The proposed Draft Telecommunications (Right of Way) Rules, 2024 aim to streamline procedures for the deployment of telecommunication infrastructure. These rules address concerns related to public safety, property rights, and operational standards. By providing clear guidelines, the rules seek to ensure efficient and effective network expansion while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders.
(Department of Telecommunications)
New Delhi, the 9th July, 2024
G.S.R. 373(E). — In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 11, read with subsections (5) and (6) of section 12, read with sub-section (2) of section 15, read with sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 17, read with clauses (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), and (s) to sub-section (2) of section 56 of the Telecommunications Act, 2023 (44 of 2023) are hereby published for the information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft rules shall be taken into consideration after expiry of a period of thirty days from the date on which copies of this notification as published in the official Gazette, are made available to public;
Objections or suggestions, if any, may be addressed to the Joint Secretary (Telecom), Department of Telecommunication, Ministry of Communication, Government of India, Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001;
The objections or suggestions which may be received from any person with respect to said draft rules before the expiry of aforesaid period shall be taken into consideration by the Central Government.
1. Short title and commencement.-
(1) These rules may be called the Telecommunications Right of Way Rules, 2024.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions. –
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, –
(a) “Act” means the Telecommunications Act, 2023 (44 of 2023);
(b) “common ducts or conduits or cable corridors”, individually or collectively mean any linear infrastructure of any shape and size for housing utility lines including telecommunication lines;
(c) “designated officer” means an officer designated by the Central Government for the purposes of these rules;
(d) “duct” means a pipe, permanently lubricated or of any other kind, used as underground cable conduit for telecommunication line;
(e) “mobile tower” means any above-ground contrivance for carrying, suspending or supporting a telecommunication network and does not include pole;
(f) “overground telecommunication network” means parts of a telecommunication network established over the ground and includes posts, mobile tower, telecommunication line or other above ground contrivances, appliances and apparatuses for the purpose of establishment or maintenance of the telecommunication network;
(g) “pole” means any above-ground contrivance of height not exceeding eight meters for carrying, suspending or supporting a telecommunication line and does not include mobile tower;
(h) “portal” means the web or mobile portal notified by the Central Government for the purpose of these rules;
(i) “rules” means the Telecommunications Right of Way Rules, 2024;
(j) “Schedule” means the schedule appended to these rules;
(k) “small cell” means a low powered cellular radio access node that has a coverage of distance from ten meters to two kilometers;
(l) “street furniture” means any post or pole used for electricity, street light, traffic light, traffic sign, bus stop, tram stop, taxi stand, public lavatory, memorial, public sculpture, utility pole or any other structure or contrivance of such nature established over the property of public entity;
(m) “telecommunication line” means a wire or wires, or optical fiber used for the purpose of telecommunication, with any casing, coating, tube or pipe enclosing the same, and any appliances and apparatuses connected therewith for the purpose of fixing or insulating the same;
(n) “underground telecommunication network” means parts of a telecommunication network laid under the ground and includes ducts, manholes, marker stones, hand holes, telecommunication line, appliances and apparatuses for the purposes of establishment or maintenance of the telecommunication network.
(2) Words and expressions used and not defined herein but defined in the Act shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Act.
3. Scope. –
(1) These rules apply to permissions for right of way for telecommunication networks.
(2) Any public entity shall exercise the powers under these rules upon an application made by any facility provider seeking right of way for telecommunication network.
(3) All applications, notifications, clarifications, permissions, objections or rejections under these rules, shall be made through the portal to the extent specified under these rules.
4. Public entity to appoint nodal officer. –
Every public entity shall notify on the portal the officer (by designation) who shall be the nodal point for the purposes of these rules, within thirty calendar days of notification of these rules. Any replacement of such officer shall also be promptly notified on the portal.
5. Validity of Permission. —
The permission granted to a facility provider for right of way under these rules shall be coterminous with the term of the authorisation for the underlying telecommunication network, unless such permission is terminated in accordance with these rules.
6. Application by a facility provider. —
(1) A facility provider seeking right of way in any public property for the purposes of establishing underground telecommunication network, shall submit an application, through the portal, to the relevant public entity which has ownership, control or management over such public property, supported by documents as specified under sub-rule (2) and in such form and manner as may be specified by that public entity.
(2) The information along with supporting documents to be provided by the facility provider, through the portal, in the application made under sub-rule (1) shall include-
(a) a copy of the authorisation granted by the Central Government;
(b) details of the underground telecommunication network proposed to be laid;
(c) if the right of way pertains to existing telecommunication networks include a copy of as-built drawings of such telecommunication network;
(d) details of the mode of and the estimated duration for execution of the work;
(e) details of the time of the day when the work is expected to be done in case the facility provider expects the work to be done during specific time of the day;
(f) details of the expenses that such public entity will necessarily be put in consequence of the work proposed to be undertaken by the facility provider;
(g) details of the inconvenience that is likely to be caused to the public and the specific measures proposed to be taken to mitigate such inconvenience;
(h) details of the specific measures proposed to be taken to ensure public safety during the execution of the work;
(i) the names and contact details of the employees of the facility provider for the purposes of communication in regard to the application made;
(j) details of any other matter relevant, in the opinion of the facility provider, connected with or related to the work proposed to be undertaken; and
(k) details of any other matter connected with or related to the work as may be specified, through a general or special order, by the public entity.
(3) Every application under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied with fee as notified by the public entity to meet its administrative expenses, which shall not exceed the amount specified in Part-1 of the Schedule to these rules.
7. Grant of permission by public entity. —
(1) Upon examination of an application received under rule 6, the public entity may:
(a) seek clarifications or further documents through the portal, as may be required, within thirty calendar days of receipt of such application;
Provided that the public entity shall seek all such clarifications and additional documents, if any, in one consolidated requisition;
(b) grant the permission within sixty-seven calendar days of receiving the application.
(2) The permission granted by the public entity shall:
(a) ensure that the area (cross- section) of the underground telecommunication network for which right of way is granted shall be the length of duct multiplied by the diameter of the duct multiplied by the number of ducts;
(b) specify whether the permission is subject to the undertaking and bank guarantee for restoration of property under sub-clause (a) of sub-rule (9) read with sub-rule (10), or compensation for any damage as specified in sub-clause (b) of sub-rule (9);
(c) specify other conditions including the time and measures to mitigate public inconvenience or enhance public safety, the mode of execution of the right of way, and maintenance of the telecommunication network so established:
Provided however that, the public entity shall give due consideration to the mode of execution as specified by the facility provider under sub-rule (2) of rule (6).
(3) In the event the public entity believes that it has reasons to reject the permission for right of way, it shall upload, within forty-five calendar days of receipt of the application, such reasons on the portal and the facility provider may respond within fifteen calendar days to such reasons.
(4) The public entity shall, after due consideration of the facility provider’s response, if any, under sub-rule (3), within a period of seven calendar days, decide to either accept or reject the application for right of way and shall upload the decision on the portal.
(5) Any decision rejecting the permission for right of way, shall cite specific reasons for rejection;
(6) Upon rejection of permission by the public entity, the public entity shall refund to the facility provider eighty percent of the fee paid under sub-rule (3) of rule 6, within a period of fifteen calendar days from such date of rejection.
(7) If the public entity fails to either grant or reject permission within the timelines specified under this rule, the permission shall be deemed to have been granted, and shall be automatically uploaded on the portal.
(8) In cases of deemed permission issued under sub-rule (7), the public entity shall, within a period of seven
calendar days, generate through the portal, the terms and conditions of such deemed permission.
(9) In order to address any damage to the property as a result of the works relating to the right of way, the facility provider shall, at the option of the public entity:
(a) restore such property to the state as it existed prior to the execution of such activities; or
(b) pay compensation for such damage as may be mutually agreed, not exceeding the amount specified in Part-2 of the Schedule.
(10) A public entity may seek restoration of the property by the facility provider under sub-clause (a) of sub-rule (9) in cases where the grant of permission has been made subject to:
(a) the provision of an undertaking as specified in the form available on the portal; and
(b) a bank guarantee for an amount, not exceeding the amount specified in Part-2 of the Schedule, as security for performance by the facility provider, within such time as specified in the permission.
(11) The public entity shall return to the facility provider the bank guarantee provided under sub-paragraph (b) of sub-rule (10), within thirty calendar days of completion of such restoration work based on certification by the facility provider through the portal.
(12) The public entity shall not levy or charge in any form any fee or compensation or any other financial contribution for the establishment of underground telecommunication network, other than those permitted under these rules.
8. Application by a facility provider. —
(1) A facility provider seeking right of way in any public property for the purposes of establishing overground telecommunication network, shall submit an application through the portal, to the relevant public entity which has ownership, control or management over such public property, supported by documents as specified under sub-rule (2) and in such form and manner as may be specified by the public entity.
(2) The information along with supporting documents to be provided by the facility provider, through the portal, in the application made under sub-rule (1) shall include-
(a) a copy of the authorisation granted by the Central Government;
(b) details of the nature and location, including exact latitude and longitude, of post, mobile tower, or other above ground contrivances proposed to be established;
(c) details of the extent of land or floor space required for establishment of the overground telecommunication network;
(d) where applicable, details of the route plan for the overground telecommunication line;
(e) details of the building or structure, where the establishment of the overground telecommunication network, is proposed;
(f) copy of the approval issued by the duly authorised officer of the Central Government for location of the above ground contrivances proposed to be used for the transmission of Radio waves or Hertzian waves;
(g) details of the mode of and the time duration for, execution of the work;
(h) details of the inconvenience that is likely to be caused to the public and the specific measures proposed to be taken to mitigate such inconvenience;
(i) details of the measures proposed to be taken to ensure public safety during the execution of the work;
(j) details of technical design and drawings of the post or other above ground contrivances;
(k) where applicable, a copy of the certification of the technical design by a structural engineer authorised by a public entity, attesting to the structural safety, of the overground telecommunication network;
(l) copy of the certification by a structural engineer authorised by a public entity, attesting to the structural safety of the building, where the post or other above ground contrivances are proposed to be established on a building, if applicable;
(m) names and contact details of the employees of the facility provider for the purposes of communication in regard to the application made;
(n) details of any other matter relevant, in the opinion of the facility provider, connected with or relative to the work proposed to be undertaken; and
(o) details of any other matter connected with or relevant to the work as may be specified, through a general or special order, by the public entity;
Provided that the documents specified in clauses (b), (c), (e), (f), (j), (k) and (l) shall not be required in the event the right of way pertains only for establishment of over round telecommunication line;
(3) Every application under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied with fee as notified by the public entity to meet its administrative expenses, which shall not exceed the amount specified in Part-1 of the Schedule to these rules.
9. Grant of permission by public entity. –
(1) Upon examination of an application received under rule 8, the public entity may:
seek clarifications or further documents through the portal, as may be required, within thirty calendar days of receipt of such application;
Provided that the public entity shall seek all such clarifications and additional documents, if any, in one consolidated requisition;
(b) grant the permission within sixty-seven calendar days of receiving the application.
(2) The permission granted by the public entity shall:
(a) ensure that the area of the overground telecommunication network proposed to be established shall be inclusive of the area occupied by the telecommunication network and the supporting infrastructure.
When a mobile tower is proposed to be established, the area of the overground telecommunication network will include the mobile tower and such supporting infrastructure on the ground such as base transceiver station, engine alternator, etc.
(b) specify the amount of compensation to be paid by the facility provider as determined by the public entity, which shall not exceed the amount specified in Part-3 of the Schedule, for the use of the public property under which the overground telecommunication network is proposed to be established by the facility provider; and
(c) specify other conditions including the time and measures to mitigate public inconvenience or enhance public safety, including structural safety of such overground telecommunication network, as well as the mode of execution of the right of way, and maintenance of the telecommunication network so established:
Provided however that, the public entity shall give due consideration to the mode of execution as may be specified by the facility provider under sub-rule (2) of rule (8).
(3) In the event the public entity has specific reasons to reject the permission for right of way, it shall upload, within forty-five calendar days of receipt of the application, such reasons on the portal and the facility provider may respond within fifteen calendar days to counter the reasons cited and mitigations if any proposed.
(4) The public entity shall, after due consideration of the facility provider’s response, if any, under sub-rule (3), within a period of seven calendar days, decide to either accept or reject the application for right of way and such decision shall be uploaded on the portal.
(5) Any decision rejecting the permission for right of way after considering the representation , if any, of the facility provider under sub rule (3) above, shall record the specific reasons for rejection;
(6) Upon rejection of permission by the public entity, the public entity shall refund to the facility provider eighty percent of the fee paid under sub-rule (3) of rule 8, within a period of fifteen calendar days from such date of rejection.
(7) If the public entity fails to either grant or reject permission within the timelines specified under this rule, the permission shall be deemed to have been granted, and the permission shall be automatically uploaded on the portal.
(8) In cases of issue of deemed permission under sub-rule (7), the public entity shall, within a period of seven calendar days, generate through the portal, the terms and conditions of such deemed permission,.
(9) The facility provider shall pay compensation for any damage to the public property resulting from the laying of the overground infrastructure, on terms as may be mutually agreed, which shall not exceed such amount as specified in Part-2 of the Schedule.
(10) The public entity shall not charge in any form any fee or compensation or any other financial contribution for the establishment of overground telecommunication network, other than those permitted under these rules.
10. Establishment of temporary overground telecommunication network. –
(1) In the event of damage caused due to any reason, to any existing underground telecommunication network operated and maintained by a facility provider, such facility provider may, temporarily establish overground telecommunication network on the public property, with a view to prompt restoration of the telecommunication services, by providing in writing the details of the damage, through the portal, to the relevant public entity which has ownership, control or management over such public property. No permission from public entity is required for this purpose.
(2) The facility provider shall ensure restoration of the underground telecommunication network within sixty calendar days from the date of reporting of the damage to the public entity.
(3) No fee or compensation shall be charged by the public entity for the establishment of temporary overground telecommunication network under sub-rule (1), as specified in Part-3 of the Schedule.
11. Usage of street furniture for installation of small cells and telecommunication line.
(1) For the purpose of installation of small cell and telecommunication line on any public property, the facility provider shall submit through the portal an application for permission to the relevant public entity which has ownership, control or management over such public property, along with details of the street furniture and a copy of certification by a structural engineer authorised by a public entity, attesting to the structural safety of the street furniture upon which the installation of small cells and telecommunication line is proposed.
(2) The facility provider may submit through the portal a single application for installation of small cells and telecommunication lines for single or multiple sites at its option, with the information specified under sub-rule (1), and the public entity shall, upon receiving such application, issue a single or multiple permission(s), as the case may be.
(3) No fees or charges shall be levied on an application under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), as specified in Part-1 of the Schedule.
(4) Upon examination of an application received under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), the public entity may:
(a) seek any clarifications or further documents as may be required, through the portal;
(b) grant the permission within sixty calendar days of receiving the application.
(5) In the event the public entity has reason to reject the permission for right of way, it shall upload, within thirty calendar days from the date of receiving the application, such grounds and queries, if any, on the portal and provide the facility provider reasonable opportunity to respond to the same within fifteen calendar days through the portal.
(6) The public entity may, after consideration of such response, if any, under sub-rule (5), reject the application for right of way if it determines that the responses furnished by the facility provider are not satisfactory, record the reason for the same on the portal within a period of fifteen calendar days from the date the facility provider had furnished its response under sub-rule (5).
(7) If the public entity fails to either grant permission under sub-rule (4), or reject the application under sub-rule (5) and sub-rule (6), the permission shall be deemed to have been granted, and shall automatically be uploaded on the portal.
(8) In cases of such deemed permissions under sub-rule (7), the public entity shall, within a period of seven calendar days of such deemed permission, specify the terms and conditions of such permission.
(9) The public entity shall be entitled to receive such compensation from the facility provider, not exceeding the amount specified in Part-3 of the Schedule, for use of street furniture for installation of small cells and telecommunication line, as may be determined by the public entity.
(10) The public entity shall also permit the deployment of small cells on buildings and structures or other public property under its ownership, control or management, and shall charge no administrative fees or compensation for such deployment, as specified in Part-3 of the Schedule:
Provided that charges shall be levied by the public entity in respect of power consumption and fixtures in respect of such small cells, as per actuals.
(11) The facility provider shall, at the option of the public entity, either restore any damage done to the property during deployment of small cells, or pay compensation for any such damage on terms as may be mutually agreed.
12. Obligations of facility provider in undertaking work. –
Where a facility provider has been granted right of way in public property under rule 7 or rule 9, such facility provider shall ensure the:
(a) payment of all amounts as specified under these rules, and adherence to the terms and conditions of the grant of permission from the public entity;
(b) implementation of measures to mitigate public inconvenience and ensure public safety, including measures to ensure the structural safety of overground telecommunication network; and
(c) provision of real time information of all underground telecommunication network established by such facility provider, through positional intelligence using appropriate technology. Such database containing real time information shall be shared with the public entity and the designated officer on demand, including as-built information for existing telecommunication networks.
13. Powers of public entity with respect to ongoing work. –
(1) The public entity may monitor or inspect the execution of work by the facility provider to ascertain compliances with the conditions of the grant of permission.
(2) The public entity may, on the basis of such monitoring and inspection, impose such other reasonable, relevant and evidence-based conditions as it may think fit, to be recorded in writing and after providing reasonable notice to the facility provider of the same through the portal.
(3) If the facility provider does not make payments required to be made pursuant to the terms and conditions for grant of permission , the public entity shall have the right to terminate the permission so granted, after issuance of notice of not less than fifteen calendar days and if the said payments have not been made within such period through the portal.
(4) If the public entity comes to the conclusion that the facility provider has wilfully violated any of the conditions for grant of permission, other than as specified under sub-rule (3), it may forfeit, in full or in part, the bank guarantee submitted by the facility provider and withdraw the permission granted to the facility provider, for reasons to be recorded in writing:
Provided that no action shall be taken under this sub-rule unless the facility provider has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard through the portal.
14. Establishment of telecommunication network over property other than public property. –
(1) Any facility provider desiring to enter any immovable property other than public property, for the purposes specified under section 12 of the Act, shall do so with prior consent and mutual agreement with the person who has ownership, control, or management over such property. Such agreement shall not be required to be registered under the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908), pursuant to sub-clause (3) of section 14 of the Act.
(2) An agreement under sub-rule (1) shall provide for matters relating to:
(a) time and manner of entry of the facility provider into the property, and advance notice, if any, to be provided for such entry;
(b) consideration to be payable by the facility provider;
(c) steps to be taken in the event of any damage to the property, including restoration of the property to its state as it existed prior to the undertaking of such activities, failing which, the facility provider shall pay compensation for such damage as may be mutually agreed; and
(d) specify other conditions including measures to mitigate any inconvenience and enhance safety, including structural safety, as well as measures relating to maintenance of the telecommunication network so established.
(3) A public entity shall not levy any fees, charges or compensation for the establishment of telecommunication network over property other than public property.
(4) In the case of establishment of mobile tower or pole over such property, the facility provider shall submit information in writing, in the form provided for this purpose on the portal, to the relevant public entity, along with details of the building or structure where the establishment of the mobile tower or pole is proposed, and a copy of certification by a structural engineer authorised by a public entity, attesting to the structural safety of the building or structure, where the mobile tower or pole is proposed to be established, prior to commencement of such establishment.
15. Manner of permitting the right of way by the Central Government in public interest.-
(1) If a facility provider fails to reach an agreement with the person under sub-rule (1) of rule 14, it may submit a request through the portal, supported by relevant documents, to the District Collector or other designated officer as notified by the Central Government in this regard, within whose jurisdiction the property is situated, for a determination whether such right of way is necessary in the public interest.
(2) Upon receipt of a request under sub-rule (1), the District Collector or other designated officer, as the case may be, shall within thirty calendar days, either
(a) reject the request for permission of right of way, or
(b) provide notice to the person having ownership, control or management over the relevant property, specifying the nature of right of way sought by the facility provider.
(3) Any notice under sub-paragraph (b) of sub-clause (2) may be served on such person by a messenger handing over a copy thereof and obtaining his signature on another copy thereof.
(4) In case the service of such notice is not reasonably possible under sub-rule (3), then, such notice shall be sent to the concerned person by registered post or speed post at his known residence and the delivery of such registered post or speed post to such person shall be the service on him of such notice and in case he refuses to receive such registered post or speed post, the remarks of such refusal by a post office official on the registered post or speed post shall be deemed to be the service on such person of such notice.
(5) In case the service of such notice is not reasonably possible under sub-rules (3) and (4), then the contents of such notice shall be published in newspaper having circulation in the locality where the concerned person actually or voluntarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain and such publication shall be deemed to be the service of such notice on such person.
(6) The person referred to in sub-rule (2), shall within fifteen calendar days of the notice being served under sub-rule (3), (4) or (5), as the case may be, respond in writing in the form provided for this purpose, as regards the concerns and objections to the right of way, or conditions subject to which right of way may be considered.
(7) The District Collector or other designated officer, as the case may be, shall after taking into consideration the application under sub-rule (1) and the responses under sub-rule (6), determine by order in writing, whether or not right of way for establishing the telecommunication network is to be permitted in public interest. Such determination shall not ordinarily exceed a period of sixty calendar days from the date of receipt of notice under sub-rule (1).
(8) Where the order under sub-rule (7) grants permission for right of way, it shall also specify the terms and conditions for the same, including but not limited to:
(a) the area over which the right of way is permitted and the nature of telecommunication network to be established;
(b) the charges payable by the facility provider and the time and manner of such payment;
(c) the obligations of the facility provider to restore and repair any damage to the property resulting from the establishment of the telecommunication network, or compensation to be payable in the event of failure to undertake such restoration or repair; and
(d) other conditions including the time and measures to mitigate any inconvenience, or measures to enhance public safety, the mode of execution of right of way, and maintenance of the telecommunication network so established.
16. Terms and conditions for open access of common ducts and cable corridors.—
(1) Where the Central Government has notified an infrastructure project or class of infrastructure projects under section 15 of the Act, the public entity having ownership or control or management over such project shall provide for an online application process to enable facility providers to make an application for the purpose of installation of telecommunication network through such common duct or conduit or cable corridor established in such project.
(2) Any application under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by information including:
(a) a copy of the authorisation granted by the Central Government in respect of which the telecommunication network is required;
(b) details of the underground or overground telecommunication network proposed to be laid;
(c) details of any other matter relevant, in the opinion of the facility provider, connected with the work proposed to be undertaken; and
(d) details of any other matter connected with or related to the work as may be specified, through a general or special order, by the Central Government.
(3) The public entity which is responsible for the infrastructure project or class of infrastructure projects, shall make available such common duct or conduit or cable corridor for the installation of telecommunication network, on a non-discriminatory and open access basis, subject to payment of charges, which shall be based on prevailing market rates and based on the principle of cost recovery over a minimum period of twenty five years:
Provided that such charges shall not exceed the amount as may be notified by the Central Government from time to time for such infrastructure project or class of infrastructure project.
17. Right to seek removal, etc.—
(1) Where any person having ownership or control or management over a property, considers that it is necessary and expedient and for a reasonable cause, to remove, relocate or alter the overground or underground telecommunication network that has been placed by a facility provider upon that property, it shall issue a notice to the facility provider, specifying the reasons for seeking removal, relocation or alteration of such telecommunication network.
(2) On receipt of the notice under sub-rule (1), the facility provider shall, forthwith, and within a period of thirty calendar days, proceed to submit, to such person, a detailed plan for such removal, relocation or alteration, and the expense for such works.
(3) The responsibility and liability, including the cost for removal, relocation or alteration of such telecommunication network shall be borne by the facility provider; provided however that the person making the application under sub-rule (1) shall defray such expenses from the compensation, if any, that such person may have received from the facility provider under sub-section (6) of section 11, or subsection (4) of section 12 of the Act.
(4) The facility provider shall ensure that any works relating to removal, relocation or alteration of such telecommunication network under this rule, shall be completed within a period of sixty calendar days from the date of the request under sub-rule (1).
18. Procedure for dealing in the exercise of any legal right with any property. —
(1) Any person desiring to exercise legal right over his property in such a manner as is likely to cause damage to or interrupt or interfere with any overground or underground telecommunication network duly placed in accordance with the provisions of the Act, shall submit on the portal, a notice containing the information with respect to exercise of such legal right, which shall include the following details:
(a) name, address and relevant contact details of the person providing such notice;
(b) date and time of start, as well as description and location of the exercise of legal rights;
(c) the reasons why digging or excavation or other action required for the exercise of such person’s rights, the likelihood of interference with the telecommunication network, and why action under rule 17 is not required;
(d) the presence of emergency, if any, that requires an expeditious response.
(2) The relevant facility provider responsible for the operation and maintenance of the telecommunication network on such property, shall, on submission of notice by the person under sub-rule (1), provide through the portal, the details of telecommunication network falling under or over or along such property, as well as precautionary measures that are required to be implemented by the person undertaking the works, in order to avoid damage to the telecommunication network, within the following timelines:
(a) where any emergency has been notified under sub-rule (1) a period not exceeding twenty-four hours, or
(b) in all other situations, a period of seven calendar days from the date of submission of notice under sub-rule (1).
(3) The person exercising legal rights under this rule, shall implement all precautionary measures as specified by the facility provider as per sub-rule (2).
(4) In case no facility provider responds to the notice within the prescribed timelines under sub-rule (3), the person providing notice under sub-rule (1), shall undertake the exercise of legal rights with reasonable precautions with regard to the telecommunication networks that are likely to be impacted by the exercise of such rights.
19. Applicable taxes, charges, fees etc.
Any charge payable under these rules shall be exclusive of taxes, fees or other charges as applicable under laws for the time being in force.
20. Recovery of amount due under these rules.
Without prejudice to other modes of recovery, any amount due under these rules to a public entity shall, if not paid, be recovered as an arrear of land revenue.
[See rules 6(3), 7(9)(b), 7(10)(b), 7(12), 8(3), 9(2)(b), 9(9), 9(10), 10(3), 11(3), 11(9), 11(10)]
Rule | Item | Amount |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
Part-1: Fee for examining applications | ||
6(3) | Application fee for examining of the application for establishment of underground telecommunication network |
One time charge of One thousand rupees per kilometer. |
8(3) | Application fee for examining of the application for establishment of overground telecommunication network |
One time charge(s) as under:
(i) Ten thousand rupees per tower for establishment of mobile towers (ii) One thousand rupees per kilometer for establishment of overground telecommunication line. (iii) Nil for establishment of poles, for installation of small cells and telecommunication line. |
11(3) | Application fee for examining of the application for usage of street furniture for installation of small cells and telecommunication line | Nil. |
Part-2 Compensation for damage or bank guarantee for restoration | ||
7(9)(b) | Compensation for restoration of property to the state as it existed prior to the establishment of underground telecommunication network where undertaking to restore the property is not required by the public entity. | Sum required to restore public property as per the rate prescribed by central public works department for that area or as per the rate prescribed by state public works department for that area, if no rate has been prescribed by central public works department for that area.
Such rate shall under no circumstances exceed the rate charged by central public works department or the public works department for its own work. |
7(10)(b) | Bank guarantee as security for performance in case of establishment of underground telecommunication network where undertaking is specified by the public entity for the facility provider to discharge the responsibility to restore the damages | 20% of the sum required to restore public property as per the rate prescribed by central public works department for that area or as per the rate prescribed by state public works department for that area, if no rate has been prescribed by central public works department for that area. |
9(9) | Compensation for restoration of property to the state as it existed prior to the establishment overground telecommunication network. | Sum required to restore public property as per the rate prescribed by central public works department for that area or as per the rate prescribed by state public works department for that area, if no rate has been prescribed by central public works department for that area.
Such rate should not be more than the rate charged by central public works department or the public works department for its own work. In case of overground telecommunication network, the facility provider shall restore the damage to the property incurred in case of establishment of poles for installation of small cells and telecommunication line. |
Part-3 Compensation for right of way | ||
7(12) | Establishment of underground telecommunication network | Nil. |
Establishment of over ground telecommunication network
Where the establishment of the telecommunication network renders the public property unlikely to be used for any other purpose, compensation for the value of the public property, either once or annually, assessed on such rates as that public entity may, by general order, specify.
Provided however, for establishment of poles for installation of small cells and telecommunication line compensation shall be nil. |
10(3) | Establishment of temporary over ground telecommunication network | Nil. |
11(9) | Usage of street furniture for installation of small cells and telecommunication line | (i) For installation of small cells: Three hundred rupees per annum for urban area and one hundred and fifty rupees per annum for rural areas per street furniture.(ii) For installation of telecommunication line: One hundred rupees per annum per street furniture. |
11(10) | For the deployment of small cells on building/ structures under the ownership, control or management of public entities. |
Nil. |
[F. No. 24-01/2024-UBB]