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Learn about the different modes of payment for making MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) fee payments. This article provides an overview of payment options such as credit card, debit card, net banking, and challan. Additionally, frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding payment methods, accepted banks, surcharges, and refund processes are answered.

The analysis covers the different modes of payment available for MCA fee payments. It includes options like credit cards, debit cards, net banking, and challan. The article also addresses specific questions about banks providing credit card and net banking facilities, acceptance of debit cards, authorized branches for challan payments, processing time for various payment methods, additional service charges, and refunds.

Q. 1 What are the different modes of payment available for making MCA fee payments?

Ans. The different modes of payment available are:

  • Credit card/ Debit Card (Pay online)
  • Net Banking (Pay online)
  • Challan (Generate the Challan online, fill it and deposit it off-line at an authorized bank branch)
  • NEFT
  • Pay Later

Q. 2 Which all banks provide Credit Card facility for making MCA fee payments?

Ans. All types of Visa and Master card issued in India are accepted.

Q. 3 Which all banks provide Net banking Payment facility for making MCA fee payments?

Net banking payment facility of following bank is available on MCA Portal

a. Punjab National bank

b. State Bank of India

c. ICICI Bank

d. HDFC Bank

e. Indian Bank

f. Union Bank of India

Q. 4 Are Debit Cards accepted for making MCA fee payments?

Ans. Yes, Debit Cards are accepted. Following banks / institutions have implemented debit card (Visa) acceptance on the payment gateway:

  • Andhra Bank
  • Axis Bank Limited
  • Barclays Bank Plc
  • Canara Bank
  • City Union Bank Limited
  • Corporation Bank
  • Deutsche Bank AG
  • GE Money Financial Services Limited
  • HDFC Bank Limited
  • ICICI Bank Limited
  • Indian Overseas Bank
  • Kotak Bank (Virtual card)
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • State Bank Of India
  • Syndicate Bank
  • The Federal Bank Limited
  • The Karur Vysya Bank Limited

Q. 5 Where can I make MCA Challan Payments?

Ans. Selected branches of the following five banks have been authorized for accepting MCA Payments:

a. Punjab National bank

b. State Bank of India

c. ICICI Bank

d. HDFC Bank

e. Indian Bank

Q. 6 Can I make Challan payments at any branch of the five approved banks?

Ans. No, only selected branches of the five banks have been authorized for MCA payments. The details of these branches are available on the MCA portal –> Click here for bank details.

In case payment is made at any bank branch which is not authorized to receive the payments on behalf of MCA, then it shall not be valid and the payment shall not be accounted for.

Q. 7 How long does it take for Cheque/ DD payments to get updated in MCA21 system?

Ans. It takes 3-4 days for banks to realize the payment made against an instrument. After realization of the payment, the same is reported by the respective banks on the next working day. Thereafter, the status is updated on the MCA portal.

Q. 8 How long does it take for Cash payments to get updated in MCA21 system?

Ans. It takes approx. two working days.

Q. 9 I made cash payment/ deposited a Cheque or a DD after the Challan expiry date and it was accepted by the bank. The payment status is still not updated on MCA portal. What should I do? If the Challan was accepted by bank, the status should be updated.

Ans. Since the payment was made after expiry date, it cannot be updated. If the bank has accepted the payment, it would be rejected by MCA. In such a scenario, approach the bank branch where you made the payment and seek refund for it. User should verify that the Challan has not expired while making the payment at the bank.

Q. 10 Does MCA levy any additional service charge on online payments?

Ans. No, MCA does not levy any additional service charge on online payments.

For Credit / Debit Card Payments, user/ compliance seeker needs to pay ICICI Bank a convenience fee charge of 1% and UBI a convenience fee charge of 1.0% on transaction value.

Q. 11 Do Banks levy any additional surcharge on online payments?

Ans. For Credit / Debit Card Payments, user/ compliance seeker needs to pay ICICI Bank a convenience fee charge of 1% and UBI a convenience fee charge of 1.0% on transaction value.

For Net banking Payments, there is NO surcharge levied by any bank.

Q. 12 I made a payment of Rs. 1000 using my credit card, but in my statement Amount mentioned is Rs. 1020.00 / Rs 1016.00? OR Is there are additional fee levied for CC payments?

Ans. As per the Credit card terms and conditions, User/ Compliance seeker will have to bear a convenience fee charge of 1% per transaction for ICICI payment gateway and 1.0% per transaction for UBI payment gateway. Additional amount in the bill is 1% (for ICICI Payment gateway) and 1.0% (for UBI Payment Gateway) of the transaction fee.

Q. 13 Why is a surcharge of 1% (for ICICI Payment gateway) and 1.0% (for UBI Payment Gateway) charged on credit card payment?

Ans. As per the Credit card Terms and conditions, User/ Compliance seeker will have to pay a convenience fee charge of 1% (for ICICI Payment gateway) and 1.0% (for UBI Payment Gateway). These rates are shared by ICICI Bank/ UBI and your credit card Issuing Bank, against Payment gateway application upkeep and other costs. MCA doesn’t get this money.

You may use the Net banking/ NEFT option where no additional charge is levied. Alternatively, you may also use the Challan payment option to save the 2%/ 1.0% charge.

Q. 14 I made a payment using credit card on MCA portal and agreed to pay 2%/ 1.0% additional surcharge; but in my credit card statement bank has charged me more than 2%/ 1.0%. What should I do to get it refunded?

Ans. As per the Credit card Terms and Conditions, User/Compliance seeker will have to pay a convenience fee charge of 1% (for ICICI Payment gateway) and 1.0% (for UBI Payment Gateway). The amount charged should not exceed 2%/ 1.0% of the total filing fee.

You have to approach the Credit card bank with the copy of the receipt and request adjustment for the additional fee charged.

In case you have been over charged, you can verify the same as follows:-

1. Visit MCA portal

2. Click on “Track Payment Status”. Enter SRN and Click on “Submit”.

3. Click on “Copy of Challan/Receipt”

4. Receipt will be displayed within few seconds.

Q. 15 What is a Service Request Number (SRN)?

Ans. Every request submitted on MCA portal is identified by a unique number known as the Service Request Number (SRN). It is a nine character alphanumeric string starting with an alphabet (A-Z) which is printed on the top left hand side of a Receipt or Challan. Please note down the SRN for all future correspondence with MCA.

In case of online payments; SRN is given to the user, before s/he is redirected to the ICICI payment gateway/ Bank’s site. As per the Terms and conditions agreed by User, it is mentioned:-

“You are being redirected to <Bank’s name> net banking site. Please note down your Service Request number: <SRN> for future correspondence with MCA”

In case of Challan payments; the Challan number is the SRN.

Q. 16 All queries on the portal are based on SRN. I don’t have any SRN?

Ans. The Challan/ Receipt number printed on the top left hand side of the Challan/ Receipt is the Service Request Number (SRN).

Q. 17 What should be done in case I did NOT note the Service Request Number (SRN), before making an online payment?

Ans. Please follow the steps given below to find out the SRN:

1. Login on MCA portal with the user id which was used to submit the request.

2. Go to “Track Transaction Status” Tab.

3. Enter start date & end date as ‘date of your request’ and click on the Search button. In case it takes time for search to happen, search without entering any details.

4. All SRNs submitted by you will get displayed.

5. Note down the SRN.

Q. 18 How can I get a copy of Challan or receipt?

Ans. Please follow the steps given below, to get the copy of Challan/Receipt:

1. Click on “Track Payment Status”. Enter SRN and Click on “Submit”.

2. Click on “Copy of Challan/Receipt/Acknowledgement ” .

3. Challan/ Receipt will be displayed within few seconds.

Q. 19 What should be done in case I generated a Challan to make an offline payment in a bank but I want to now make the payment via online (Credit Card or Net Banking) mode OR due to some reason I was unable to make the payment before the expiry date of the Challan?

Ans. Presently, there is no provision to make online payment against a SRN generated with payment mode as offline. You have to select the payment mode as “Online” or “Offline” before generating the SRN.

For mode of payment as Challan, fee has to be paid at bank branch only to get the service delivery. However, in case you are not able to make payment in the bank before the expiry date of Challan or you want to make the payment via online mode, you will have to upload the eForm again and generate a new SRN. The earlier SRN will not be considered in such a case and will stand cancelled.

Note: There is no provision to set-off of the Challan payment against payment made through Pay Miscellaneous fee – Individual option. There is no link between the original SRN against which filing was done and the SRN against which payment was made using Pay Miscellaneous

Fee – Individual option. In such a case, any payment made using Pay Miscellaneous Fee – Individual option shall be forfeited.

Q. 20 I have uploaded the eForm and have used my credit card for making payment. However, no payment intimation/ receipt was generated subsequently. What should I do? Has the payment been debited?

Ans. Click on ‘Track Payment Status’ link given on the home page. Enter the SRN details and find the payment status.

In case the payment status is ‘PAID’, DO NOT PAY AGAIN. Request for reversal of duplicate transactions done in such cases shall not be entertained.

For all SRNs where payment status is shown as”NOT PAID” and amount has been debited from the account, automatic reversal advice for crediting back the money will be issued to the concerned bank within 48 working hours. Verify the payment debit / credit status with your bank.

Once the payment status is updated to PAID, please follow the step given below to get the copy of receipt:

a. Click on “Track Payment Status”. Enter SRN and Click on “Submit”.

b. Click on “Copy of Challan/ Receipt”.

c. Receipt will be displayed within few seconds.

Q. 21 If payment is made through Credit Card, in what all cases the payment is not debited?

Ans. Payment is not debited if Response Code ‘1’ or ‘2’ appears.

Q. 22 When is Response code ‘1’ displayed?

Ans. Response code ‘1’ is displayed when the customer has used the Credit Card to the full extent and the payment is rejected by the Credit Card issuing bank.

Q. 23 When is Response code ‘2’ displayed?

Ans. Response Code ‘2’ is displayed when there is a wrong entry for Credit Card no. / Card type / Expiry Date / Country of the user, the payment is rejected by the ICICI/UBI Credit card payment gateway.

Q. 24 I have made an online payment to View Public documents on portal. I have got the receipt but I have not got the documents under ‘My Documents’ tab.

Ans. At times due to heavy network traffic your request may not get updated in real time and goes to a request queue. The service delivery is however done as soon as the request is cleared from the queue.

You can view the documents on the Portal once your request is updated. Please follow the steps given below:

1. Go to “Access Public Documents > View Public Documents” link on the MCA Portal.

2. Enter the Company Name or CIN/FCRN to search for the company whose documents you want to view.

3. Based on the search criteria the results will be displayed.

4. Click on the Company CIN/ FCRN to view the Document Category List.

5. Click on the Document Category to view the available digitized documents.

6. In case documents are present, they shall be available for viewing once the online/ offline payment is confirmed.

7. In case of Active companies (whose documents have not been digitized), Inactive, defunct, liquidated/ under liquidation companies, you have to visit the concerned RoC along with a copy of Challan/ Receipt to view the documents.

To view document online:

1. Login with the user id which was used to submit the request.

2. Click on “My documents” Tab.

3. Select the company whose documents you want to view.

Q. 25 I have some problem/query related to payment on MCA21 Portal, to whom should it be escalated?

Ans. Please escalate all such queries to Epayments.helpdesk@mca.gov.in

Q. 26 I have generated two challans after 26th March,2011 , the challan for MCA Service fees ( B series) is of more than Rs. 50,000 but the one for stamp duty of the same is below Rs. 50,000 . Will the bank accept the Stamp duty( D series) Challan?

Ans. In case MCA service fees is more than Rs. 50,000/- then challan payment can be made. In such case where challan has been generated for MCA service fees then irrespective of the amount of stamp duty, the payment of the same has to be made through Challan mode only. In such cases, the bank has to accept the payment through challan mode.

Q. 27 The date of my Challan is prior to 27 march,2011. Will the bank accept it, even if the challan is of less than Rs 50,000 ?

Ans. Banks have to accept the challan payment for all cases irrespective of the amount of payment.

Q. 28 Can I make offline payment for ‘Investor Education and protection Fund’ using ‘Pay Misc. Fee’ functionality ?

Ans. Yes, you can make the payment by both modes i.e. online and offline irrespective of the amount of payment for IEPF.

Q. 29 Please specify the services for which Miscellaneous fee can be paid through the MCA21 system?

Ans. A User can make payments to MCA through the Pay Miscellaneous Fee user service available at mca.gov.in for the following:

  • Penalty amount
  • Deposit any amount in IEPF
  • Apply for Certified true copy of the documents not available in record room
  • Additional payment of fee against any service i.e. in case of short payment of fee originally
  • Any other payment which is not specifically covered above or available otherwise e.g. compounding fee by individual

Q. 30 How should I pay stamp Duty for LLP Agreement?

Ans. Stamp duty for LLP Agreement should not be paid on MCA Portal. The Stamp Duty payable for LLP Agreement is a State subject and same may be paid as per the State Stamp Act. Till the time specific Stamp Duty is prescribed in respective Stamp Act, the Stamp duty on LLP Agreement may be paid as per the stamp duty payable on partnership agreement in view of the Finance Bill, 2009.

FAQs On Refund Process

Q. 1 What is refund process?

The user is required to make various payments to avail MCA21 services. A number of instances have been observed where the users make multiple payments or incorrect payment or excess payment while using these services. In order to allow the stakeholders to claim refund of such payments, refund process has been introduced by MCA.Click here to view Approved Refund Process   (1561KB)

Q. 2 How can I apply to claim refund?

Ans. You are required to file the ‘Refund Form’ available on MCA21 portal for claiming refund.

Q. 3 Under which circumstances refund of MCA 21 fees is available?

Ans. The refund of MCA21 fees is available in the following cases:

a) Multiple Payments– – This includes cases where service seeker does multiple filings of eForm No. INC-2/INC-7/old Form 1 or eForm No. SH-7/old Form 5 and makes payments more than once (multiple times) for the same service. However, refund shall not be allowed in respect of approved eForms.

b) Incorrect Payments– This includes cases where the service seeker has made payment in respect of an eForm or Stamp duty through an incorrect option under Pay miscellaneous fee facility.

c) Excess Payment– This includes cases where any excess fee has been paid by the service seeker due to some incorrect data entered in the eForm or incorrect data in MCA21 system due to migration of data from legacy system.

Q. 4 Can I claim refund for excess/ incorrect payments made for stamp duty payments?

Ans. No, for refund of stamp duty, you are required to approach the concerned state/ union territory.

Q. 5 My company has been amalgamated. Whether the transferee company can claim the refund?

Ans. Yes, In case of amalgamation, filing shall be allowed by the transferee company.

Q. 6 For which all payments, refund process is not applicable?

Ans. Refund process is not applicable for the following services/ eForms:

  • Public Inspection of documents
  • Request for Certified Copies
  • Payment for transfer deeds
  • Stamp duty fee (D series SRN)
  • IEPF Payment
  • STP Forms i.e. Form 20B, 23AC, 66, 21A, 23ACA, Form 14 – LLP (even for cases when the same were non STP earlier)
  • Form No. DIR-3/old form DIN – 1

Q. 7 Do I have to pay any fee for filing the refund eForm?

Ans. No there is no fee for filing the refund form.

Q. 8 Is there any time limit for filing refund eForm?

Ans. Yes, the refund form is to be filed within the stipulated time period. Also, there shall be deduction in the amount to be refunded based on time period within which refund eForm is filed.

The following is the time slab for filing refund form and the corresponding deduction in refund amount:

Time within which refund application is made Default value for deduction
0-90 days 2.5%
91-180 days 5%
181- 270 days 7.5%
271-365 days 10%
>365 days 25%

Filing of refund form shall not be allowed after expiry of 1095 days of filing of the original request.

For all earlier cases, (i.e. cases filed before introduction of refund process), the time limit shall be considered from the date on which the refund process is introduced i.e. from 01/05/2011.

Q. 9 What are the different modes of payment of refund available under refund process?

Ans. Currently, the mode of payment of refund shall be through cheque only. Later, provision for payment of refund through ECS will also be made available.

Q. 10 If I choose mode of payment of refund as “Direct deposit into your bank account”, which all Banks are available for the same purpose?

Ans. Currently, the facility for “Direct deposit into your bank account” is not available. The same will be made available later.

Q. 11 I have filed a refund eForm for refund of multiple payment of Form No. INC-2/INC-7/old form 1. However the same has been rejected. Whether I can file the refund eForm again in respect of the same SRN?

Ans. Yes, filing of another refund form in this case is allowed. However, only one other refund form is allowed to be filed in respect of one transaction i.e. if the refund form in respect of the same request is rejected twice, filing of another refund eform shall not be allowed.

Q. 12 Status of my refund eForm is shown as “Eligible for refund”, however I have not yet received the Cheque for the refund. What shall I do?

Ans. Once the refund eForm is found to be “Eligible for refund”, MCA shall intimate the same to you through email along with the format of G.A.R 33. This GAR 33 is also available at the ‘Track Transaction status’ functionality available on the MCA21 portal.

You are required to send signed G.A.R. 33 as a physical copy to Drawing and Disbursement Officer, Ministry of Corporate Affairs on the below mentioned address:

Sh. Shyam Sunder, Deputy Director, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Room No. 508A, 5th Floor, “A” Wing, Shastri Bhawan, Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi – 110001.

After receipt of the G.A.R. 33, a refund Cheque shall be prepared and shall be sent to you.

FAQs On Pay Later

Q. 1 What is Pay Later Facility?

Ans. Through ‘Pay Later’ facility user can upload the eForm/ generate SRN for MCA21 services in one step and make the payment at a later point in time using the online payment mode (Credit card or Internet banking or through NEFT).

An eChallan shall be generated by the system at the time of eForm upload/ SRN generation. User shall be required to make the payment within the validity date as per the eChallan.

Q. 2 What all modes of payment shall be available through Pay Later?

Ans. User can make the payment through online payment mode i.e. Credit card or Internet banking through Pay Later.

Q. 3 What shall be the validity of eChallan for payments done through Pay Later?

Ans. he validity of the eChallan for Pay Later shall be based on the date of event and the date on which the eChallan is generated. The same shall be mentioned on the eChallan generated.

Q. 5 What if the required fund is not transferred with the time limit?

Ans. If the payment is not made within the expiry date as mentioned on the eChallan, the SRN shall be cancelled and no service shall be delivered in respect of the SRN.

Q. 6 What is the process for making payment through Pay Later?

Ans. In case of Pay Later, the user can make the payment using the online payment mode (Credit card or Net banking). In case “Pay Later” is selected as mode of payment at the time of filling the form, then the process shall be as follows:

1. User clicks on the “Pay Later” link under services.

2. User enters the SRN.

3. System validates that the Payment mode selected at the time of SRN generation was “Pay later” .

4. In case where payment is not applicable, system displays error message that payment is not applicable for the mentioned SRN.

5. In case where payment is applicable, system checks whether the payment status corresponding to SRN is “PAID” or not. If the payment status is “PAID”, then following error message should be displayed to the user: “Payment status of the SRN is already PAID.”

6. If payment status corresponding to SRN is “NOT PAID” then user shall be directed to select the mode of payment among the following options:

• Internet banking
• Credit Card

7. System validates that the system date is less than or equal to the expiry date of eChallan (SRN).

8. In case of Internet banking, user shall select the bank from the list of banks.

9. MCA system redirects the user to the payment gateway of the respective bank.


Q. 1 What is NEFT?

Ans. NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) is an inter-bank/inter-branch online fund transfer within India.

Currently MCA21 payments are allowed via Credit Card, Internet Banking & Physical Challan. The Ministry has authorized 5 banks (Indian Bank, HDFC, ICICI, PNB,UBI and SBI) for collection of MCA21 fees, which means that only the account holders of these banks can avail Internet banking facility. Further, payment via challan can only be made in the authorized branches of these above five banks. Though this was a major improvement compared to the earlier manual system, it caused delays in incorporation of companies and processing of other eForms. In order to eliminate inconveniences caused due to payment processing delays, Ministry is introducing payment of MCA fees via NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) mode, in addition to already exiting payment methods.

Q. 2 How long does it take for payments to get updated in the system?

Ans. Banks will inform MCA21 system in four to five working hours about the successful NEFT payment receipt.

Q. 3 What is the processing or service charges for NEFT transactions?

Ans. NEFT transaction charges are available in the RBI website and are in addition to MCA21 filing fee.

Q. 4 What is unique transaction number (UTN)?

Ans. This is a unique reference number provided by the user’s bank account for each NEFT transaction.

Q. 5 What is the process for making payment through NEFT?

Ans. While making payment on MCA21 portal, user will select ‘NEFT’ as payment option. SRN shall be generated along with an eChallan which shall contain the procedure for conducting the NEFT transfer;

  • User will transfer funds to one of the MCA21 account, via internet banking facility offered by their bank in which they hold an account. User may quote SRN in the remark column;
  • User’s bank will provide a unique transaction number (UTN) for the NEFT transfer;
  • Banks will inform MCA21 system about the payment along with the UTN;
  • User will login to MCA21 and link UTN and SRN by clicking on the link “‘Link NEFT Payment” under services tab.
  • Please note that the payment details shall be sent from the designated banks and updated in the MCA21 system within 6 hrs – 24 hrs from the time of payment.Therefore, you are required to link the SRN after the aforesaid time period.
  • User shall have to provide the SRN and UTN. Additionally, for verification purpose, user will have to provide account number from which the transfer was carried out and the amount. If the payment has been notified to MCA21 system and the details are matching, then thIe linking will be successful and the status of the SRN will be changed to PAID. MCA21 will create work item for further processing;
  • If details of payment for the SRN is still not received from banks, an information message will be displayed to user to link SRN & UTN at a later time;
  • If details don’t match, an error message will be shown to the user.

Linking shall be allowed only within 2 days of the reporting of payment by the bank. Once this time period is over, no linking will be allowed and the corresponding service request shall not be accepted. In case the linking is not done within the 2 day period, payment shall be reversed by the concerned bank. For e.g.: If the UTNs reported by the bank on 11th June, 2012 are not linked by the user by the end of 13th June, 2012 then these shall be marked for reversal and reported to the bank on 14th June, 2012.

Q. 6 What is the way to track a transaction made through NEFT?

Ans. To verify whether the funds have been successfully transferred to MCA, please track the status through your bank branch.

Once the transaction is successfully linked to the SRN on MCA21 portal, the payment status can be tracked using the ‘Track payment status’ link.

Q. 7 If payment is not made successfully how will the debited amount get reverted to stakeholder’s account?

Ans. In such case, user should contact his bank from where the funds were transferred using NEFT.

Q. 8 Is there any limit on the amount that could be transferred using NEFT?

Ans. No. There is no limit – either minimum or maximum – on the amount of funds that could be transferred using NEFT, via current account. For personal accounts there may be limits.

Q. 9 Is this option available for all kind of payment related to MCA Services?

Ans. Yes, payment through NEFT mode can be made for all type of MCA21 payments.

Q. 10 Do we require to make payment to any separate account for paying through NEFT Mode?

Ans. Yes, the funds are to be transferred using NEFT to the designated MCA Accounts. The details of the MCA designated accounts are as follows:.

HDFC Bank :-
Account No – 04990920001637
Account Type – Current
Branch Name – HDFC bank, Sandoz house
IFSC Code – HDFC0000240
Beneficiary Name – MCA21-NEFT Collection

Punjab National Bank :-
Account No – 1120002102318748
Account Type – Current
Branch Name – ECE House, New Delhi
IFSC Code – PUNB0112000
Beneficiary Name – MCA21-NEFT Collection

Q. 11 What shall be the validity of challan for payments done through NEFT?

Ans. The validity of the eChallan for NEFT shall be based on the date of event and the date on which the eChallan is generated. The same shall be mentioned on the eChallan generated.

Q. 12 What if the required fund is not transferred with the time limit?

Ans. If the required funds are not transferred within the expiry date as mentioned on the eChallan, the SRN shall be cancelled and no service shall be delivered in respect of the SRN.

Q. 13 Whether funds can be transferred to MCA accounts using NEFT on any time any day?

Ans. No, NEFT is available within a time-window (9 am – 7 pm on weekdays; 9 am – 1 pm on Saturdays; not available on public holidays and Sundays).

14. Q Whether I can break the complete amount of a SRN into two parts and transfer the funds using NEFT twice.

Ans. No, Full amount has to be transferred in single transaction for a particular SRN. Amount can’t be divided into multiple payments.

Q. 15 What should be done in case I have misplaced the Unique transaction number (UTN)?

Ans. Since the UTN is provided by your bank from which the fund transfer is made, you should contact the customer care of your bank in such case.

Q. 16 After making the payment through NEFT Mode will we have to visit bank or make any follow up for informing about such transactions?

Ans. After the funds are transferred to MCA account, user will have to link the NEFT payment UTN with the SRN on the MCA21 portal. Refer answer to question no. 3.

Q. 17 Which banks would come under NEFT Mode?

Ans. The list of bank branches participating in the NEFT system is available on the website of Reserve Bank of India.

Q. 18 I have some problem/query related to payment on MCA21 Portal under NEFT, to whom should it be escalated?

Ans. Any issues/problem related to payment on MCA21 portal should be raised on the MCA21 portal under the section ‘User Complaints and Grievances’

Q. 19 Can excess amount transferred to MCA designated Account be adjusted against subsequent two or more SRN’s?

Ans. In case the amount transferred doesn’t match with the amount of the SRN, linking of SRN and UTN shall not be allowed on the MCA21 portal. Therefore, you are requested to transfer the exact amount of the SRN mentioned on the eChallan using NEFT. The excess amount transferred cannot be adjusted against any other transaction.

Q. 20 How many transactions can be made per day?

Ans. There is no limit imposed by MCA. However, there may be a limit on transactions imposed by your bank for which you are required to get in touch with the bank for the details.

Q. 21 Within how many days UTN should be linked with SRN?

Ans. Linking shall be allowed only within 2 days of the date of reporting by bank. Once this time period is over, no linking will be allowed and the corresponding service request shall not be accepted. However user should do the linking as early as possible, so that last day issues are not there.

Linking shall be allowed only within 2 days of the reporting of payment by the bank. Once this time period is over, no linking will be allowed and the corresponding service request shall not be accepted. In case the linking is not done within the 2 day period, payment shall be reversed by the concerned bank. For e.g.: If the UTNs reported by the bank on 11th June, 2012 are not linked by the user by the end of 13th June, 2012 then these shall be marked for reversal and reported to the bank on 14th June, 2012.

FAQs On EStamp

Q. 1 Please specify the services for which Stamp Duty can be paid through MCA21 system?

Ans. Stamp Duty applicable on filing of e-formSPICe (including MOA & AOA), SH-7 and FC-1 shall be electronically paid through MCA21 system. A person applying for certified true copy is also required to pay stamp duty through MCA21 portal.

Q. 2 Am I required to fill the details of stamp duty in eform manually?

Ans. No, when user selects option to pay stamp duty through MCA21 system, the system itself prefills relevant details in the eform. In case user is allowed to and opts for paying stamp duty in physical manner, details of the same shall have to be provided in the eForm by the user.

Q. 3 Can I pay Stamp Duty in electronic manner with respect to all States / UTs?

Ans. In case of Stamp duty applicable on filing of form SPICe (including MoA, AoA), SH-7 and FC-1, this shall be mandatory that amount is paid through MCA21 portal electronically except in case of Sikkim state where the company is having registered office place or proposed company would have.

Q. 4 Whether payment of stamp duty through MCA21 system is Mandatory?

Ans. With effect from 1st April, 2010, stamp duty shall have to be paid only through electronic mode for the states which have agreed for e-stamping. Please refer Notifications Number GSR 642(E) and SO 2276(E) dated 07-09-2009 and SO 3314(E) dated 31-12-2009 issued by the Ministry.

Q. 5 What are the modes of payment of stamp duty electronically through MCA21 system?

Ans. Stamp duty can be paid through MCA21 system with any of the option such as net banking, credit card, debit card, NeFT or offline with banks.

Q. 6 Whether Challan of MCA21 service fee shall include details of stamp duty also in case of off line mode?

Ans. There shall be a separate SRN and challan for stamp duty, in addition to SRN and challan for MCA21 services.

Q. 7 What shall be the validity of challan for payment of stamp duty?

Ans. Validity of challan for payment of stamp duty shall be the same as that of the challan for MCA21 service fees.

Q. 8 In whose favor should I draw the cheque / DD to pay the stamp duty in case an offline challan has been generated?

Ans. An Information note has been provided on the challan of stamp duty regarding payment of stamp duty. Please refer to the same.

Q. 9 What is the procedure to pay for the challan generated for stamp duty?

Ans. Challan generated for stamp duty is to be paid in the same manner as offline challan for MCA21 services fees is deposited in an authorized bank.

Q. 10 Is it necessary to pay both the challans (i.e. challans for stamp duty and for MCA21 service fees) simultaneously?

Ans. It is not necessary to pay these two challans simultaneously but these should be paid within the validity period mentioned on the challan. It is suggested to make payment of both of these challans simultaneously as processing of the eForm shall not start unless both of these i.e. the MCA21 Service fees and stamp duty is paid and payment is confirmed.

Q. 11 What shall be the consequences if payment is deposited for only one challan?

Ans. In such a case system will wait for payment till the validity of pending challan and transaction will get cancelled thereafter, if not paid.

Q. 12 Transaction status of my SRN is ‘Waiting for payment of stamp duty fees’. What should I do?

Ans. Please ensure that applicable stamp duty for the eform filed by you has been paid.

Q. 13 If Transaction is cancelled due to non–payment of one challan, Can I claim refund of amount already paid for the corresponding second challan?

Ans. Refund of stamp duty, if any, will be processed by the government of respective State / UT in accordance with the rules and procedures as per the State / UT Stamp Act.

Q. 14. What if amount of stamp duty is in decimal?

Ans. System will round it up to the higher rupee amount.

Q. 15 Whether I shall get itemized details of stamp duty also in case of online mode of payment?

Ans. Yes, user has to pay MCA21 service fees first, after successful payment of the same, system will direct the user to the screen containing itemized details of stamp duty. There user can find link for payment of stamp duty and to view receipt for MCA21 services fees.

Q. 16 If I have paid MCA21 service fees using online mode of payment, is it necessary to pay stamp duty also through online mode of payment?

Ans. No, when MCA21 service fees has been paid online, user may opt to pay stamp duty either online or offline.

Q. 17 Is it necessary to pay stamp duty immediately after the payment of MCA21 services fees, where online mode of payment is opted?

Ans. No, stamp duty can be paid later on also, using “Pay Stamp Duty Fees” facility.

Q. 18 Where can I find the “Pay Stamp Duty Fees” facility?

Ans. “Pay Stamp Duty Fees” facility has been provided under the tab “Services” available after login on MCA21 Portal.

Q. 19 What are the usages of “Pay Stamp Duty Fees” facility?

Ans. This function has been given for two purposes:

1. In case customer does not proceed for payment of stamp duty immediately after payment of MCA21 service fees online, he/she can pay stamp duty later on using “Pay Stamp Duty fees” facility.

2. In case any deficiency has been found in the amount of stamp duty paid earlier, the balance amount of stamp duty can be paid using “Pay Stamp Duty Fees” facility.

Q. 20 Is there any time limit till when I can use “Pay Stamp Duty Fees” facility?

Ans. This facility shall be available as per the validity of challan generated for MCA21 service fees. In case user has opted for on-line payment of MCA21 service fees, “Pay Stamp Duty Fees” facility shall be available till the date as the date of validity of challan had user opted for off-line mode of payment for payment of MCA21 service fees.

Q. 21 I have opted for payment of stamp duty on-line through MCA21 system, do I still need to submit any physical document to the concerned RoC office?

Ans. No, in such case there is no need to file any physical document to the concerned RoC office.

Q. 22 I have already paid stamp duty using MCA21 system for one particular State/UT but now I have realized that State / UT selected by me was incorrect, can I request for change in particulars of State / UT so that the amount paid can be adjusted to the credit of appropriate State / UT?

Ans. No, request for change in particulars of State / UT is not maintainable subsequent to payment of stamp duty through MCA21 system.

Q. 23 Can I use this facility to pay stamp duty in electronic manner for payment of stamp duty for services other than that of MCA21 system?

Ans. No, the process of payment of stamp duty through MCA21 system is applicable to the filing of eform SPICe (including MOA & AOA), SH-7 and FC-1 only. Further the same is applicable for service to get the certified copies of documents available on MCA21 system.

Q. 24 If I have opted to pay stamp duty through MCA21 system, do I still need to visit stamping authorities?

Ans. No, if user pays stamp duty through MCA21 system, there is no need to visit stamping authorities.

Q. 25 If I inspect documents of companies using “View Public Documents” facility on MCA21 Portal, can I distinguish whether company has paid stamp duty through electronic mode or through physical stamp paper?

Ans. Yes, in case stamp duty has been paid through physical stamp paper, the same shall be available for inspection in case the scanned image of the same was filed as an attachment to the eform. And in case electronic mode of payment of stamp duty has been opted, an acknowledgement of stamp duty paid shall be found appended in the beginning of MoA & AoA, in case of other e-forms the stamped impression will be there in the ‘For office use’ column when the user shall inspect the eform.

Q. 26 Where can I find rules / rates related to stamp duty?

Ans. Please refer to the ‘Rates of Stamp Duty’ under ‘Help & Faqs’ tab available on the home page of MCA21 Portal.

Rates of Stamp Duty

State/ Union Territory Form INC-2/INC-7/INC-29 MoA AoA Form SH-7 Remarks
Delhi (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 200 0.15% of authorized capital subject to a maximum stamp duty of Rs. 25 lakhs Stamp duty shall be 0.15% of the amount of increase in authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs
Delhi (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 200 Rs. 200 NIL
Delhi (Section 8 companies) Rs. 10 NIL NIL NIL
Haryana (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 15 Rs. 60 Rs. 60 if authorized capital is <= Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 120 if authorized capital is > Rs. 1 lakh NIL
Haryana (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 15 Rs. 60 Rs. 60 NIL
Haryana (Section 8 companies) Rs. 15 NIL NIL NIL
Maharashtra (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 100 Rs. 200 Rs. 1000 on every Rs. 5 lakhs of authorized capital or part thereof subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 lakhs of stamp duty Stamp duty shall be Rs. 1000 on every Rs. 5 lakhs of the amount of increase in authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 lakhs
Maharashtra (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 100 NIL NIL NIL
Maharashtra (Section 8 companies) Rs. 100 NIL NIL NIL
Orissa (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 300 Rs. 300 NIL
Andhra Pradesh (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 500 0.15% of authorized capital subject to a minimum of Rs. 1000 and a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs 0.15% of the amount of increase in authorized capital subject to a minimum of Rs. 1000 and a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs
Andhra Pradesh (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 Rs. 1000
Telangana (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 500 0.15% of authorized capital subject to a minimum of Rs. 1000 and a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs 0.15% of the amount of increase in authorized capital subject to a minimum of Rs. 1000 and a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs
Telangana (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 Rs. 1000
Bihar (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 500 0.15% of authorized capital or Rs. 1000 (whichever is more) subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty Stamp duty shall be higher of (i) or (ii), (i) Rs. 1000/- (ii) 0.15% of the amount of increased authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty Less 0.15% of the amount of existing authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty (iii) However, if 0.15% of the amount of existing authorized capital is Rs. 5 lakhs or more, then no stamp duty shall be payable
Bihar (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 NIL
Bihar (Section 8 companies) Rs. 20 NIL NIL NIL
Jharkhand (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 5 Rs. 63 Rs. 105 NIL These rules shall also apply to companies not having share capital other than section 8
Jharkhand (Section 8 companies) Rs. 5 NIL NIL NIL
Jammu and Kashmir (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 150 Rs. 150 if authorized capital is <= Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 300 if authorized capital is > Rs. 1 lakh NIL
Jammu and Kashmir (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 150 Rs. 150 NIL
Jammu and Kashmir (Section 8 companies) Rs. 10 NIL NIL NIL
Tamil Nadu (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 200 Rs. 300 NIL These rules shall also apply to companies not having share capital other than section 8
Tamil Nadu (Section 8 companies) Rs. 20 NIL NIL NIL
Puducherry (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 200 Rs. 300 NIL These rules shall also apply to companies not having share capital other than section 8
Puducherry (Section 8 companies) Rs. 10 NIL NIL NIL
Assam (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 15 Rs. 200 Rs. 310 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies and companies not having share capital other than section 8
Meghalaya (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 100 Rs. 300 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies and companies not having share capital other than section 8
Manipur (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 100 Rs. 150 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies and companies not having share capital other than section 8
Nagaland (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 100 Rs. 150 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies and companies not having share capital other than section 8
Tripura (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 100 Rs. 150 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies and companies not having share capital other than section 8
Arunachal Pradesh (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 200 Rs. 500 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies and companies not having share capital other than section 8
Mizoram (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 100 Rs. 150 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies and companies not having share capital other than section 8
Kerala (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 25 Rs. 1000 For companies with authorized capital up to Rs. 10 lakhs – Rs. 2,000, for companies with authorized capital above Rs. 10 lakhs and up to Rs. 25 lakhs – Rs. 5,000, for companies with authorized capital above Rs. 25 lakhs – 0.5% of authorized capital NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies having share capital
Kerala (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 25 Rs. 1000 Rs. 2000 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies not having share capital
Lakshadweep (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 25 Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies and companies not having share capital other than section 8
Madhya Pradesh (companies having share capital) Rs. 50 Rs. 2500 0.15% of authorized capital subject to a minimum of Rs. 5000 and a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs of stamp duty Stamp duty shall be 0.15% of the amount of increased authorized capital subject to a minimum of Rs. 5000 and a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs of stamp duty less 0.15% of the amount of existing authorized capital subject to a minimum of Rs. 5000 and a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs of stamp duty (in case the last capital increase occurred on or after 16th Sept 14) OR 0.15% of the amount of existing authorized capital subject to a minimum of Rs. 1000 and a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty (in case the last capital increase occurred prior to 16th Sept 14) as the case may be
Madhya Pradesh (companies not having share capital) Rs. 50 Rs. 2500 Rs. 5000 NIL
Chhattisgarh (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 500 Rs. 0.15% of authorized capital or Rs. 1000 (whichever is more) subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty Stamp duty shall be higher of (i) or (ii), (i) Rs. 1000/- (ii) 0.15% of the amount of increased authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty less 0.15% of the amount of existing authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty (iii) However, if 0.15% of the amount of existing authorized capital is Rs. 5 lakhs or more, then no stamp duty shall be payable
Chhattisgarh (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 NIL
Chhattisgarh (Section 8 companies) Rs. 10 NIL NIL NIL
Rajasthan (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 500 0.5% of authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs Stamp duty shall be 0.2% of the amount of increase in authorized capital subject to a maximum stamp duty of Rs. 25 lakhs These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies having share capital. Stamp rule for SH-7 implies that the maximum limit of Rs. 25 lakhs shall be calculated every time there is any increase in share capital, even if the company has already paid Rs. 25 lakhs of stamp duty
Rajasthan (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 500 Rs. 500 NIL These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies not having share capital
Punjab (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 25 Rs. 5000 Rs. 5000 if authorized capital is <= Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 10,000 if authorized capital is > Rs. 1 lakh NIL
Punjab (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 25 Rs. 5000 Rs. 5000 NIL
Punjab (Section 8 companies) Rs. 25 NIL NIL NIL
Himachal Pradesh (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 3 Rs. 60 Rs. 60 if authorized capital is <= Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 120 if authorized capital is > Rs. 1 lakh NIL
Himachal Pradesh (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 3 Rs. 60 Rs. 60 NIL
Himachal Pradesh (Section 8 companies) Rs. 3 NIL NIL NIL
Chandigarh (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 3 Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 NIL
Chandigarh (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 3 Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 NIL
Chandigarh (Section 8 companies) Rs. 3 NIL NIL NIL
Uttar Pradesh (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 500 Rs. 500 NIL These rules shall also apply to companies not having share capital (other than section 8) and to Section 8 companies having share capital
Uttar Pradesh (Section 8 companies) NIL NIL NIL NIL These rules shall be applicable only to Section 8 companies not having share capital
Uttarakhand (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 500 Rs. 500 NIL These rules shall also apply to companies not having share capital (other than section 8) and to Section 8 companies having share capital
Uttarakhand (Section 8 companies) Nil Nil Nil NIL These rules shall be applicable only to Section 8 companies not having share capital
West Bengal (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 10 Rs. 60 Rs. 300 NIL These rules shall also apply to companies not having share capital other than section 8
West Bengal (Section 8 companies) Rs. 10 NIL NIL NIL
Karnataka (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 1000 Rs. 500 on every Rs. 10 lakhs of authorized capital or part thereof Rs. 500 on every Rs. 10 lakhs of amount of increase in authorized capital or part thereof, subject to a minimum of Rs. 500 These rules shall also apply to Section 8 companies having share capital
Karnataka (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 1000 Rs. 500 NIL
Karnataka (Section 8 companies) Rs. 20 NIL NIL NIL
Gujarat (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 100 0.5% of authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs Stamp duty shall be 0.5% of the amount of increased authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty less 0.5% of the amount of existing authorized capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs of stamp duty
Gujarat (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 100 Rs. 1000 NIL
Gujarat (Section 8 companies) Rs. 20 NIL NIL NIL
Dadra and Nagar Haveli (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 1 Rs. 15 Rs. 25 NIL These rules shall also apply to companies not having share capital other than section 8
Dadra and Nagar Haveli (Section 8 companies) Rs. 1 NIL NIL NIL
Goa (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 50 Rs. 150 Rs. 1000 for every Rs. 5 lakhs or part thereof of authorized capital Rs. 1000 for every Rs. 5 lakhs of amount of increase in authorized capital or part thereof
Goa (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 50 Rs. 150 Rs. 1000 NIL
Goa (Section 8 companies) Rs. 50 NIL NIL NIL
Daman and Diu (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 150 Rs. 1000 for every Rs. 5 lakhs or part thereof of authorized capital Rs. 1000 for every Rs. 5 lakhs of amount of increase in authorized capital or part thereof
Daman and Diu (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 150 Rs. 1000 NIL
Daman and Diu (Section 8 companies) Rs. 20 NIL NIL NIL
Andaman and Nicobar (companies having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 200 Rs. 300 NIL
Andaman and Nicobar (companies not having share capital other than section 8) Rs. 20 Rs. 200 Rs. 300 NIL
Andaman and Nicobar (Section 8 companies) Rs. 20 NIL NIL NIL

Stamp duty rules for FC-1:

Rs. 100 for Delhi and Rs. 50 for all other states/ UTs.


All initiatives have been taken to make the database in respect of stamp duty as authentic as possible. However, users are requested to refer to the relevant Stamp Act/Rules of the concerned State/Union Territory Government for the authentic version. Along with the above, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs or its service provider shall not be responsible for any loss to any person caused by any shortcoming, discrepancy, or inaccuracy in the information regarding such a database. Any discrepancy found in this regard may be brought to the notice of the office of the respective Registrar or MCA immediately.

FAQs On Stamp Duty Payment For LLP

Q. 1 How should I pay stamp Duty for LLP Agreement?

Ans. Stamp duty for LLP Agreement should not be paid on MCA Portal. The Stamp Duty payable for LLP Agreement is a State subject and same may be paid as per the State Stamp Act. Till the time specific Stamp Duty is prescribed in respective Stamp Act, the Stamp duty on LLP Agreement may be paid as per the stamp duty payable on partnership agreement in view of the Finance Bill, 2009.


Making MCA fee payments is convenient with multiple payment options available. Users can choose from credit cards, debit cards, net banking, and challan. The article provides comprehensive information on each payment mode, including the banks and institutions involved. It also covers FAQs related to surcharges, payment discrepancies, refund processes, and the importance of Service Request Numbers (SRN) for tracking payments. Understanding the available payment options and procedures ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience when making MCA fee payments.

(Republished with amendments)


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