CS Divyanshu Sahni
Q.1 Who have to File DIR-3 KYC?
Ans: Every Director who has been allotted DIN on or before 31st march, 2018 and whose DIN status is ‘Approved’.
Q.2 What is due date of DIR-3 KYC?
Ans: Due date of filing of DIR-3KYC is on or before 31st August, 2018.
Q.3 Mandatory Information DIR-3 KYC?
Ans: 1) Unique Personal Mobile Number
2) Personal Email ID.
3) OTP on Email ID and Mobile No.
Q.4 Certification of DIR-3 KYC?
Ans: a) DSC of Director
b) DSC of practicing professional (CA/CS/CMA)
Q.5 Whether Disqualified Directors required filing DIR-3 KYC?
Ans: Yes, Filing of DIR-3 KYC would be mandatory for Disqualified Directors also.
Q.6 Effect of director fails to file DIR-3 KYC?
Ans: MCA21 system will mark all approved DINs (allotted on or before 31st March 2018) against which DIR-3 KYC form has not been filed as ‘Deactivated’ with reason as ‘Non- filing of DIR-3 KYC’.
Ans: Yes. It is mandatory to enter your personal mobile number and personal email ID in the form DIR-3 KYC and the same has to be verified by an OTP process. Further, the mobile number and email ID must be unique such that it is not already linked with some other person in the DIN holders’ database.
Q.8 Whether multiple filing of form is allowed?
Ans: System will not allow multiple filing of form DIR-3 KYC for an applicant. In case KYC is already filed for a DIN, and such DIN is entered again, system throws an error that the form is already filed.
Q.9 Consequences of filing of DIR-3 KYC after due date?
Ans: After the due date filing of DIR-3 KYC in respect of such deactivated DINs shall be allowed upon payment of a specified fee only, without prejudice to any other action that may be taken.
Q.10 What does all information Individual need to provide with eForm DIR-3 KYC?
Ans: 1. Director Identification Number (DIN)
2. Full Name of Individual
3. Fathers Name of Individual
4. Other basic details like Nationality, Citizenship details (whether a citizen of India or not), Gender, Date of Birth.
5. Income Tax PAN
6. Voters Identity card (optional)
7. Passport (If applicant have valid passport/mandatory for foreign national holding DIN)
8. Driving License (optional)
9. Aadhar card (mandatory)
10. Residential address. In addition to above-mentioned information, it also requires, following Documents duly attested by Practicing Professional:
i) Proof of Permanent residential address;
ii) Proof of Present residential address.
iii) If Applicant has valid passport- Copy of passport
iv) Copy of Aadhaar Card
Q.11 Documents required for the DIR-3 KYC Form?
Ans: > Proof of Permanent residential address of director
1. Address proofs like passport, election (voter identity) card, and ration card, driving license, electricity bill, telephone bill or aadhaar shall be attached and should be in the name of applicant only.
2. In case of Indian director, documents should not be older than 2 months from the date of filing of the eForm.
3. In case of foreign applicant, address proof should not be older than 1 year from the date of filing of the eForm.
4. In case of proofs which are in languages other than Hindi / English, the proofs should be translated in Hindi / English from professional translator carrying his details (name, signature, address) and seal. In the case of foreign nationals, translation done by the notary of home country is also acceptable
> Proof of Present residential address of director
1. Address proofs like passport, election (voter identity) card, and ration card, driving license, electricity bill, telephone bill or aadhaar shall be attached and should be in the name of applicant only.
2. In case of Indian director, documents should not be older than 2 months from the date of filing of the eForm.
3. In case of foreign applicant, address proof should not be older than 1 year from the date of filing of the eForm.
4. In case of proofs which are in languages other than Hindi / English, the proofs should be translated in Hindi / English from professional translator carrying his details (name, signature, address) and seal. In the case of foreign nationals, translation done by the notary of home country is also acceptable
> In case Present Residential Address is same as Permanent Residential Address
- No, other additional attachment is required. There is only one residential proof is sufficient for compliance
(The author can be reached at divyanshu.sahni@yahoo.in)
I want one time relaxation for PaN No and Adhaar Card for my daughters/ whose names are in share certificates as ist holder of joint holders share certificates. I an the joint holder of shares which I purchased but unable to u by removing theirs names for making one name of making one name please allow her for exemption for one time so that our shares certificates should be correct. Thanks