As per the Companies (Prospectus and allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014 Every unlisted public company shall apply for separate ISIN for each type of security on or before 2nd day of October 2018
ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is a unique 12-digit alphanumeric identification number allotted for a security Equity fully paid up, equity-partly paid up, equity with differential voting/dividend.
According to Rule 9A of Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014
1. Every unlisted public company shall-
a) Issue the securities only in dematerialised form; and
b) Facilitate dematerialization of all its existing securities
2. Every unlisted public company making any offer for issue for any securities or buyback of securities or issue of bonus shares or rights offer shall ensure that before making such offer, entire holding of securities of its promoters, directors, key managerial personnel has been dematerialised in accordance with provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996.
3. Every holder of securities of an unlisted public company-
a) who intends to transfer such securities on or after 2nd October, 2018, shall get such securities dematerialised before the transfer: or
b) who subscribes to any securities of an unlisted public company (whether by way of private placement or bonus shares or rights offer) on or after 2nd October, 2018 shall ensure that all his existing securities are held in dematerialised form before such subscription.
To obtain a fresh ISIN, a company has to approach a SEBI registered Registrar to an issue and Share Transfer Agent (RTA).
1. Board Resolution
It should be digitally signed by Authorised Signatory on Board Resolution and List of Authorised Signatory Page.
2. Networth Certificate from Practicing Chartered Accountant and should be digitally signed by PCA and Authorised Signatory of the company.
3. Part-I (Issuer Details)
In this details of company are filled.
4. Part-II (Security Details)
In this, details related to securities of Company is filled.
5. Tripartite Agreement
It is the agreement between the Issuer, RTA and NSDL. The three copies of agreement be signed by the DP, RTA and Issuer.
6. Audited Balance Sheet
It must be signed by the Authorised signatory on Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Page.
7. GST Certificate
The certificate will be digitally signed by the Authorised Signatory on all pages.
8. COI, MOA and AOA
COI will be digitally signed by Authorised signatory on all pages. MOA should be signed on 1st page and last page.AOA should be signed on 1st page and last page.
9. PAS 3 & SH7 (If any share has been issued after the Audited balance sheet date or if here is any change in Authorised Share Capital)
Scan Copy with digitally signed by Authorised Signatory on all pages.
10. Copies of listing /trading permission/confirmation letter from the stock exchanges with Distinctive Number Range(DNR) for listing of all its shares.
Scan Copy with digitally signed by Authorised Signatory on all pages.
11. Copy of Latest Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report submitted to the stock exchange
Scan Copy with digitally signed by Authorised Signatory on all pages.
let us know the procedure for withdrwal of Demat Facility from NSDL
Any time period for obtaining ISIN of Newly incorporated Companies.