Telephone : 011-26163246
Fax : 011-26175913
Employees Provident Fund Organisation
(Ministry of Labour, Govt. Of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110066
Date: 06.02.2018
All Additional Central P.F. Commissioner (Zones),
All Regional P.F. Commissioner In-charge of ROs.
Sub:- Compliance to statutory provisions of applicable Labour Laws relating to “Contract Labour” hired by Railways either directly or through Contractors.
Ref:- i) No. CAIU/011(29)2016/Railway Estt./18339 dated 25.01.2017.
ii) No. CAIU/011(33)2015/HQNol.11/28445 dated 02.02.2017.
iii) No. CAIU/011(29)2016/Railway estts./19433 dated 20.02.2017.
iv) No. CAIU/011(33)2015/HQ/4662 dated 05.06.2017.
v) No. CAIU/011(33)2015/HQ/Vol.11/11834 dated 06.09.2017.
vi) No. CAIU/011(52)2016/PEP/14776 dated 13.10.2017.
vii) No. CAIU/011(52)2016/PEP/14932 dated 17.10.2017.
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of letter No.2018/E(LI)/AT/CNR/3 dated 24.01.2018 received from Railway Board, Ministry of Railways, Government of India on the subject cited above.
2. In this regard, a letter is being issued to all General Manager of Indian Railways (all Zones), Kolkata Metro Corporation, Director General, RDSO and Chairman & Managing Director, IRCTC for ensuring compliance in respect of contract workers being Principal Employers.
3. In view of above, it is requested to take steps to cover all eligible contract workers and ensure compliance by the all offices of Indian Railways, Kolkata Metro Corporation, Director General, RDSO and Chairman & Managing Director, IRCTC which comes under your jurisdiction as per the provisions of EPF & MP Act, 1952.
This may be given TOP PRIORTY.
Yours faithfully,
Encl: as above
(K.L. Taneja)
Addl. Central P.F. Commissioner-HQ (CAIU)