Employee’s Provident Fund Organization
(Ministry of Labor, Govt. Of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaji Cama Palace, New Delhi- 110066
No. CAIU/11(71)2017/MOT
Date: 31 July, 2017
All Accs Zones
All RPFC-I/RPFC-II (In charge of Regional Officers).
Sub:- Clarification on PMRPY Scheme – reg.
Please refer to the above.
It is noted that the industry/potential beneficiaries are facing challenges as PMRPY Scheme itself did not mandate the capturing of skills of the new employees, though it was mentioned as an intent in the Budget Announcement of 2016-17 e.g, “Skilled” Semi-skilled” and “Unskilled.
In this regard, it is stated that the PMRPY Scheme was intended to target semi-skilled and unskilled workers and would be applicable to those workers whose wage/salary was up to Rs. 15000/-per month.
However, keeping in view the challenges faced by industry/establishments in identifying the skill levels among st workers and classifying them in skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled, it has been decided to consider the skill-level eligibility using the salary/wage limit as Rs. 15001/- per month for the target group. The other eligibility conditions (new UAN etc.) remain unchanged.
It is requested to take necessary action accordingly.
(This issues with the approval of ACC HQ (CAIU).
Yours faithfully,
Regional Provident Fund Commissioner- I (CAIU)