Applicable Provisions
1. Section 3(1)-Private company should have two or more person as a subscriber.
2. Section 149(1)-Private Company should have minimum 2 directors and maximum 15 directors Proviso of 149(1)(b) a company can appoint more than 15 directors by passing special resolution.
3. Section 12(1)-Every company should have registered office within 30 days from the date of its incorporation.
S. No |
Forms |
Purpose |
Documents |
Time available for re sub mission |
Sections and Rules |
1. |
SPICe+ (Sim plified Proforma for Inco-rporating Company Elect-ronically Plus: INC-32) |
An appli cation for reservation of name. |
15 days is available for rec tification of the defects. After the resub mission of the document, if the registrar still finds that the document is defective or inc omplete in any respect, he shall give one more opportunity of fifteen days to remove such defects or deficiencies. Provided that the total period for re-submission of documents shall not exceed thirty days. |
Section 4(4) and Rules 8 and 9 of Com panies (In -corporation) Rules, 2014. |
2. |
INC-33 and INC-34 |
e-MOA and e-AOA |
Section 3(1), 4(6), 5(6) and 7(1)(a) and Rules 11,13 and 38 of Co mpanies (In- corporation) Rules, 2014. |
3. |
INC-9 |
Filing of De claration by each su bscriber |
Now it is available as a form |
Section 7(1) (c) & (e) and rule 15 & 16 of Co mpanies (In corporation) Rules, 2014. |
4. |
Docu ments Re quired From the Sub scriber |
Section 7(1) (c) & (e) and rule 15 & 16 of Companies (In corporation) Rules, 2014 |
5. |
DIR-2 |
For the app-ointment of Director |
Documents Required from the first Director
(i) Copy of PAN (ii) Proof of Identity (iii) Residential Proof (not older than 2 months). |
Section7(1)(c) ,(f) & (g)and 152(5) and rule 15 of Comp anies (In-corpo ation) Rules, 2014, rule 8 of Com-panies(Appoin-tment and Qua lification) rules, 2014. |
6. |
SPICe+ |
Incor poration of company |
After the resubm ission of the document, if the registrar still finds that the document is defective or incomplete in any respect, he shall give one more oppo rtunity of fifteen days to remove such defects or deficiencies. Provided that the total period for re-submission of documents shall not exceed thirty days. |
Section 7 read with rule 12 to 16 and 38 of the Companies (In corporation) Rules, 2014. Section 7(1)(d) read with rule 25 of the Companies (In corporation) Rules, 2014. Section 12 read with rule 25 and 27 of the Companies (In corporation) Rules, 2014 |
7. |
INC-11 |
Certificate of In corp oration |
Section 7 read with 18 and 38 (10) of the Companies (In corporation) Rules, 2014. |
8. |
INC-22 |
Verifi cation of Reg istered office |
(i) Proof of registered office address(lease deed /conveyance/rent agr eement along with rent receipt etc.) (ii) Copies of Utility bills not older than 2 months. |
9. |
DIR-12 |
Appoi ntment of Director |
(i) DIR-2 (ii) Copy of PAN (iii) Proof of Identity (iv) Residential Proof (not older than 2 months). |
It should be filed within 30 days of appointment |
152(5) and rule18 and rule 8 of Com panies (Appoi ntment and Q ualification) rules, 2014. |
10. |
INC-20 A |
Certificate of Comm encement of business |
For providing the following information:
Within 180 days from the date of incorporation |
Mandatory Requirements
1. Registration of EPFO and ESIC shall be mandatory for all the new companies incorporated w.e.f. 15/02/20020.
2. Registration for professional tax shall also be mandatory for all new companies incorporated in the state of Maharashtra w.e.f. 15/02/2020.
3. Opening of bank account through AGILE-PRO shall be mandatory.