Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
www.epfindia.gov.in; www.epfindia.nic.in
No.HRM-I/Misc./2017/26043 Dated: 11/01/2017
All Addl. Central P.F. Commissioners (Zones)
All Regional P.F. Commissioners (Incharge of the Regions)
All Officers-Incharge, Sub-Regional Offices
Subject: Prohibition on bringing any political or outside influence by serving employees or by their close relatives in respect of service matters – regarding.
Whereas Rule 20 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 which is mutatis mutandis applicable to the employees of Central Board of Trustees, EPF by virtue of Regulations 18 of EPF (Officers’ and Employees’ Conditions of Service) Regulation, 2008, stipulates that no government servant shall bring or attempt to bring any political or outside influence to further their interest in respect of service matters like transfer & posting.
2. However, it is seen that large number of representations are received from employees of Central Board of Trustees, EPF which are directly sent to public representatives like Members of Parliament, Hon’ble Ministers and other dignitaries. In some cases, it is seen that family members of the employees sent request for transfer/posting and grievance related to service matters directly to public representatives. The Head Office has taken a serious view of such attempts of Officers & Staff to bring outside influence in respect of service matters.
3. Therefore, all the officers & staff are advised to desist from bringing political or other outside influence for furthering their interests either by themselves or by their family members, as bringing outside influence in such matters are violation of Conduct Rules and entails disciplinary action as per rules.
Yours faithfully,
(Rajesh Bansal)
Addl. Central P.F. Commissioner (HQ), HR