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FAQs on New MCA Website

Q.1 Has the new MCA website been launched? Has there been any change in the existing services?

Ans. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs is in the process of implementing the third version of its flagship project MCA21 (MCA 21 V3). The project will be developed and implemented in phase-wise manner over the fiscal year 2021-22.

In May 2021 (Phase-1), the Ministry will release an upgraded version of MCA website, followed by two other public facing modules viz. e-Consultation and e-Book. Other modules of MCA21 version 2 will continue to operate in parallel and will support form-filing and regulatory compliance by stakeholders.

Migration of all modules of MCA21 version 2 modules to version 3 shall take place from October 2021 onwards.

Q.2 What are the key features of the new MCA Website?

Ans. As stated above, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs is in the process of implementing the third version of its flagship project MCA21. The project will be developed and implemented in phase-wise manner over the fiscal year 2021-22.

In the phase-1 (May 2021), following web pages have been revamped: –

♦ Home page

♦ About Us

♦ Data & Reports

♦ Contact Us

♦ News & Updates

♦ Mediation & Conciliation

Following new services have also been made available: –

> E-BookE-Book has been revised to include e-books for all Acts administered by MCA. Further, additional functionalities such as filter, sorting and timelines have been introduced. Please refer to FAQs on E-Book for more information.

> E-ConsultationA new online platform wherein, stakeholders/users can submit their comments and suggestions on the proposed amendments/draft legislations that are posted by MCA. Please refer to FAQs on E-Consultation for more information.

Stakeholders may note that other modules of MCA21 version 2 will continue to operate in parallel and will support form-filing and regulatory compliance by stakeholders. Migration of all modules of MCA21 version 2 to version 3 is likely to happen in October 2021.

Q.3 Is there a change in the Login Process?

Ans. No. There is no change in the login process. Registered Users can continue to login using their existing credentials.

Q.4 Is there a change in the Registration Process?

Ans. No. There is no change in the Registration Process. Please refer to the FAQs on Registration for more information.

Q.5 Is there any change in e-filing process?

Ans. No. There is no change in the e-filing process. Please refer to the FAQs on e-filing for more information.

Q.6 Is there any change in payment process?

Ans. No. There is no change in the payment process. Please refer to the FAQs on Payment Process for more information.

Q.7 What will happen to data saved in “My Workspace” Tab with MCA website?

Ans. There is no change. It will remain same. All the forms saved in drafts can be accessed through My Workspace.

Q.8 I do not see Stakeholder’s corner on the new Home Page. Where can I find this section?

Ans. The Stakeholder’s corner has been discontinued. All the important reports/documents which were available in this section have been moved to Library page under ‘Data & Reports’. These reports could also be found in ‘Recent Reports’ tab in the ‘Notification & Updates’ section of the Home Page. Vacancies/Appointments has been moved to ‘News & Updates’ section.

Q.9 I do not see important Messages in the News tab on the Home Page. Where can I find these messages?

Ans. These messages could be found in the ‘Important Updates’ tab in the ‘Notification & Updates’ section of the Home Page.

Q.10 I do not see Forms & Downloads link at the top of the pages. Where do I find it? Ans. You can now access Forms & Downloads section by clicking on Company Forms Downloads and LLP Forms Downloads cards located on the Home Page. Alternatively, the page can also be accessed through e-filing option in the MCA Services menu drop-down.

Q.11 How is the Sectional Search different from the Website Search?

Ans. The Sectional Search has been provided to enable users to quickly locate the relevant document. It caters to the documents in a particular section whereas Website search caters to the entire website.

Q.12 I do not see CRC (Corporate Seva Kendra) link at the top. Where do I find it?

Ans. CRC can be accessed from the Corporate Seva Kendra card added in the “Information Corner” on the Home Page.

Q.13  do not see Extension of AGM, ROC Adjudication Reports, Disqualified Directors, Companies struck off, and Proclaimed Offenders on the Home Page. Where do I find these?

Ans. These reports have been moved to RD/ROC Information section under ‘Data & Reports’.

Q.14 Where can I find SOP for Grievance Redressal?

Ans. SOP for Grievance Redressal is located under Help & FAQ menu drop down.

Q.15 I cannot find details of Staff Grievance Officer in Contact Us page. Where do I find it? Ans. Staff Grievance Officer page has been moved to Employee Corner.

Q.16 How do I access the important services on new MCA website?

Ans. The shortcuts to access primary and ancillary services have been provided on Homepage as cards.

> Step 1: Scroll through the 6 primary service cards below banner image. The following services can be accessed: –

    • Register your Company
    • Company Forms Downloads
    • Close your Company
    • Register your LLP
    • LLP Forms Downloads
    • Close your LLP

> Step 2: User can click on any of the cards to know more and avail these services. The process of filing e-forms remains the same.

> Step 3: Scroll down to 12 Frequently used services cards given below the ticker.

> Step 4: User can use <> arrows to scroll through and select the required service. The following essential services can be directly accessed –

    • E-Books
    • Name Reservation – Company
    • Name Reservation – LLP
    • DIR 3 KYC
    • Track Transaction Status
    • View Public Documents
    • View Company/ LLP Master Data
    • Associate DSC
    • Update DSC
    • Enquire Fee
    • Independent Director/ Databank Registration
    • E-Auction

> Step 5: For services cards with lock icon on top, user will be redirected to login page. For cards without lock icon, the user will be navigated to the services page.

> Step 6: Alternatively, all these services can be accessed from Home -> MCA Services.

> Step 7: All other MCA services can be accessed from Home -> MCA Services In the same manner as previous website version.

Q.17 How do I access all important updates and information on new MCA website? Ans. The shortcuts to important information and notifications have been provided on Home page.

> Step 1: Scroll to ‘Notifications & Updates’ section on Homepage

> Step 2: Click on any of the following tabs to access respective documents/ messages

    • What’s New
    • Latest News
    • Important Updates
    • Videos
    • Notices & Circulars
    • Recent Reports
    • Quotations & Tenders
    • Press Release
    • Vacancies

> Step 3: Search by content by typing relevant keyword on the sectional search bar provided.

> Step 4: User may select a date range from the Date icon to narrow down search of documents

> Step 5: User can scroll through the section to view the latest documents

> Step 6: Clicking on ‘View More’ will allow user to view all documents present for each of the sections

> Step 7: Clicking on Download icon will directly download documents in user’s system Alternatively, the user can access the same ‘News & Updates’ pages from quick links

> Step 8: All informational pages of the MCA website have been arranged together as ‘Information Corner’. Shortcuts to following pages have been provided –

    • Ease of Doing Business
    • Employee Corner
    • Annual Reports
    • Parliament Questions & Assurances
    • Information on Company Deposits
    • Mediation & Conciliation Panel
    • Corporate Seva Kendra

> All other website related documents can be accessed through other information centric pages like About MCA, Data & Reports, Contact Us

Q.18 Is there an option to navigate to RDs, ROCs or OLs?

Ans. Yes. The steps to navigate to RDs, ROCs or OLs are as follows: –

> Step 1: – Please click on the Contact Us option in the menu band. This will redirect to Grievance cell page under Contact Us Page.

> Step 2: – Please click on the Regional Directors tab present in the tab panel on the left.

> Step 3: – Please select the desired RD from the interactive Map. Alternatively, the desired RD can also be selected through the drop down present to the right of the interactive map.

> Step 4: – Upon selecting the desired RD, the details of the selected RD would appear on the right-hand side. There will be a ‘View on Map’ link at the bottom of the details.

> Step 5: – Clicking on the ‘View on Map’ link will redirect to Maps with the location of the RD shown on Maps.

> Step 6: – Users can then get directions to the selected RD/ROC/OL office through Maps.

FAQs on E-Book

Q.1 How to access the E-Book module?

Ans. Step 1: Navigate to the homepage of MCA’s website using its URL http://www.mca.gov.in/

Step 2: Sign in through the top navigation bar using the login credentials as a registered user.

A guest user does not require to log in.

Step 3: Select the ‘Act & Rules’ option from the menu navigation bar and click on ‘E-Books’.

Q.2 What are the objectives of E-Book?

Ans. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is primarily concerned with the administration of the Companies Act 2013, the Companies Act 1956, The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 & other allied Acts, rules & regulations framed mainly for regulating the functioning of the corporate sector in accordance with law. In order to simplify the compliance procedures and provide consolidated information on applicable Acts, Rules and Regulations to the stakeholders, MCA has launched E-Book for 10 acts and applicable Rules and Regulations for companies and LLPs administered by it.

Q.3 Which users can access the E-Book module?

Ans. Registered and Guest users can access E-Book.

i. Registered users – The users who have already registered on the MCA website by providing their details and log in using their credentials.

ii. Guest users – The users who are not registered on the MCA website and wish to access E-Books.

Q.4 How to access Acts in E-Books?

Ans. Users may select the Act they wish to refer to either through the ‘List of Acts’ available on the E-Book home screen or by selecting the ‘Acts’ tab present on the header.

Q.5 Can we download Act from E-Book?

Ans. Facility to download the PDF version of the entire Act is available to the user. The users of the portal will be able to print the content of any act, section, and rule, based on the selection. The user can either use the web browser’s native print functionality or click on the download icon when on any page within the eBook portal. The selected act/section/rule/regulation content will be automatically converted into a print ready PDF page which will allow the printing of the selected content. On filter or search results, the user will get an option to download the required module from the results displayed and the content can then be printed from the PDF file generated.

FAQs on E-Consultation

Q.1 What is E-consultation module?

Ans. E-consultation is an online platform, wherein public suggestions can be invited from various stakeholders in the form of comments and suggestions on the proposed amendments and/or draft legislations.

Q.2 Who all are eligible to provide comments/suggestions?

Ans. Anyone can provide comments/suggestions either through guest access or registered user access.

Q.3 How can I access the E-consultation module?

Ans. To access the E-Consultation module, user needs to navigate to MCA 21 homepage and select “E-consultation module” from the homepage. A detailed step by step guide on E-Consultation module is available on the homepage as an Introduction video.

Q.4 How can I provide comments/suggestions?

Ans. Comments can be submitted by any of the following 2 methods: –

(a) Guest Access (non-registered user) without Login

(b) Registered user can login and access the module

Q.5 Is it mandatory to have a registered user account on the MCA portal in order to post comments/ suggestions in the module?

Ans. No, it is not mandatory to have a registered user account. A user can have a guest access (without login) on the e-consultation module page. However, to successfully post comments/ suggestions, the unregistered user is required to fill the user profile information form (by entering details such as Name, E-mail ID, Address, Name of the organization, Industry of operation etc.) and get his/her email Id and mobile number verified through OTP.

Q.6 How and where can I access the documents for providing consultation comments/suggestions?

Ans. All the documents open for consultation shall be available with “Date of posting” and “Comments due date” on the home screen of E-Consultation page. The user can also use the search bar within E-Consultation module to perform keyword searches within the module in order to search for a particular document/document(s).

Q.7 Is it possible to ‘Save’ the comments/suggestions and access them later?

Ans. The user can save their comments by clicking on the “Save” button at any given point of time. However, for guest users, the comments will be saved only for the particular session. In case the session is refreshed for any reason, the comments provided will be lost. But the registered users will be able to access their saved comments at a later point of time as well.

Q.8 Can I add an attachment in support of my comment/suggestion?

Ans. Yes, the user can add attachment in support of his/her comments/suggestions. But it should not exceed the maximum size limit of 25 MB and the acceptable formats are PDF, DOC, PNG or JPEG.

Q.9 How can I modify previously provided comments?

Ans. Users can modify their comments on the document any number of times, till the consultation is open on a particular document. In case the user decides to modify their comments, the previous comments will be overwritten, and new comments shall be proceeded with.

a. Registered users will be able to see their previously submitted comments on the E-Consultation page, post logging in. They can modify their comments by accessing the relevant document. However, it will be mandatory to Submit the new comments by clicking on the “Submit” action button, before the same is recorded.

b. Guest users (users who are not registered on MCA portal or users who did not login using their Registered login id while providing comments earlier) will also be able to modify their comments using the following steps:

♦ Proceed to provide comments on the document.

♦ Once they have finished providing their updated comments on the document, they are required to provide the same PAN/Aadhar/CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/FLLPIN that was used while providing the initial comments.

♦ A confirmation will be asked to overwrite the previously submitted comments. Once the user selects “Yes”, previous comments will be over-written.

Q.10 Who all can see the comments/suggestions provided by me?

Ans. Comments posted by one user will not be available for view by other users. It shall be viewed only by the MCA backend users.

Q.11 Are my personal details visible to everyone?

Ans. No. The user profile information (name, contact details, etc.) provided by users while submitting a comment shall be kept confidential and will only be available to the MCA backend users.

Q.12 Can I provide comments without providing personal details?

Ans. No


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