How can a registered office’s address be changed?
All business-related communications are conducted at a company’s registered office. A firm may additionally have a corporate office, branch, manufacturing, or administrative office in addition to its registered office. While a firm must establish its registered office in India with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, it is not required to notify the ROC in advance of opening any additional branches or offices.
The company’s domicile will be determined by its registered office in India (state of Incorporation). The state or location where the company’s registered office is located will decide the ROC. The ROC must be notified within 15 days of any change in the registered office address of a firm.
Page Contents
- Why is it vital to know the registered office address?
- How can the registered office address be changed?
- Changes that can occur at a registered office
- Types of modifications to the registered office address.
- Change of Registered Address Within the same city
- Changing the registered office address to one in the same state but under a different ROC
Why is it vital to know the registered office address?
Declaring the company’s registered office and submitting the necessary paperwork are both crucial when forming a Private Limited Company. The following list of documents must be given when declaring a company’s registered office during the company’s incorporation:
Electricity bill, water bill, and receipt for property taxes.
If the property is rented, the landlord must give his or her NOC.
The rent or lease contract between the landlord and the business.
How can the registered office address be changed?
After a business declares its registered office by filing the INC 22. Any modifications to the company’s registered office must be communicated to the ROC. If the registered office address is changing within the same city, town, or village, the change must be reported within 15 days by filing the necessary papers.
The registered office must approve a specific resolution adopted by the firm if the new registered office address is outside the boundaries of the city, town, or village. If the registered office of the firm is to be transferred from one ROC jurisdiction to another, the Regional Director of the ROC must approve the change.
Changes that can occur at a registered office
After a while, a company could seek to relocate. Any changes to a company’s registered office must be notified in advance. The corporation must adhere to the rules laid out by MCA in order to alter its address.
Types of modifications to the registered office address.
Within the same city
Within the same state and ROC
To other ROC in the same state
From one state to another
Change of Registered Address Within the same city
It is relatively easy to modify the registered office within the same city.
The business must first call a board meeting and pass a resolution regarding it.
The business must submit a form INC22 to the MCA. It must be submitted 30 days after the board resolution has been approved.
The rental agreement, NOC from the owner, and utility bill used to prove the business address must all be attached.
Changing the registered office address to one in the same state but under a different ROC
If a firm wants to move its registered office from one ROC to another, it must submit an application for the Regional Director’s approval using the format specified in Form INC-23. Within 60 days of the Regional Director’s confirmation of the change, the identical confirmation must be submitted to the ROC. The ROC must validate the address change within 30 days after filing.
The process for altering the registered office’s address is finished once all of the forms submitted to the MCA have been approved. A business must update the address in all the necessary locations. The PAN, TAN, bank accounts, along with all other registrations, licences, and changes to each MOA should all be updated with the new address.
For any query you may contact the author at 9899595719 or [email protected]
Disclaimer: The above article is only for information purpose and is on based on the author’s interpretation of the relevant provision. The same should not be considered as professional advice.