employer or employee. In addition to this there is a toll free number (18001 18005) provided to answer queries regarding UAN.
Can an EPF member vent his grievance through Social Media?
An EPF member can approach EPFO for any query or suggestion or grievance settlement through Facebook and Twitter. The Facebook page and Twitter handle are accessible at: